2024 Election - Democrats


PREMO Member


So I’ve been on the road the last couple days and largely out of touch. What did I miss?
Oh. That happened!?

The old saying is that a week is a long time in politics. Last week proved it. If this keeps up, the election is actually about 10 years off from now.
Well, Democrats are finally unburdened by what has been. They are about to be burdened with what can be, and . . . oh my!
Was Biden set up? For more than a year, quite a lot of observers have confidently predicted that Biden would not be the nominee, and that the

Democratic establishment would swap him out at an opportune moment, after Trump’s nomination was assured. Trump may be leading, but his negatives with the American public are still sky high and leave him vulnerable to a better Democratic candidate. But Harris isn’t that candidate. Pay no attention to whatever poll bump she might get, not to mention the fawning media coverage starting tonight that “Kamala Harris is kindest, warmest, most wonderful human being I ever known in my entire life.” She is certain to be a worse candidate than Biden at the ballot box in November.

But the scheme needed a catalyst to work. That catalyst was obviously the June 27 debate. It was the earliest presidential debate ever, before either candidate was formally nominated. The prophets of the Biden Replacement Theory correctly noted that such an early debate would give the party time to ease him out. If that debate hadn’t happened until late September, as is typical, it would have been too late.

Supposedly the early debate was Biden’s idea, or at least his campaign team, but I wonder. Maybe they knew what was going to happen. Maybe he was set up to fail. The harsh reaction to Biden’s performance within seconds of the debate ending seems strikingly immediate, as though it was prepared and organized in advance. Add to this the Democratic chorus after the debate that he had to “get out there,” do interviews, press conferences, and more campaign appearances, which, after three years of careful coddling, they must have known he was incapable of doing, because he “misspoke” at every single one. By last Friday when he retreated on account (supposedly) of Covid, and had obvious trouble climbing and descending the short stairs to Air Force One, it was evident that he was exhausted. Maybe this was on purpose to wear him down to the breaking point? It is hard to resist this conclusion.


PREMO Member

Some New Twists in the Election After Biden Drops Out

Manchin 2024?​

Perhaps the weirdest thing is that Sen. Joe Manchin (I-W.V.) is now considering reregistering as a Democrat and running for the party’s presidential nomination.

CNN’s Jake Tapper was first to break this development:

Newsom makes his move​

Shortly after the news broke that Biden was dropping out, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a curious move.

Since he was widely seen for over a year now as positioning himself to jump in if Biden dropped out, it looked like he’d been activated and was ready to announce his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Not so fast. He has decided to endorse Harris rather than challenge her for the nomination.

Never Kamala​

Joe Biden may have endorsed Kamala, but don’t expect a coronation. A major Biden donor says he won’t fundraise for Harris if she’s the nominee. In an interview with ABC News, John Morgan, a prominent Florida lawyer, said that he feels she’s too far left and would lose in November. Morgan supported Biden but resigned from the Biden National Finance Committee after Biden endorsed Harris. He believes—correctly—that Trump supporters would prefer Harris as the opponent.

"If Trump World could pick anybody to run against, I think they pick her," he said. "If she's a nominee, Mar a Lago has a real big party that night."

Morgan reportedly described himself as a "Biden/Manchin type Dem,” which tells me that if Manchin runs, he’s got a big donor in his corner.


PREMO Member

The Democrats Just Overthrew Their Own Election

In this respect, the Pelosi/Obama junta differs little from Thomas Crooks only in their methodology. Crooks used a gun, and Pelosi/Obama used a behind-the-scenes coup. But the goal is the same, as are the implications beneath. They, not you, decide who gets to be president and who gets dispatched to either a humiliating forced retirement or an early grave. Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter, and neither does your vote. Democrat voters would be wise to see that this is just as much a threat to their voting rights as it is to ours.

But they won't. That's fine. Par for the course. If this, like the assassination attempt, doesn't open their eyes to the raw fact that the Let will hold on to power at all costs whatsoever, then nothing will. But from this point on, they have no authority whatsoever to preach about election interference. To the extent that they sincerely felt they held the moral high ground, they just unconditionally surrendered it for the entire world to see.

What a joke.

At least in the quaint days of yore, they could at least claim with sneering condescension that they only went after us toothless, inbred Republicans. Hence, the 2000 election denialism, the 2004 claims that Ohio was rigged, and the 2016 Russiagate nonsense. But now they're eating their own, as leftist movements are destined to do. They used their long-reaching Establishment cane to pull Bernie off the primary stage twice, and now they're doing it to their own sitting president.


