2024 Election - Democrats


PREMO Member

Top Obama strategist warns Democrats about another third-party threat to Biden re-election: 'Alarm bells'

Ever since he announced last month he would make a run for the White House as a third-party candidate, West, a progressive activist and philosopher, has largely been dismissed by Democrats as a serious candidate as they work to shore up support for Biden ahead of the 2024 election.

Axelrod, however, insists Democrats should be taking challenges like West's to the incumbent president seriously.

"This is going to sneak up on people," Axelrod, a CNN political commentator, said this week. "I don’t know why alarm bells aren’t going off now, and they should be at a steady drumbeat from now until the election."

Similar to Axelrod, Pennsylvania Democratic Lt. Gov. Austin Davis said his party "should be concerned" about the implications of West's candidacy.

"We should be concerned. I don’t think time’s necessarily on our side. The longer these things hang out there, the worse it tends to get," said Davis, according to CNN. "We should try to deal with it rather quickly if we can."


PREMO Member

Democrats Form New Plan to Reach White Working Class Voters – by Pushing More ‘Race and Equity’ Nonsense

Now Democrats have a new plan to win these voters back, by pushing the same divisive ‘race and equity’ nonsense that drove many of these voters away in the first place.

How exactly is this supposed to work?

Politico reports:

Dems launch a new effort to shore up white voters — by leaning into race
A new Democratic-aligned initiative — dubbed the White Stripe Project — has a novel idea for winning white working class voters back to the Democratic Party: lean more into talk of equity and race.
Organizers say traditional methods in wooing white voters are ineffective, often relying on knee-jerk recommendations from an elite group of Democrats that pushes a race-neutral economic message. White Stripe organizers say this approach is misguided. They are calling for a more targeted and data-driven approach that they argue will be a better return on investment.
The project has plans to build a robust infrastructure to attract white voters who are open to Democratic messaging but who are less likely to vote. Once identified, organizers are betting with targeted messaging and pinpoint engagement that enough of these voters will show up for the party at the ballot box.
“White voters have disproportionate political power,” Erin Heaney, Executive Director of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) told organizers during the Monday afternoon launch of the project. “We need a strategy for engaging and organizing them alongside communities of color.”

This is only going to work on one type of white voter. Left wing whites who already vote Democrat.

Seriously, how do Democrats think this is going to go over with the millions of white working class voters who have already walked away from the race-obsessed Democrats in disgust?


PREMO Member

Joe Manchin Says He’s ‘Seriously’ Considering Leaving the Democratic Party

Mr. Manchin, the former governor of West Virginia, has occupied his seat in the Senate since 2010, when he was elected to fill the vacancy left by the death of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.). Even as his state shifted further and further into the arms of the Republican Party, Mr. Manchin held onto his seat by presenting himself as a “conservative Democrat” and a moderate voice among his party as it moved further to the left.

But after his support of the Inflation Reduction Act during the last Congress—the largest climate bill in U.S. history which critics say threatens the coal industry in coal-reliant West Virginia—Manchin’s political future remains uncertain as he faces down a challenge from West Virginia governor Jim Justice and Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W. Va.).

Now, Mr. Manchin says he is seriously considering leaving the Democratic Party and becoming an independent.
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Well-Known Member
Amazing what people will do when their future is threatened, these political *******s will do ANYTHING if it increases their time in office.


PREMO Member

REPORT: Biden Campaign Backed Out of Recent MSNBC Appearance to Avoid Questions About Hunter

Joe Biden’s campaign manager was supposed to appear on MSNBC a few days ago and reportedly backed out because the campaign was worried about having to answer questions about the growing scandals around Joe’s son Hunter.

In other words, the Biden campaign can’t stand up to scrutiny from the most left wing cable news network on TV.

This just goes to show that even the Biden campaign knows how vulnerable Joe is on this issue. The Hunter controversy has the potential to do real damage to Biden in 2024.


PREMO Member

Black Voters Saved Biden in 2020. Democrats Now See a ‘Red Flag’ in Slipping Support

“The red flag is Black voters,” said Quentin James, who controls The Collective super PAC dedicated to electing Black Democrats. “It’s not time to panic. But it’s time to get to work.”

A Quinnipiac University national poll released last week found Biden receiving 73% support from Black voters, compared to 20% for Trump in a hypothetical 2024 rematch. A poll conducted for Fox News released this month showed 61% of Black voters favoring Biden, compared to 20% for Trump. August surveys from Emerson College, Harris X/The Messenger, and YouGov/The Economist also showed similar results.

That’s a significant shift, given exit polls found Biden won 87% of Black voters in 2020, compared to only 11% for Trump.


PREMO Member

Michelle Obama 2024 DETAILS RELEASED – ‘Replacement’ plan underway!

