"5 Reasons Why Marriage Doesn't Work Anymore"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dumb article. Marriage works for anyone for whom staying together and working out differences, sticking with it, is more important than not. For whatever reasons or details it's just that simple.

As for money, I guess this guy never heard of the Great Depression and thinks cell phones have, somehow, changed human nature. Leading off with sex as being THE most important thing is pretty immature. Sex is the biological reason for our attraction but it isn't the be all end all of marriage. Money problems can bind people as well as tear apart. Again, very simple; sticking it out is more important and more rewarding than not and that's it. Then, now, forever.

Dude is kinda whiny. Staying together is tough yet, a lot of people find that to be the rewarding part; its value comes from the price paid over time.


Well-Known Member
Dumb article. Marriage works for anyone for whom staying together and working out differences, sticking with it, is more important than not. For whatever reasons or details it's just that simple.

As for money, I guess this guy never heard of the Great Depression and thinks cell phones have, somehow, changed human nature. Leading off with sex as being THE most important thing is pretty immature. Sex is the biological reason for our attraction but it isn't the be all end all of marriage. Money problems can bind people as well as tear apart. Again, very simple; sticking it out is more important and more rewarding than not and that's it. Then, now, forever.

Dude is kinda whiny. Staying together is tough yet, a lot of people find that to be the rewarding part; its value comes from the price paid over time.

I agree with you, Larry. However, if you want to stay and try to make the marriage work and the other person doesn't, the marriage is probably going to fall apart. I'd have to research this, but I believe, way back when, the law used to make it more difficult to get a divorce, so there may have been more motivation to stay together.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree with you, Larry. However, if you want to stay and try to make the marriage work and the other person doesn't, the marriage is probably going to fall apart. I'd have to research this, but I believe, way back when, the law used to make it more difficult to get a divorce, so there may have been more motivation to stay together.

Agreed. I certainly meant to mean this as a two way street.


The ONE reason marriage won't work any more

The last several generations have bred an entire society filled with narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sons of bitches who are only obsessed with fulfilling the desires of their baser instincts. They are completely bereft of any inclination or capacity to do anything but travel the path of least resistance, and is incapable - and quite possibly unaware of the concept - of sacrifice. And they are absolutely convinced of their own superiority regardless of a total lack of any evidence to support that perception - and therefore they totally lack the desire to change, and the descent of this species into debauchery and chaos will continue.

Marriage is an institution upon which the success and propagation depends upon putting others ahead of yourself. As such, it cannot be sustained in the present environment.

And that, right there, is the entire core of it. Plain and simple.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Humanity is doomed.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The ONE reason marriage won't work any more

The last several generations have bred an entire society filled with narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sons of bitches who are only obsessed with fulfilling the desires of their baser instincts. They are completely bereft of any inclination or capacity to do anything but travel the path of least resistance, and is incapable - and quite possibly unaware of the concept - of sacrifice. And they are absolutely convinced of their own superiority regardless of a total lack of any evidence to support that perception - and therefore they totally lack the desire to change, and the descent of this species into debauchery and chaos will continue.

Marriage is an institution upon which the success and propagation depends upon putting others ahead of yourself. As such, it cannot be sustained in the present environment.

And that, right there, is the entire core of it. Plain and simple.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Humanity is doomed.

Ok, but, other than that, how are things going? :lol:


PREMO Member
Dude is kinda whiny.

a 29 yr old pansy
.... WTF does he know

Back when I met my ex-wife in 2004, things were just so different. Social media had yet to explode. I had this desire to ask her about her day simply because I didn't know.
Texting was just starting to make its way into mainstream society, so if I wanted to speak to her, I had to call her.
If I wanted to see her, I had to drive to her house and knock on her door. Everything required an action on my part, or hers.

OMG I guess he never heard of Yahoo Messenger

- [ Media did not become Social just because Zuckerberg invented Facebook or Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass invented Twitter - which rides onto of pre-exsisting SMS which was thought up in 1984 ... ]

... or other Chat Programs

I used a Java Scripted Web Site in 1998 [the chat text flowed automatically from bottom to top] to court a woman from England , as well as ICQ where someone could record a 15 sec. VM and send it over dialup ... oh the horrors of pre-social media dating

I met my wife through Yahoo Personals ... our 1st communication was via email .. our 1st date I hung out at her 2nd JOB on a Sat night and we talked in between beer orders
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PREMO Member
The ONE reason marriage won't work any more

The last several generations have bred an entire society filled with narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sons of bitches who are only obsessed with fulfilling the desires of their baser instincts. They are completely bereft of any inclination or capacity to do anything but travel the path of least resistance, and is incapable - and quite possibly unaware of the concept - of sacrifice. And they are absolutely convinced of their own superiority regardless of a total lack of any evidence to support that perception - and therefore they totally lack the desire to change, and the descent of this species into debauchery and chaos will continue.

