2024 Election - Democrats


PREMO Member

Joe Biden’s Approval Among Black Voters is Down a Whopping 17 Points Since His First Year of Presidency


As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, a poll released Sunday by ABC News and the Washington Post has Trump leading Joe Biden in a 2024 rematch, 52 percent to 42 percent among registered voters.

74% of Americans say the economy is poor. Americans are rejecting the propaganda promoting Joe Biden’s economic agenda dubbed “Bidenomics.”

The economy sucks. Inflation is still high, groceries prices are soaring, mortgage rates are at 20-year highs and gas prices are through the roof.

Blacks and Latinos are jumping ship and abandoning Joe “you ain’t black” Biden.

Also according to the NBC poll, Biden’s approval among black voters is down a whopping 17 points since the first year of his presidency.

Biden is also down double digits among Latino voters without a college degree and independents.



Well-Known Member
One of the problems of "Bidenomics" and what is bewildering politicians is, they see inflation dropping - WE see that bread is still up and cost 3-4 dollars a loaf in some places. That groceries that used to run 60 bucks are now running close to 100. INFLATION is getting - "better" - but it hasn't changed the fact that PRICES are up, and they're STAYING up.

And when you're rich - and probably don't buy your own groceries or pump your own gas, this stuff is invisible to you. All you see is numbers on a report, while Americans see dollars swirling in the drain and being TOLD they should feel better.


Well-Known Member
One of the problems of "Bidenomics" and what is bewildering politicians is, they see inflation dropping - WE see that bread is still up and cost 3-4 dollars a loaf in some places. That groceries that used to run 60 bucks are now running close to 100. INFLATION is getting - "better" - but it hasn't changed the fact that PRICES are up, and they're STAYING up.

And when you're rich - and probably don't buy your own groceries or pump your own gas, this stuff is invisible to you. All you see is numbers on a report, while Americans see dollars swirling in the drain and being TOLD they should feel better.
That is what is actually making me think for the very first time in my life of voting for the "other" party. But. I would really like to know first what the other party, or any party for that matter, can do to fix the problem. I don't think you can make grocery prices go back to the previous prices...start pumping in the country - would that help?
I'm pretty sick of all the bullshit right now, it's a constant barrage from the same OLD men; abortion, stealing the election, impeachment, how do you feel about Trump...I honestly don't give a crap about abortion, litigating the previous election, Trump, impeachment (either party). There are serious issues at hand, how about a discussion on the things that matter to ordinary Americans? Inflation may be down, but in my household, my rent's gone up, my groceries, my insurance...I don't remember the last time I FILLED my tank up; it's ridiculous.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Inflation may be down,
What they are really saying is that while inflation is increasing it is doing so at a slower pace. But it is still increasing. Kind of like when they propose an increase in a certain pet project's spending and only get a portion of that increase that the spending is being cut.


Well-Known Member
What they are really saying is that while inflation is increasing it is doing so at a slower pace. But it is still increasing. Kind of like when they propose an increase in a certain pet project's spending and only get a portion of that increase that the spending is being cut.
I worded that badly. When I say inflation may be down, I'm only quoting what "they" say that inflation is down. I ain't feeling a damn thing that tells me that financially things have improved. Thank the gods that I managed to survive all twenty years w/o quitting and can use the commissary and military health benefits. Kudos to those that manage and don't have that privilege.


Well-Known Member
Also according to the NBC poll, Biden’s approval among black voters is down a whopping 17 points since the first year of his presidency.
Doesn't matter. Most people vote for their party's candidate regardless of approval.


Well-Known Member
I worded that badly. When I say inflation may be down, I'm only quoting what "they" say that inflation is down. I ain't feeling a damn thing that tells me that financially things have improved. Thank the gods that I managed to survive all twenty years w/o quitting and can use the commissary and military health benefits. Kudos to those that manage and don't have that privilege.
Do you shop outside of the commissary at all? I found over the years that my friends and co-workers that shopped there religiously seemed to be paying the same or more for things even though they were "tax free".

Seems like the only deals to be had for commissary or exchange were price locked expensive goods, like a $400 video game system that is $400 everywhere, so you save $30 in taxes.


Well-Known Member
Do you shop outside of the commissary at all? I found over the years that my friends and co-workers that shopped there religiously seemed to be paying the same or more for things even though they were "tax free".

