2024 - Nikki Haley


PREMO Member
Nikki Haley Hits Trump Over His Response To Alexei Navalny’s Death

Before Trump issued his statement on Navalny, Haley slammed her Republican rival for his silence on the reports of the death of the 47-year-old critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin. She also accused Trump of “encouraging” Putin to invade NATO countries after Trump suggested last week that he “would not protect” NATO allies who don’t pay their fair share if they were invaded by Russia, adding that he once told a NATO leader he would “encourage [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want.”

“One week ago, Donald Trump encouraged Putin to invade NATO countries. Now, it’s been more than 24 hours since we learned of the death of Alexei Navalny, and Trump has yet to say his name,” Haley posted last week. “We cannot have a president who sides with murderous thugs who want to destroy America.”

Haley also joined CNN on Friday, telling anchor Kaitlan Collins it’s “a problem” that Trump “can’t call out a dictator,” referring to Putin.

Navalny, a critic of Putin, died in a remote Russian prison on Friday after losing consciousness following a walk, according to Russian authorities. Navalny’s death was immediately viewed as suspicious by U.S. leaders since the opposition leader previously said he was poisoned by Russia in 202o. The U.S. determined in 2021 that the Russian government used a chemical weapon against him.

Throughout his time behind bars, Navalny held that his charges and convictions were politically motivated. He also complained in a letter sent in 2021 that his health was worsening in prison, and he was not receiving adequate medical care.


PREMO Member

Harris Faulker Sets DELUSIONAL Nikki Haley STRAIGHT With REALITY CHECK After UNHINGED Trump Rant​



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Re: Nikki Haley


And I don't even hate to say I TOLD YOU SO. It's not like I'm some clairvoyant or have insider information - Nikki was right there in public showing herself for the whole world to see. Some people just chose not to see it for whatever reason.

I'm pleased to see primary voters giving her the smackdown she deserves. All these traitors should roast in Hell for eternity. Also the traitors who rant like loons about Donald Trump because they're led mindlessly around by the traitor media - yeah, roast in Hell.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Re: Nikki Haley


And I don't even hate to say I TOLD YOU SO. It's not like I'm some clairvoyant or have insider information - Nikki was right there in public showing herself for the whole world to see. Some people just chose not to see it for whatever reason.

I'm pleased to see primary voters giving her the smackdown she deserves. All these traitors should roast in Hell for eternity. Also the traitors who rant like loons about Donald Trump because they're led mindlessly around by the traitor media - yeah, roast in Hell.
Don't sugar coat it...tell us how you really feel...


Well-Known Member
9 moths is a long time, just as Trump said. How much more damage can the Biden-Obama team do in that 9 months.
Probably a million or more illegals and Billions of more dollars wasted, no telling what else.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Man, she really took an ass whipping, didn't she? If it weren't for Democrats she would have gotten maybe 5%.


Well-Known Member

Joy Reid Blames White People After Nikki Haley GETS DESTROYED In Embarrassing South Carolina LOSS!​

LMAO Joy Redi blames white people, That will be written on her tomb stone .
Is there anything Joy Reid doesn't blame white people for?

From this point on Nikki Haley is no longer running for President, she is working for the democrat party.
What else can it be called when you accept Democrat pay.
She is saying the things that Joe Biden cannot say because they cannot keep him doped up long enough to get it out.


Well-Known Member
Man, she really took an ass whipping, didn't she? If it weren't for Democrats she would have gotten maybe 5%.
This is what I was thinking when she gave her speech saying ‘I know 40% isn’t 50% but it’s not small’.

Uuh Nikki - this is your HOME. And you lost. That number is the biggest margin you’re going to get. You lost to “None of the Above”. This is like losing your MOM’s vote.

Worse - it’s an open primary which means - a huge number of those were DEMOCRATS who want to vote against Trump.

Your party doesn’t want you. Your BEST argument is that Biden is the one to beat and you think Trump can’t beat him. Well currently he IS in the polls.

Damn who’s giving her money?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Damn who’s giving her money?

George Soros. John Brennan and other traitors are no doubt slipping her some bucks. Google and Facebook are surely kicking in. If I remember today I'll run down her donors list, which won't include dark money but we can at least get an idea of who these people are.

I'm heartened that other people see Nikki for what she is. For awhile I thought I was the only one, everyone else was sucking on the Nikki pipe.


Well-Known Member
George Soros. John Brennan and other traitors are no doubt slipping her some bucks. Google and Facebook are surely kicking in. If I remember today I'll run down her donors list, which won't include dark money but we can at least get an idea of who these people are.

I'm heartened that other people see Nikki for what she is. For awhile I thought I was the only one, everyone else was sucking on the Nikki pipe.
She's cut from the same cloth as Dubya and Jeb. Mainstream, old school Republicans. They MANAGE the nation, capitulate to Democrats and at the VERY BEST, shield us from the crap that a Democrat President puts out. But otherwise - bleh. They don't do anything.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm heartened that other people see Nikki for what she is. For awhile I thought I was the only one, everyone else was sucking on the Nikki pipe.
Not me!

The fact that she's refusing to leave gracefully even in the face of the beating she took speaks even louder.

Nikki, you can smile and sugar coat your words with your "sweet little SC accent" all you want, but you're coming across like an even BIGGER shrew than you did before. 🙄

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
What I found interesting was that Nikki kept harping that the polls are showing that she has a better chance of beating Biden than Trump does and then she calls on Democrats (that didn't vote in the earlier Dem primary) to come out to vote for her. Now scratching my head a bit, she is asking people to come and help her beat their parties candidate. Is there something wrong with that mindset and would you want someone that thinks like that to be your President?