2024 Election - Democrats


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WOKE Race Hustler Squad Democrat HUMILIATED AGAIN After GETTING DEMOLISHED In Primary Election!​



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Democrats Chant ‘Lock Him Up!’ After Kamala Harris Attacks Trump as ‘Predator’

Karris repeated a portion of the speech she delivered to Democratic campaign headquarters last month.

On that occasion, she said:

As many of you know, before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as United States Senator, I was the elected Attorney General as I’ve mentioned to California, and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type, and in this campaign I will proudly, I will proudly put my record against his

On Tuesday, she repeated herself, almost verbatim — and the crowd responded:

HARRIS: Now, many of you know, before I was elected Vice President or elected a United States Senator, I was an elected attorney general, and before that, elected district attorney. [Applause] And before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. [Applause] So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. [Applause] Predators who abused women. [Boos] Fraudsters who scammed consumers. [Boos] Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. [Boos] So hear me when I say — [applause] — I know Donald Trump’s type.
CROWD: Lock him up! Lock him up!

Harris struggled to regain control. She did not disagree with the crowd, but merely repeated: “Hold on. Hold on.”

Later, the crowd repeated the “Lock him up!” chant when Walz referred vaguely to “crimes” Trump “committed.”


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz completes the progressives’ takeover of the Democratic Party

The media’s drooling over Kamala Harris for making Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz her running mate exposes the big picture: Democrats are offering voters the most far-left ticket a major American party has ever devised.

All the DEI boxes are checked, but there is no ideological or political diversity.

They are two people who are physically different but share a single radical viewpoint.

The contrast with just four years ago is stunning.

Then, Joe Biden was depicted as a centrist who picked Harris because of her biracial status and gender and also because she checked the progressive box with her left-coast policies.


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Far Left Democrat Cori Bush LOST, Ilhan Omar IS NEXT, Tim Walz Accused Of STOLEN VALOR | TimcastNews



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*DUMPED* Kamala immediately REGRETS VP pick after Black Mayor announcement! Trump trolls WOKE Losers​



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Veterans EXPOSE Kamala Harris VP Pick Tim Walz For STOLEN Valor After He ABANDONED Them Before Iraq!​



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Polls Suggest that Kamala Harris Has Become ‘Generic Democrat

Though the term “generic” can sound like a put-down, it is actually a coveted status, because “generic” candidates who simply reflect partisan loyalty often poll better than real candidates with real-world records and personalities.

Biden had been polling far below a “generic Democrat” because of disapproval, even among Democrats, about his job performance, and because of concerns about his age. But Harris, still relatively unknown, has rallied the party:

But today, Ms. Harris polls a lot more like that generic, unnamed Democratic presidential nominee. On question after question, the poll finds that voters don’t seem to have any major reservations about her. A majority say that she’s honest and intelligent; that she brings the right kind of change and has the temperament to be president; and that she has a clear vision for the country. A majority doesn’t think she’s too far to the left, either: Only 44 percent of likely voters say she’s too liberal or progressive, compared with 44 percent who say she’s not too far either way and another 6 percent who say she isn’t progressive enough. We didn’t need to ask whether voters thought she was too old to be an effective president.



PREMO Member

10 Lies Leftists Tell You

By Pete McArdle

As Steely Dan might say, the things that pass for knowledge today, I can’t understand. It’s all lies, falsehoods, and misdirection on tap, served fresh 24/7/365.

Lie #1: Joe Biden was a great president, a dedicated public servant who put country first and stepped aside so that Kamala Harris’s brilliance could save our democracy.

Well, that’s five lies all tied up in one bundle! Joe Biden is easily the worst president in my lifetime, possibly ever. He and his family got rich, not by serving anyone, but by grifting on his various political offices. Slow Joe also didn’t step aside; he was kicked to the curb by his Democrat comrades after it became clear he was going to lose in November. And so now we have Kamala Harris, who was chosen as V.P. simply because she possesses ovaries and dark pigmentation. And for the one millionth time, America is a republic — if we can keep it — not a democracy.

Lie #2: Man-made climate change will make the Earth unlivable for humans in (pick one) 5, 10, 39, or 5,000 years.

Ha, ha! If you think our Creator would allow us, His/Her/Zey’s most ambitious, creative, and intelligent organism, to destroy our beautiful terrarium, then you’re either a fool or an atheist, possibly both. Our most brilliant minds can’t predict tomorrow’s weather with precision, our weather records extend a mere blip into the nearly five billion years of the planet’s estimated existence, and the only reason the scam’s called “climate change” is because leftists gave up on “global warming” when the Earth inconsiderately stopped warming.

Lie #3: Democrats love black people.

Where to start with this one? The president who ended slavery in America was a Republican. It was the Democrat party who championed Jim Crow laws. It’s Democrats who’ve historically come up with all kinds of handouts and special programs for blacks, not because they love them, but because they think African-Americans simply can’t cut it on a level playing field. Folks, that’s racism of the highest order.

And Democrats just love killing unborn babies, a statistically telling percentage of whom are black.

Lie #4: Diversity is our strength.

Nope, sorry, uniformity is our strength. A team that’s chosen based on merit alone, and who plays according to one set of values and with a single goal in mind, always wins. But don’t take my word for it; ask any recent champions of the almost three-quarters African-American NBA. If diversity is strength, then the NBA is arguably one of the weakest b-ball leagues on the planet.

Lie #4: Gender is fungible.

People who think that taking hormones and having your penis or breasts amputated changes your sex are truly the saddest products of our failed education system. They no doubt also imagine that having webbed feet makes you a duck, or sharpening your canines makes you a vampire. It’s fun to pretend, like I do having a catch while wearing my Yankees jersey, sadly, that does not make me a Yankee. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the human race is born male or female. Period.