PREMO Member

BIDEN DROPS OUT, KAMALA Endorsed, Democrats IN PANIC With NO NOMINEE 3 Months Out | TimcastNews​

BREAKING NEWS! Obama DOES NOT Endorse Kamala Harris! Goes Against Biden and Says OPEN CONVENTION​



PREMO Member
BIDEN GONE, DEMOCRATS RALLY AROUND WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE. It wasn’t really a surprise that President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will no longer be a candidate for a second term. After all, Biden was under crushing pressure from some of the most powerful forces in the Democratic Party: congressional leaders, fundraisers, former President Barack Obama, and especially former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In the time-honored Washington way, once Biden relented and stepped aside, people who just hours earlier had their boot on his neck raced to express their heartfelt respect and admiration for his judgment, selflessness, and patriotism.

What was a surprise was the speed with which the party apparatus ran to embrace Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic nominee for president of the United States. Before Biden’s decision, there was a lot of talk about possible replacements at the top of the ticket — not just Harris but Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), and others. But once Biden withdrew, there was a stampede to Harris. By Sunday evening, a majority of House Democrats, a majority of Senate Democrats, a majority of Democratic governors, and all of the state party chairs had committed to support Harris. No, the top names pushing Biden out, most notably Obama, did not join in. But by Monday morning, Harris was well on her way to securing the Democratic nomination.

That is consistent with what this newsletter has said all along — that it would be very unlikely that Democrats, obsessed with identity, especially with race and gender, would dump the first woman vice president of color in favor of someone else who polls better. So in that way, the move to Harris makes perfect sense. But viewed another way, the race to crown Harris makes less sense because she is a provably terrible candidate, possibly the worst candidate Democrats could field in their situation.

In case you’ve forgotten, Harris ran for president in the 2020 Democratic primaries. It started well and ended badly.



PREMO Member

Kamala Harris Dooms Down-Ballot Democrats

Harris does not poll well and has backed extreme policies, Thielman wrote.

Former President Donald Trump leads Harris by nearly two percent nationally. Harris has a negative 15 percent approval rating among the American electorate, and she is likely more unpopular than President Joe Biden in every “single competitive state.”

The nonpartisan GovTrack found that Harris ranked as the country’s most leftist senator and that progressives in the “Squad” were quick to back her.

Harris also has radical policies, according to Thielman. They include:

  • Harris pledged to decriminalize border crossings and supports abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.
  • Harris pledged to eliminate the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal.
  • Harris backed a bail fund that sprung a “convicted criminal who went on to kill a man.”
  • Harris pledged to enact Medicare for All, although she would keep private health insurance.
  • Harris has backed confiscating firearms through a mandatory buyback program.


PREMO Member

The Abbott and Costello Democrat Party Skit

Here is why I believe that Kamala Harris will be left standing in this Democrat skit. The left cannot afford to run her because she is directly tied to the failed policies of the past 3.5 years. As well, you are looking at someone with an approval rating lower than Biden's. Lest we not forget, in the Democratic primary back four years ago, she dropped out before the first primary contest and had just 1% support. True, she surged after attacking Biden, then got bushwhacked by Tulsi Gabbard and utterly revealed as an empty pantsuit. Kamala Harris is nothing more than a DEI identity politics hire—completely underwhelming. This whole line about the hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign cash following her is just phooey. Democrats have never and will never care about campaign finance rules, and they will find a way to shift those funds to someone else.

The problem for the Democrat comedy skit is that if they do indeed bypass their version of Queen Jezebel, they will suffer with Black electoral patronage. And they are already losing and hemorrhaging support from the Black community as it is.

So, if “who” is out first, then “what” is the next choice. Is there a viable person? I mean, any Democrat Governor is bound to get picked off by a good throw from a catcher. There is not a single “what” being a Democrat Governor, that can run on a successful record, and remember, the policies will not change. Then we are left with “I don't know” on third. Yeah, keep talking about Michelle Obama. She will be picked off trying to steal home in a rundown. The Democrat third base coach, Barack Hussein Obama, will mistakenly try to send her home. And we all know that Obama is living vicariously through the current administration, no one wants him around for a fourth.


PREMO Member

Will Democrats suffer impulse buyer’s remorse?

People from all over the political world were amazed at what Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) called the “lightning quick unification” of the party. No, it was not surprising that the party would endorse its sitting vice president once the president removed himself from the scene. But even with Harris’s skimpy record and low approval ratings, nobody appeared to give supporting her a moment’s thought — they just acted. It would not be an exaggeration to call the move to Harris a stampede.

But if something so momentous can happen so quickly, doesn’t that mean additional momentous changes can happen just as quickly? It is July 23. The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to begin on Aug. 19. That’s 27 days away. Remember how much has changed in just the 10 days since July 13 — the Trump attempted assassination, the Republican National Convention, Biden’s withdrawal, and the Democratic embrace of Harris. Is there any reason to believe that things will settle down now?

