2024 Election - Democrats


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I Don't Want to Get Anyone's Hopes Up, But...THERE'S BEEN TALK

Clinton has recently chimed in on challenger George Latimer's congressional race, endorsing him over the loathsome current officeholder, Jamaal Bowman. Hillary stepping into a political fracas is something Parker interprets as a sign she's ready to rumble, and that points to "Dump Kamala."

Spare us from this "old-White-men dilemma," Hillary!


Poor Kamala is treated like so much spare change in the piece. It's equal parts as pathetic as she is but also as arrogant as the Democratic Parkers of the world are.

The senior media reporter at the Daily Beast wound up looking the fool with his outburst about the theoretical swap-a-rooski because the first he heard about it was from Jesse Watters.

He blew a gasket, blaming Fox News for fake news.



PREMO Member

Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me

Biden is currently sitting on top of a seismic shift in the political parties’ voting coalitions. His average approval rating under 38 percent unfortunately is historically low for a president at this time in a first term. In 2020, Biden won young voters by 25 points.

Now disapproval of Biden is widespread among young voters, with him losing 18–29 year-olds and all under-45 voters when polled against all general election candidates. The dissent is not baseless, and not all young dissenters are doing so because of American support for Israel’s war against Hamas. Beyond Biden’s personal cognitive challenges, his administration’s policies are having indefensible consequences.

The United States is now entrenched in numerous international conflicts, each of which is increasingly dangerous and more complicated than a good-versus-evil narrative. Biden is largely responsible for escalating the Russia-Ukraine war, funding Ukraine through their incremental defeat while ignoring diplomatic negotiation and ceasefire offers. Biden has also allowed the funding of Iran throughout their proxy war against American and our Middle East allies. Meanwhile, North Korea has abandoned the decades-long reconciliation process with South Korea, following our escalation of multilateral military exercises in the region. Nuclear world war is now more probable than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

At home, the future looks dire for middle-class and low-income Americans. Most people worry about how we’ll deal with this historic inflation and the mounting federal debt. Rent prices are still above pre-pandemic levels, and half of all Americans now spend more than one third of their income on rent. Homelessness also spiked from 2022 to 2023 to the highest level since 2006. Each of these issues is even more alarming when considering this year’s expansion of BRICS, an informal coalition of emerging nations, and their increasing movement away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.


PREMO Member

Democrats Are Working Hard to Try and Fool Voters Into Thinking Biden's Age Just a Number

According to a Politico report, the White House has created an emergency “Taskforce” to mitigate the influence of videos that show President Joe Biden malfunctioning in public.

The report accused media tycoon and Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch of characterizing “the 81-year-old Biden as a senile, lost old man.” In response, the White House’s special task force will be ordered to combat “cheap fakes,” a term invented by the Biden Administration, as a way to keep proof that the president’s health is slipping away from voters.

As the White House press shop worked to blunt the impact of a Wall Street Journal story suggesting President JOE BIDEN was “slipping,” some aides pointed the finger squarely at RUPERT MURDOCH, arguing that the media tycoon with well-known conservative leanings was getting his empire into partisan form ahead of the election. That accusation turned out to be the opening salvo in what is now a very public war.
The Murdoch outlets are so desperate to distract from @POTUS’s record that they just lie,” Senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates posted on X.
[The New York Post] made Biden look like he had wandered off from other heads of state during the G7 summit in Italy. (Wider shots of those events painted a different picture.) The White House has also emphasized that some of the fact-checks have come from right-leaning publications and individuals. Via Politico.

The outlet accused right-leaning media networks of sharing videos that, according to Politico, were carefully cut and edited to make Biden look worse than he is.

Biden Campaign IMPLODES As Aides GET EXILED For PANICKING Over LOSING & Anti-Trump Strategy FAILING!​



PREMO Member

Former Obama Mega Fundraiser Now Backs Trump; Biden 'Has Been Asleep at the Wheel'

As our sister site Townhall reported, Silicon Valley progressive Allison Huynh, who co-created a robotics and AI company that was sold to Google, has decided to change her Obama-loving ways and back Donald Trump in the presidential election over failed incumbent Joe Biden. She believes that Democrats have lost their way, and no place is that more obvious than in the former jewel of California, San Francisco:

“He’s allowed Big Tech as well as the looters to take over Silicon Valley,” she told “Fox & Friends First.”

“San Francisco has been the science experiment that’s gone awry. I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to, there’s no malls to take my teenage girls shopping to. The streets are not safe, there are more fentanyl users and dealers than high school students in our once great city.”



PREMO Member

Democrat Strategist Sounds the Alarm About What's Really Behind Joe Biden's Reelection Woes

A Democrat strategist is sounding the alarm about what's really dragging down the president's reelection effort, and it's not as simple as tweaking some messaging and incessantly shouting about January 6th.

The split in political fortunes between the president and other Democrats has grown unmistakably clear to party leaders, laying plain the degree to which Biden’s problems appear to be Biden-specific. Interviews with Democratic lawmakers, strategists and former party officials in Washington and the states found Democrats increasingly willing to acknowledge that the president’s political difficulties are anchored in Biden’s individual vulnerabilities — including his age, his inconsistent messaging and his dismal support among young people.
“Democrats are enthusiastic about trying to win the Senate and trying to win the House,” said Neil Oxman, a Pennsylvania-based Democratic strategist.
And they’re “not enthusiastic about Biden’s reelection,” Oxman said. “Period.”

The basis of Niel Oxman's critique is recent polling showing Biden significantly trailing his fellow Democrats in various states. For example, while Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. Bob Casey currently leads his Republican challenger by an average of five points, Trump leads Biden in the same state by an average of two points. Results like that are being repeated in Arizona, Ohio, Nevada, and even North Carolina, where state-wide Democrats are running ahead while the president lags well behind.

That tends to point to Biden being Biden's biggest problem, not just the Democratic Party platform, as abhorrent as I find it personally. No doubt, his mental decline, as well as increasing worries about his physical appearance (i.e., how he walks and interacts with others), are a driving force behind the president's increasingly subpar reelection effort. Biden can't de-age, and the majority of Americans have already garnered the opinion that he's simply too old and incapable to do the job.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Disappointment and ‘depression': Biden’s biggest fundraisers watch their advantage vanish

Joe Biden’s campaign planned to bury Donald Trump in an avalanche of cash.

Instead, his allies are bracing for a slugfest without the benefit of a fatter wallet, as financial reports showed Trump outraising Biden in back-to-back months, hauling in huge sums after his 34 felony convictions and erasing Biden’s longstanding financial edge.

Democrats in recent days largely downplayed Trump’s new financial lead in the same way Trump’s allies had when Biden was running ahead in the money race — saying the president would have enough money to compete.

But privately, several Democratic strategists and donors were reeling.

“There was the strategy of raising all this money on the front end so we could have this huge edge,” said one Biden bundler, granted anonymity to speak candidly. “The whole point of it was to come out with a sizable cash advantage and, you know, we’re now even and it’s June. … I have no other word for it other than ‘depression’ among Biden supporters.”

Another major Biden bundler, also granted anonymity, called the development “disappointing, but not surprising.”


PREMO Member




Well-Known Member
Panic mode now?
They should have panic' ed 3 years ago.

Democrats are not interested in the welfare of this country. The only thing they want is control of it.

IMO anyone who doesn't run down to the election board and become an Independent or a Republican is a big dummy.


PREMO Member

Delusional Biden Supporters MELTDOWN Over Liberal Media & Protestors DEMANDING Joe Biden To DROP OUT​



PREMO Member

Black Liberals TRIGGERED Over Trump Declaring Illegal Immigrants Are Taking Black Jobs In CNN Debate​
