2006 SOMD.COM Open

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
Airgasm plays like shiat that early.........oh wait......never mind, he plays like shiat anytime. 8:30 and 8:37 are booked in our names already.

That makes room for 8, we have 5 commited so far.

...I see no point in waiting for the trashtalking. I'm getting Badgirl drunk, mounting a dance pole on my cart and coaching her when to cause distractions so as to benefit my score in relation to the field.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...I see no point in waiting for the trashtalking. I'm getting Badgirl drunk, mounting a dance pole on my cart and coaching her when to cause distractions so as to benefit my score in relation to the field.
Would you like her to put on her...cheerleading outfit? :really:



Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...I see no point in waiting for the trashtalking. I'm getting Badgirl drunk, mounting a dance pole on my cart and coaching her when to cause distractions so as to benefit my score in relation to the field.

Red Card for you... She is quite the "distraction"


Nothing to see here
vraiblonde said:
I hate it when I make a joke and it flies right over your head. :mad:

You coming up with a new outfit that outshines last years???

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/otterzzz/VraiPax2005.jpg">


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I finally got it...the Viggo phsyco movie thing...
Took you long enough.

I think BadGirl should bring Bubba and I can take him to to park while she pole dances :cartwheel

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And jsut because I'm honest...

vraiblonde said:
Took you long enough.

I think BadGirl should bring Bubba and I can take him to to park while she pole dances :cartwheel

...I didn't get it until you explained it!



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...I want you and badgirl. Now, if I can get Vrail in a 'sporting' mood, I got my foursome!!!!

It's gonna be Coyote Ugly on a golf cart! :larry:

I will try and be there. :love:


No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said:
...I want you and badgirl. Now, if I can get Vrail in a 'sporting' mood, I got my foursome!!!!

It's gonna be Coyote Ugly on a golf cart! :larry:

Can I just walk behind your group :lmao: