2024 Election - Democrats


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"Explosive allegations surface, accusing Tim Walz of s*xually assaulting a high kid child during his time as a high school football coach. The claims suggest Walz took the high school kid to a g*y bar and engaged in inappropriate behavior while the kid spent the night at his house. Further accusations include lying about his coaching role, with a school board investigation that took place. Is this the October surprise Hilary Clinton warned Kamala Harris about?"



Well-Known Member
"When I received a tip back in August claiming Tim Walz had an inappropriate relationship with a minor, I was very skeptical. I get dozens of tips/dm's per day. In fact, I did not act on the tip for a few days because I thought it would be impossible to prove the allegations. I also knew that Harris and Walz would deny the allegations. However, the tipster gave me specific details, So, I sent an email to the Harris Campaign and the official VP account, why the VP account? -Because that account is required by law to keep the emails in accordance with the Presidential Records Act. So, I sent an email only a couple days after Walz was announced asking the Harris campaign about a Tim Walz taking a trip with a minor to an Indigo Girls concert, I did not expect Gwen Walz to make a comment to a reporter about it in an unrelated story shortly thereafter, it seemed as though they were trying to get out in front of the story. I also sent an email to all of the above accounts days after Tim Walz was announced that the specific source had told me that Gwen Walz DID NOT have her children via IVF. This was weeks perhaps months ahead of the MSM. I contacted the schools In Nebraska and in Minnesota. While I must confess, the Minnesota school did comment to me and tell me Tim Walz was an upstanding teacher and citizen, the school in Nebraska --Alliance--refused to comment on the story at all. However, one part of the tipster story did not make sense to me, the date of the Indigo Girls Concert. Tipster claimed it was in 1995, but I could not find anything corresponding to that date, well, the tipster told the truth, there was a concert in 1995, and the tipster claimed that Walz got a DUI months after the concert. The dates of my emails to the Harris Campaign and the VP account are weeks/months ahead of any MSM story about the specific details given by the tipster, If I am not being truthful, the Harris campaign can CRUSH my story. However, I videotaped my emails with dates and the fact that the submissions were received in accordance with the Presidential records act will serve as a TIME STAMP that I indeed put them on notice, and I did indeed have details that nobody else in the country had at those specific periods of time. I also documented my numerous phone calls. Tim Walz has lied about almost every single detail of his life. Him and his wife have been getting a pass from the MSM. Yesterday, I received numerous threats, in fact, some of the threats were scary as some of the accounts were brand new accounts and had my personal information. In my investigation, I also emailed all the major news outlets WHILE my investigation was in progress. I have every single receipt. I also made a cryptic post on my timeline weeks ago when I asked my followers if they would ever allow their kids to spend the night at a teacher's house and go to a concert with a teacher, this post was made BEFORE the admission of Walz that he did indeed take a student to a concert. Furthermore, this was done YEARS before he became an advocate for Gay and Transgender people. These allegations are serious, and I waited months to release not because I was looking to hijack an election, my emails to the Harris Campaign and the VP account will prove I had put them on notice in August of these allegations. I waited on this story because of how difficult these allegations are to prove, and I wanted to give Tim Walz every opportunity imaginable to explain the details. I have also found out that there were other journalists who had parts of this story but did not print it or withheld the information. It is my plan to release the story tomorrow. I have gone out of my way to give Harris and Walz the opportunity to flat out deny the allegations, but they have really done the opposite, in fact, in statements to various articles they have confirmed much of the story. The only allegation about the tipster's story I cannot prove is if Walz did indeed have a sexual relationship with a minor. That is Walz vs. The Tipster. But every aspect of the tipster's story turned out to be true, including Walz being fired from his football job in Nebraska and the fact that Walz brought a student to an Indigo Girls concert. The time stamped preserved emails will show that details of Tim Walz not previously known were known by the tipster. But I would like to make one last point, it is clear that there is a pedophilia problem with not only Hollywood, but in Washington as well. I can guarantee it is not just the democrats either."



Well-Known Member
"Tim Walz allegedly threatened a foreign exchange student with deportation if he exposed the truth about being mol*sted by him. Walz is being accused of grooming the student, making inappropriate advances, touching him inappropriately, and even attempting to convince the student that he was gay, all while attempting to s*xually assault him. The mainstream media is refusing to interview this victim and others who want to speak out.
was brave enough to vet this victim and allow him to share his story."



Well-Known Member
ok..you probably do not want to click on to read what the 14 year old describes of his experience with the sicko..up to you.

"Tim Walz is now facing formal accusations of premeditated s*xual assault after taking a 14-year-old boy to a local concert. The former student accusing Walz of grooming and m*lesting him has decided to come forward publicly. Adding to the controversy, Kamala Harris's campaign was reportedly informed about Walz's behavior but did nothing. Hillary Clinton’s recent warning to Harris about an "October surprise" now makes perfect sense."



Well-Known Member
"A new public statement from one of Tim Walz's alleged victims reveals claims that he wasn't the only one, suggesting more individuals are set to come forward. The accuser has provided specific details about Walz's body, including a raised scar on his chest, a Chinese symbol tattoo on his upper thigh, and a small scar on his left arm. The victim now plans to hire an attorney to pursue full legal action, further alleging that his physical relationship with Walz ended in 1996. According to
@DocNetyoutube this statement was provided by the victim."

you will have to click on to read statement..
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Well-Known Member
While I am not SURPRISED - he does kind of give that creepy vibe - I'm still a wait and see.

Whether followed by the MSM or not, these things have a tendency to get buried, glossed over, minimized - and then "debunked" - which is the Left's word for when they dispute something but never DISPROVE something. Remember, the laptop story was "debunked".

Plus, while I do believe they did an awful job of vetting this guy, I find it suspicious that something THIS explosive has

1. Popped up THIS late in the campaign without warning and
2. Near as I can tell, never brought up in any PREVIOUS campaign. Not that it would appear in any Minnesota paper when he was running for GOVERNOR - Minnesota is a LOT like Maryland in that regard - but no one brought it up while he was running for Governor? Odd.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
While I am not SURPRISED - he does kind of give that creepy vibe - I'm still a wait and see.

Whether followed by the MSM or not, these things have a tendency to get buried, glossed over, minimized - and then "debunked" - which is the Left's word for when they dispute something but never DISPROVE something. Remember, the laptop story was "debunked".

Plus, while I do believe they did an awful job of vetting this guy, I find it suspicious that something THIS explosive has

1. Popped up THIS late in the campaign without warning and
2. Near as I can tell, never brought up in any PREVIOUS campaign. Not that it would appear in any Minnesota paper when he was running for GOVERNOR - Minnesota is a LOT like Maryland in that regard - but no one brought it up while he was running for Governor? Odd.
Don't forget the horse "fluid".