As President Joe Biden continues to slide in the polls, Democrat insiders are allegedly working to convince a former first lady to throw her hat in the ring.

Sources reportedly told RadarOnline that the desperation is building up behind the scenes, with some “begging” Michelle Obama to consider running for the Oval Office. Their efforts are bolstered by a recent poll that shows an announcement by the wife of former President Barack Obama would immediately put her in a hefty lead above the incumbent president.

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll results indicate that Democrat voters favor Biden when paired up against long-shot candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson, but an insider says a matchup with Mrs. Obama would be a blowout.

“If Michelle announced, the election would go immediately from a hotly contested footrace to a landslide,” they reportedly said. Michelle Obama received 48% support in the poll, compared to Biden’s meager 36%, as she enjoys significant support among female voters, voters younger than 55 years of age, and those without children.


PREMO Member
According to four different sources, the president's political advisers now believe that Newsom debating DeSantis carries more risk than reward, and when you read between the lines, there's one glaring reason they don't want to see the clash take place.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is increasingly being viewed as a nuisance to some of President Joe Biden’s political advisers, according to four people familiar with the matter.
Though Biden's camp no longer sees the California governor as a wannabe challenger to the president — and some in the president's orbit praise him for acting as a top campaign surrogate — Newsom’s plan to debate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on television carries more risk than potential reward, these people say.
That's caused consternation within Biden's operation and among Vice President Kamala Harris' allies.

So what is the actual risk here for Biden? It wouldn't seem to be the possibility that DeSantis cleans Newsom's clock, something that might happen by default given how superior Florida's governance is to that of California. Why would the president care if Newsom gets embarrassed? He wouldn't, and in fact, he might prefer it, which brings us to the real reason the White House isn't excited about the debate: They do not want the visual of a younger, more coherent progressive Democrat juxtaposed with Joe Biden, who can barely stay awake, much less consistently formulate sentences.

As the president continues to deteriorate physically and mentally, the angst within the Democratic Party will only grow. Most are scared to say it right now, but very few want Biden to run again.



PREMO Member

Green Party Candidate Cornel West: Democrats ‘Beyond Redemption,’ Bernie And AOC Are ‘Window Dressing’

Third-party presidential candidate Cornel West, who is running in the ultra-leftist Green Party, slammed the Democratic Party in an interview this week as being “beyond redemption.”

West is being viewed by many Democrats as a potential spoiler for the party since he could siphon away votes from the Democrat’s presidential nominee by appealing to the most fringe voters in the party.


PREMO Member

California Democratic Legislators Push For Diversity Audits Of Gubernatorial Appointments

Democratic legislators in California are pushing to establish diversity audits of gubernatorial appointments.

Such audits would occur with the passage of their proposed legislation: Senate Bill 702, which would require an annual report on the demographics of individuals appointed by the governor to serve on the over 400 boards and commissions in the state. The annual diversity audits would include an appointee’s age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability status, race, region, party affiliation, veteran status, and sexual orientation.

The bill is steadily advancing; it passed out of committee last week.


PREMO Member

It’s Official! The Democrats Have a Nonwhite Voter Problem

I have written quite a bit about the Democrats’ emerging problem with nonwhite voters (for example, here, here and here), manifest in steadily declining margins among this demographic. Well, now it’s official.

Or at least strongly confirmed. The release of a characteristically thorough analysis by Nate Cohn in The New York Times provides abundant and persuasive evidence that this trend is real and shows no signs of going away. As Cohn notes, Biden leads Trump by a mere 53-28 percent margin among these voters in a merge of 2022-23 Times/Siena College polls. This is not only a sharp fall-off from Biden’s support in the 2020 election, but also from Biden’s and previous Democratic candidates’ support in analogous pre-election polls.

All this has left Democrats scratching their heads, given the nature of their opponent. Cohn points out some of the paradoxes that now confront Democrats:

Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade, even as racially charged fights over everything from a border wall to kneeling during the national anthem might have been expected to produce the exact opposite result. Weak support for Mr. Biden could easily manifest itself as low turnout—as it did in 2022—even if many young and less engaged voters ultimately do not vote for Mr. Trump.
Many of Mr. Biden’s vulnerabilities—like his age and inflation—could exacerbate the trend, as nonwhite voters tend to be younger and less affluent than white voters…Issues like abortion and threats to democracy may also do less to guard against additional losses among Black and Hispanic voters, who tend to be more conservative than white Biden voters. They may also do less to satisfy voters living paycheck to paycheck: Mr. Biden is underperforming most among nonwhite voters making less than $100,000 per year, at least temporarily erasing the century-old tendency for Democrats to fare better among lower-income than higher-income nonwhite voters.
The Times/Siena data suggests the emergence of a fairly clear education gap among nonwhite voters, as Mr. Biden loses ground among less affluent nonwhite voters and those without a degree. Overall, he retains a 61-23 lead among nonwhite college graduates, compared with a mere 49-31 lead among those without a four-year degree.