Seems like the only deals to be had for commissary or exchange were price locked expensive goods, like a $400 video game system that is $400 everywhere, so you save $30 in taxes.
Yes, I have. Eggs, milk, bread, chips, cookies, butter, ordinary items are anywhere from 10 - 20 cents less expensive in the commissary. In fact I was astonished at egg prices on the outside during the egg crisis. And milk is like $2.32 a gallon in the commissary - sometimes it's as much as fifty cents more elsewhere, cereal - huge box of honey nut cheerios was $3.26 in the commissary - like over five dollars on the outside. For the most part, the commissary is considerably cheaper. That makes a big difference to me because I normally only go every three weeks and buy a lot. Bananas - big bunch always to this date less than $1.50.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can make grocery prices go back to the previous prices...start pumping in the country - would that help?
ONE thing that can help - lower the price of gas - and all other forms of energy. Those costs CAN drop, and their costs are baked in to the costs of everything else. Biden and his administration are trying to force what we ALL KNEW would be catastrophic - forcing an expensive and entirely untested "green" agenda -

WE knew it was a crazy idea. WE all knew it would be obscenely expensive, and the ideologues in the Democratic Party are saying "eff that, we have to save the planet". It is clear that whatever side you are on, on climate change, if nations like India and China are given the green light to just pollute as much as humanly possible - any effort we do won't move the needle at all.

And in so doing, CRIPPLING us, Forcing technologies clearly not vetted well enough - that we have embarrassing photo op with Secretary Granholm --

These are typical of ideology superceding good, practical sense.

GET GAS and OIL prices down - and SOME things will go down.
GET wages UP - and the difference in prices will go away.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have. Eggs, milk, bread, chips, cookies, butter, ordinary items are anywhere from 10 - 20 cents less expensive in the commissary. In fact I was astonished at egg prices on the outside during the egg crisis. And milk is like $2.32 a gallon in the commissary - sometimes it's as much as fifty cents more elsewhere, cereal - huge box of honey nut cheerios was $3.26 in the commissary - like over five dollars on the outside. For the most part, the commissary is considerably cheaper. That makes a big difference to me because I normally only go every three weeks and buy a lot. Bananas - big bunch always to this date less than $1.50.
SOME things are only marginally more expensive - some things are close to the old prices, once the "supply chain" rebounded.
I have always shopped around, this store for bargains, that store for typical low prices. ALDI, I could always buy cheap bread for under a dollar.
Now it's up 50% or more, not going down. Same with all of it.

Cereal goes less far - boxes have shrunk front to back. Same height, less weight, and prices just a LITTLE higher so we don't notice they're all higher by the pound.

The bottom line is - the amount at the register is much higher.

And it is everything I buy.


Well-Known Member
GET GAS and OIL prices down - and SOME things will go down.
GET wages UP - and the difference in prices will go away.
Agreed with most of what you said but I'm not sure I understand the highlighted part. Do you mean that if wages go up; that people can afford the difference in prices? That's great for those that work, but I'm retired, COLA is not keeping up.
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Well-Known Member
SOME things are only marginally more expensive - some things are close to the old prices, once the "supply chain" rebounded.
I have always shopped around, this store for bargains, that store for typical low prices. ALDI, I could always buy cheap bread for under a dollar.
Now it's up 50% or more, not going down. Same with all of it.

Cereal goes less far - boxes have shrunk front to back. Same height, less weight, and prices just a LITTLE higher so we don't notice they're all higher by the pound.

The bottom line is - the amount at the register is much higher.

And it is everything I buy.
Right there with you.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with most of what you said but I'm not sure I understand the highlighted part. Do you mean that if wages go up; that people can afford the difference in prices? That's great for those that work, but I'm retired, COLA is not keeping up.
Can't help you there - one of the things I fear about retirement.

But yes, if wages keep up with inflation, it's a tide raising all boats. If your bills go up 5% and your income goes up 5%, they kind of balance each other.

I'm concerned with at least one OTHER thing - my savings is a concrete value. As inflation rises - that number goes down.
A million, half a million - the total VALUE goes down with continued inflation.


PREMO Member

Meanwhile, More Than One-Third of Democrat Voters Think Americans Have 'Too Much Freedom'

Are you sitting down? OK, so here's the thing: According to a recent RealClearPolitics poll, more than three out of 10 Democrat voters think the people of America enjoy "too much freedom."

Imagine that: a substantial percentage of the Democrat Party — AKA: the party of "tolerance" and "inclusion" — wants to deny free speech or censor the First Amendment rights of people who don't believe as they believe.