More specifically, there is plenty of time for Democrats to rethink their rush to Harris. How will she do on the campaign trail? What will the polls show once enough time has passed for a reliable measurement of public opinion? How will Harris wear on voters? By the time Democrats meet in Chicago, there might be great happiness with Harris. On the other hand, there might be growing doubts.


PREMO Member
🔥 As part of the mop-up operation, the New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “Trump Tries to Flip the Script on Democracy After Biden’s Withdrawal.” The sub-headline explained, “Donald J. Trump and his allies said President Biden’s primary voters were disenfranchised.”

The counter-narrative deployed in the Times’ article, and by hundreds of far-left operatives on social media yesterday, is that nobody has been disenfranchised because Kamala must still ‘win’ the nomination at next month’s gala Democrat National Convention in Chicago.

This is clearly not, they argue, disenfranchisement — even though 14 million democrat primary voters pulled the lever for “Joe Biden,” not Kamala Cackle.

See, it all depends on what you mean by voted. Here’s how Politico described the new narrative:

image 7.png

But Republicans are gleefully noting that the Democrat party is selecting a nominee after forcing out the nominee that voters chose. So, who’s right?

To rebut the Democrats’ silly argument, let’s begin by understanding what the Democrats are doing: equivocating. Equivocation involves using a term in multiple senses or meanings within the same argument. It’s a famous type of logical fallacy, where the meaning of a key term slyly shifts around between the premises and the conclusion.

Here’s a good example of fallacious equivocation:

Premise 1: All stars are in the sky.

Premise 2: Some famous actors are stars.

Conclusion: Therefore, some famous actors are in the sky.

Fallacious equivocation is the Democrats’ favorite trick. Yes, it IS a vaccine, because we just changed the definition of ‘vaccine.’ So there.

Now they are doing it again.

In this case, Democrat primary voters did not pull the lever for a delegate. They pulled the lever for a candidate, and that candidate was President Cabbage. His name was literally printed right on the primary ballot. They did not vote for Vice President Cackle.

Republicans rightly point out that “voting” means a democratic process where citizens indicate their preference for a particular candidate. In Florida, this often means selecting multiple candidates, folding the ballots into intersting shapes, and scribbling illegible notes on the back side. But I digress.

To conceal their anti-democratic rainbow color revolution, the Party of Saving Democracy is now desperately equivocating, claiming that “voting” actually means ‘delegating someone to choose for you.’

After all, Democrats could hold another primary, but they aren’t about to let voters choose the candidate, are they? Not when a small handful of captive delegates are around to fall right into line.

Don’t let Democrats get away with changing definitions! They can select a candidate if they want. After all, it’s in the fine print, but this current process is not voting. It’s more like how the old Soviet Union selected its next General Secretary, or how North Korea “votes” for its chubby presidents.



Well-Known Member
I’ve been saying this about left for 40 years.

It took Donald Trump to tear their mask away.

They’re Pure ****ing Evil in all its glory.
Yep. One of the reasons thankful for Trump.

Right in everyone's faces that have eyes to see.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I’m just going to say this. I think that the overblown excitement about slipping Kamala in is going to backfire.


Well-Known Member
BIDEN GONE, DEMOCRATS RALLY AROUND WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE. It wasn’t really a surprise that President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will no longer be a candidate for a second term. After all, Biden was under crushing pressure from some of the most powerful forces in the Democratic Party: congressional leaders, fundraisers, former President Barack Obama, and especially former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In the time-honored Washington way, once Biden relented and stepped aside, people who just hours earlier had their boot on his neck raced to express their heartfelt respect and admiration for his judgment, selflessness, and patriotism.

What was a surprise was the speed with which the party apparatus ran to embrace Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Democratic nominee for president of the United States. Before Biden’s decision, there was a lot of talk about possible replacements at the top of the ticket — not just Harris but Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), and others. But once Biden withdrew, there was a stampede to Harris. By Sunday evening, a majority of House Democrats, a majority of Senate Democrats, a majority of Democratic governors, and all of the state party chairs had committed to support Harris. No, the top names pushing Biden out, most notably Obama, did not join in. But by Monday morning, Harris was well on her way to securing the Democratic nomination.

That is consistent with what this newsletter has said all along — that it would be very unlikely that Democrats, obsessed with identity, especially with race and gender, would dump the first woman vice president of color in favor of someone else who polls better. So in that way, the move to Harris makes perfect sense. But viewed another way, the race to crown Harris makes less sense because she is a provably terrible candidate, possibly the worst candidate Democrats could field in their situation.

In case you’ve forgotten, Harris ran for president in the 2020 Democratic primaries. It started well and ended badly.

Its all about the campaign money. With her name with Biden the donations remain. If not the money gets returned.