Clearly there’s a very real and very large problem here. Democrats may simply have misjudged what is most important to nonwhite voters, reflecting perhaps the increasing domination of their coalition by white college graduate voters, virtually the only demographic among whom the party has been doing steadily better. The agenda of white college graduates, particularly the progressives who support the party so fervently and fuel the party’s activist base, is less coterminous with that of nonwhite voters than Democrats seem to believe.


PREMO Member

A DNC committee member says he's perplexed by polls showing Biden struggling to rally Democrats around his reelection bid: 'A big part of it is just pure ageism'

In an August survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 69% of Democrats indicated that Biden would be too old to be effective for another term. And while 55% of Democrats indicated that they didn't want to see the president run again, 82% said they'd likely support him should he emerge as the 2024 nominee.

Still, the numbers show that Biden is struggling to rally his base around his campaign.

William Owen, a Democratic National Committee member from Tennessee, told The New York Times that he's befuddled by the president's continued inability to win over a large share of the party's voters.

"I'm looking at all the polling, and I'm amazed that it has so little to do with reality," Owen recently told the newspaper. "A big part of it is just pure ageism. The American people are prejudiced against old people."

Owen, a former state lawmaker who represented a Knoxville-area district, told The Times that Democratic voters repeatedly ask him about the president's health.


PREMO Member

Democrats may dump Joe Biden, but they still own his extreme policies

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius ignited a political firestorm recently by veering off script and writing that Joe Biden should retire — a rare chink in the media bulwark protecting the president. In a follow-up interview, the “Morning Joe” crew echoed concerns about Biden’s age. Others will surely follow; polls showing that Biden might lose to Donald Trump and other GOP 2024 candidates have finally brought Democrats to their senses.

Republicans need to prepare for the very real possibility that Joe Biden is forced out of the 2024 race. What does that mean? It means that it’s time the GOP stop obsessing about Joe Biden’s age, and focus on his disastrous policies instead.

If Biden bows out, all the scrutiny of the president’s incoherence, his stiff gait, his moments of confusion and all the other signs of decline will no longer matter. None of that will be helpful in fending off a run by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, for instance, or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.


PREMO Member

Joe Biden's 2024 Re-election Campaign Hit With More Bad News...If Anyone Cares

There’s nothing more deflating to a presidential re-election bid than being in the White House when the poverty rate spikes. There are more poor people in Joe Biden’s America. Is that Bidenomics at work? Joe Biden hasn’t solved the crippling inflation crisis. Economic growth reports can comically be taken apart for their fugazi math, and a looming real estate crisis threatens to pull the rug out from under all of us. But Biden can’t tend to these matters. One day of work requires four days of vacation.

Even when Maui burned, Biden went on not one but two vacations before he decided to trot over to oversee the damage done by one of the worst wildfires in 100 years. And now, there are more poor people in America (via ABC News):

The poverty rate in the United States increased last year, the first increase in 13 years, according to the Census Bureau.
In 2022, the poverty rate was 12.4%, up 4.6% from 2021, according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), which looks at government programs and tax credits designed to help low-income families, according to the census.
The expiration of pandemic programs, including refundable tax credits and stimulus payments, at the start of 2022, led to an increase in the SPM over the official poverty rate, the census reported.
The poverty rate among children saw a sizeable increase, more than doubling from 5.2% in 2021 to 12.4% last year, census data shows.
The increase in the child poverty rate comes after the child tax credit expansion ended on Dec. 31, 2021.


Well-Known Member
Our Governor says Bidenomics is great.
You can just look at him and see why, even if we didn't know he is a Democrat.
Don't need no prescriptions anymore.
I listen to the raving about this CBD and other medical marijuana. If the Governor really wants to push marijuana---which he appears to want to do, he will first have to cancel the Maryland law that allows the confiscation of a users guns.


PREMO Member
According to an Associated Press poll last month, 77 percent of voters believe Biden is too old to be in office for another four more years. This includes 69 percent of Democrats who feel the same way.

Democratic strategist James Carville also expressed worrisome that Biden would become a liability for the Democratic Party, saying these fears surrounding the president's age "could lower voter turnout."

"The voters don't want this, and that's in poll after poll after poll," Carville told the New York Times.

Meanwhile, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) said he believes "there are other candidates who have a far better chance and don't have the actuarial risk that the president has."

A CNN poll found that two-thirds of Democratic voters want an alternative to the party's candidate. At the same time, only a quarter of Americans feel that Biden had the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president.