Shocked? Me, neither. Here's more:

“Overall, 9 in 10 voters in the U.S. think First Amendment protections for freedom of speech is a good thing, while only 9% think it is a bad thing,” said pollster Spencer Kimball, who directed the RCP survey. “This is agreed upon across the demographics, like party affiliation, age, and race.”
For those who oppose censorship and put a premium on the free flow of ideas, that’s the good news. But there is bad news, too. Inevitably in our nation’s current hyper-partisan political environment, when one bores down on this subject, deeply divergent perspectives emerge — partisan differences.
Painting with a broad brush, Democrats grant significantly more deference to government than do Republicans when it comes to regulating free speech. This wasn’t the only fault line revealed by the RCP survey.
Some of what is dividing these differences is generational, as Millennials and Gen-Z have come of age in a digital age environment in which reasonable expectations of privacy seem a relic of the past.
“Those under 30 are most open to censorship by the government,” Kimball noted, adding that 42% of this cohort deem it “more important” to them that the government protect national security than guard the right to free expression. Among those over 65 years old, the corresponding percentage was 26%.

The fundamental reason Democrats invariably defer to more government rather than less is because they view themselves as the government. Their ultimate goal is the creation of a permanent underclass that's beholden to the government — namely, the Democrat Party — to not only take care of them from the proverbial cradle to the grave but also to protect them from the evils of the Republican Party.


PREMO Member
So why have Wasserman Schultz and most media condemned him?

Their goal is to negatively affect RFK as he is the only real contender in the Democratic party (currently) to the senile puppet who lives in the White House and the puppetmasters propping Biden up. They hope to prevent Kennedy from getting any Jewish support and hang their slander on partial comments taken entirely out of context. Wasserman Schultz used this tactic when she attacked Kennedy in Congress two months ago, where she would spew lies and try to prevent Kennedy from responding.

Wasserman Schultz claimed that RFK compared mandated vaccines to the Holocaust and the struggles of Anne Frank. It’s a blatant lie since he never said anything even similar to such a crazy statement, nor did he even ever mention the Holocaust. He did use Anne Frank as an example of how during the Nazi regime it was still possible to hide in an attic like she did, but the technology of today’s governments prohibits that possibility.

Not only was he being honest, but there is a huge difference between the Holocaust and the Nazi authoritarian government. One is a corrupt, dictatorial regime; the other is the worst atrocity committed against humanity in history. Although they are related, they are two different historical occurrences: one is a government, and the other is the results of that government’s policies. Both Kennedy and Wasserman Schultz know this is true and that tying them together is analogous to claiming that the United States government and Social Security are the same thing and interchangeable. It’s intellectually ridiculous. But Wasserman Schultz and her cronies just want to slander Kennedy and don’t care if they lie about him or what he has said if it serves their purpose.

Then there is Wasserman Schultz’s false accusation that Kennedy thinks that COVID-19 was created in a way to not hurt Jews. Again, it’s utterly ludicrous and not at all what he has said. In a conversation about potential bio-weapons, Kennedy did refer to an NIH study in 2021 that demonstrated that morbidity rates were lower in Jewish and Chinese populations than in other groups. This study from the National Institute of Health specifically states, “Covid-19 does not affect all population groups equally” and demonstrates statistics to show that “hospitalization rates in Black and Hispanic patients were 3.3 and 4.1 times higher, respectively, than in White patients.” These were the results of the NIH 2022 study that Kennedy cited. He expressed statistics from the NIH, not anti-Semitism.



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Robert Kennedy Jr Admits His Campaign Has Done Polling on Running Independent and He Takes More General Election Votes from Donald Trump Than Joe Biden…​

October 1, 2023 | Sundance | 528 Comments

Shortly before RFK Jr stated that he would be announcing a run for president as an independent candidate, he appeared on a podcast to discuss the possibility of leaving the Democrat ticket. {Rumble Link Here} Mr Kennedy said his campaign had done research on the impact to the 2024 race if he ran as an independent.

Within the interview RFK Jr shares that his private polling reveals he takes more votes from Donald Trump than he does from Joe Biden. Thus, having seeded the background for favorable republican support, running as an independent now becomes the most effective way to stop Trump.


PREMO Member

Progressive Announces Primary Bid Against Biden — But There’s One Big Problem

The progressive commentator, an immigrant from Turkey, reportedly said he does not believe the U.S. Constitution’s “natural born citizen” clause will disqualify him in a campaign for the Democratic Party’s 2024 nomination against President Joe Biden.

In speaking with Semafor, Uygur predicted a “slam dunk” victory if and when the issue reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, suggesting the legal challenge was a “good reason” to run. “I’m tired of 25 million Americans having this albatross around their neck,” he added.

Uygur, 53, previously ran an unsuccessful campaign in 2020 for a U.S. House seat vacated by former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), but eligibility for a congressional seat is different from the requirements for the presidency.

As stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”