2024 - Nikki Haley


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
What I found interesting was that Nikki kept harping that the polls are showing that she has a better chance of beating Biden than Trump does and then she calls on Democrats (that didn't vote in the earlier Dem primary) to come out to vote for her. Now scratching my head a bit, she is asking people to come and help her beat their parties candidate. Is there something wrong with that mindset and would you want someone that thinks like that to be your President?
NO. I would not!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What I found interesting was that Nikki kept harping that the polls are showing that she has a better chance of beating Biden than Trump does and then she calls on Democrats (that didn't vote in the earlier Dem primary) to come out to vote for her. Now scratching my head a bit, she is asking people to come and help her beat their parties candidate. Is there something wrong with that mindset and would you want someone that thinks like that to be your President?

She has JohnMcCainitis. She thinks that because all these Democrats are pretending they like her in the primary, they'll actually vote for her in the general. We all saw that show in 2008, this is a re-run.

"Ooh, Democrats are coming out in droves to vote for me," gushes Darling Nikki......


How does she not see the obvious? Is she really that big of an egomaniac?


PREMO Member

Koch Network Withdraws Financial Support for Nikki Haley

The billionaire Koch family’s libertarian policy advocacy group “Americans for Prosperity Action” has said that it is pulling back its financial backing of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

Following the former South Carolina governor’s performance in her home state’s primary on Saturday, in which she trailed former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, by about 20 percent of the vote, Americans For Prosperity (AFP) CEO Emily Seidel said on Sunday that the group’s policy arm had decided it was time to “take stock” of its campaign spending.

President Trump received 47 of South Carolina’s delegates, while Ms. Haley got three.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I guess the Billionaire Koch Family can count the numbers, too. :jet:


Well-Known Member
I guess the Billionaire Koch Family can count the numbers, too. :jet:
MANY years ago there was a McDonalds commercial where you see a rich man sitting down for his dinner - a butler bringing in a covered dish - revealing a McDonalds dinner. Two burgers, fries and a soda. (That would be two quarters, and twenty cents twice, leaving a dime). The narrator mentioned “and CHANGE back your dollar!” as the rich man held out his hand and the butler embarrassingly hands him a dime.

I asked my Dad what kind of rich tightwad wants his DIME? My dad answered how do you think ge got RICH?

Said this on here plenty - Haley might want to stay in the race, but her donors don’t want to back a loser.


Well-Known Member
I'm amused by all of the leftie press who somehow think that Nikki Haley making a good showing against Trump in HER HOME STATE, where she was governor - twice - is somehow indicative of weakness in Trump's campaign. Nikki herself seems to believe that if he can only get 60% of the Republican vote - he has no chance of winning in November.

Let's break this down --

1. One, this SHOULD have been a slam dunk for her - but Trump won handily in almost every district. Haley won four counties - three along the coast and the capital city county of Richland - but not even her HOME COUNTY of Bamberg.

2. She won 40% of the vote - but 30% of Republicans. The remaining votes came from independents and Democrats. You know who else in the Republican primary won 40% of the vote - McCain in 2000. Yeah, that didn't work out.

3. Her 40% argument is crap. She's somehow suggesting that if you can't get 100% of the Republicans, you won't win in November with only 60 (actually 70%) of the Republicans. That's utterly - stupid. First, this is a primary - it in no way determines ANYTHING but a state's choice for a candidate. It is rare that a primary pulls the number of voters as the general election does. Second - this is as high as she gets - ANYWHERE - because this IS her home turf. If you can't WIN your own state - no, YOU can't win the general election.

4. She appeals to the idea that she can get votes from the left, and from independents - and assumes she already gets the Republicans. She has no idea how loyal Trump voters are - in November, they will come from EVERYWHERE to vote for him. Even if Republicans DO vote for Haley (assuming she gets the nod) - they won't show up in droves. They might despise Biden, but they're not crazy for her - and don't see her as much different. BECAUSE -

5. She thinks she can win by getting votes from across the aisle - and she won't. When it comes to a vote between BIDEN - and Nikki - the Dems will choose Biden. Period. He could DIE before November and they will still vote for him. And if your "strength" is that you're moderate enough to get those votes - you lose Trump voters. NO ONE will be racing to the polls, to vote for her.

6. Delegates are bound by the primary - if Trump gets enough delegates to win on the first round - he's the nominee. It is extremely doubtful that ANYTHING ELSE gets him off the ballot - and should some strange twist of events DO that - the likes of Ron and Vivek will NOT have HER in that spot. NOT happening.

Anything I missed?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anything I missed?

Only that she has pretty much destroyed her political future by taking her mask off and ranting like a fascist loon about Donald Trump. Had she been more temperate she may have had a shot in his cabinet or as a Senator. Instead, she immersed herself in the hate-Trump cult and got her ass spanked.

That more than anything speaks volumes as to what a horrible president she'd have been. What kind of politician doesn't read the freaking room??

Other than that, excellent summation. :yay:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
5. She thinks she can win by getting votes from across the aisle - and she won't. When it comes to a vote between BIDEN - and Nikki - the Dems will choose Biden. Period. He could DIE before November and they will still vote for him. And if your "strength" is that you're moderate enough to get those votes - you lose Trump voters. NO ONE will be racing to the polls, to vote for her.

WTF is it about these ####wads that they can't get this.

It's so easy a Democrat can learn it.


Well-Known Member
WTF is it about these ####wads that they can't get this.

It's so easy a Democrat can learn it.
THIS was the very reasoning that got us MCCAIN in 2008. The Dems all said, for eight years, man, if y'all had nominated MCCAIN, we might have voted for HIM, instead of Gore. Yeah. We gave them MCCAIN. Not only did he get trounced by Obama (honestly, any Republican was probably going to lose, to Obama) - but the line during the campaign was that McCain was just "four more years of Bush" and that he was a "Bush CLONE".

Seriously - after bleating repeatedly at how much they loved him MORE than Bush - when he became the opponent to THEIR guy, they couldn't turn on him fast enough. Then of course, when he opposed Trump - they loved him again.

Lesson to learn - the left never loves a Republican. Period.


Well-Known Member
Those Lincoln Project arseclowns...or whatever name they are hiding behind these days. Their propaganda writers are barely on a par with some 8th graders I grew up with.
Well i'm not sure exactly how old you are, but both Mark Twain and Charles Dickens dropped out in 8th grade.


Well-Known Member
Not even one that acts like a Democrat.

Democrats vote for Democrats, the end. They likely don't even know the candidate's name - they just look for the D.
So why do they get all worked up about 3rd parties splitting the vote?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So why do they get all worked up about 3rd parties splitting the vote?

For the same reason they get worked up about anything - it's what they do. Also because I think the cult leaders understand that their position is shaky and the only thing they have going for them is absolute iron fisted control.