Marriage is an institution upon which the success and propagation depends upon putting others ahead of yourself. As such, it cannot be sustained in the present environment.
And that, right there, is the entire core of it. Plain and simple.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Humanity is doomed.


Post of the Day / Week / Month ......


RBF expert
I you guys are missing the point. You can't compare your marriages (you as in you old guys :razz:) to this generation. Tox nailed it. While the writer most definitely sounds a little pansy-ish, his point is that this generation cannot even comprehend basic human contact and conversation, how the hell will we handle a marriage? Actually the fact that he's a little whiny only drives the point a little further home. My generation IS a bunch of pansy-ass cry babies.

Don't tell me you know "social media dating" bc of yahoo messenger. no. You're not from this generation. You learned how to socialize before cell phones and social media and THEN were introduced after you'd already grasped the concept of how to start a conversation with a pretty girl at the bar. (well, we're still working on Larry :wink: ...and GURPS...GURPS is GURPS, yaaknow.)

Try dating a bunch of selfish bratty man-babies or little ####-head divas who grew up with an iPhone in their hands since their PRE-TEENS....before they mastered basic teen to adult human socializing. Of course marriage is "tough" we all technically know that. But this generation is a bunch of self-absorbed, need results right now, snap their fingers in your face, give me give me. If we get married by tomorrow, then we start having issues bc of lack of communication, the solution is to divorce and move on by next Tuesday. No one wants to actually put in that work that's required to keep any relationships afloat bc we're already bored. On to the next.

Ooh he's cute. swipe right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I you guys are missing the point. You can't compare your marriages (you as in you old guys :razz:) to this generation. Tox nailed it. While the writer most definitely sounds a little pansy-ish, his point is that this generation cannot even comprehend basic human contact and conversation, how the hell will we handle a marriage? Actually the fact that he's a little whiny only drives the point a little further home. My generation IS a bunch of pansy-ass cry babies.

Don't tell me you know "social media dating" bc of yahoo messenger. no. You're not from this generation. You learned how to socialize before cell phones and social media and THEN were introduced after you'd already grasped the concept of how to start a conversation with a pretty girl at the bar. (well, we're still working on Larry :wink: ...and GURPS...GURPS is GURPS, yaaknow.)

Try dating a bunch of selfish bratty man-babies or little ####-head divas who grew up with an iPhone in their hands since their PRE-TEENS....before they mastered basic teen to adult human socializing. Of course marriage is "tough" we all technically know that. But this generation is a bunch of self-absorbed, need results right now, snap their fingers in your face, give me give me. If we get married by tomorrow, then we start having issues bc of lack of communication, the solution is to divorce and move on by next Tuesday. No one wants to actually put in that work that's required to keep any relationships afloat bc we're already bored. On to the next.

Ooh he's cute. swipe right.

I don't believe human nature changes much. A LOT of marriage holding together was based on simple survival and logistics. You HAD to stick together. A lot of abused women could attest to that over the years. That it is easier for any number of reasons to give it up today does not mean the desire to get the hell out of dodge was not there 40, 50, 100 years ago.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Post of the Day / Week / Month ......

I guarantee you EVERY older generation said that about the one following it since time began. Doing my annual Civil War revisits, virtually those exact words were said by the 50-60 year olds about the 25-35 year olds over 150 years ago.


RBF expert
I don't believe human nature changes much. A LOT of marriage holding together was based on simple survival and logistics. You HAD to stick together. A lot of abused women could attest to that over the years. That it is easier for any number of reasons to give it up today does not mean the desire to get the hell out of dodge was not there 40, 50, 100 years ago.

I don't doubt that. But today's attitude towards relationships HAS changed BECAUSE it's easy to get out. Sure we could get married tomorrow bc it sounds like fun, but after a year or two I'm bored and talking face to face is awkward so I'm going to go file some divorce papers. I'll find someone else.

There's no need to have that "partner" to survive. But there's also no need to work on communication and relationships either bc I can survive on my own. The feeling is usually, deep down they'd really like to find that someone for the rest of their life but...ehh. That's a lot of work.


I you guys are missing the point. You can't compare your marriages (you as in you old guys :razz:) to this generation. Tox nailed it. While the writer most definitely sounds a little pansy-ish, his point is that this generation cannot even comprehend basic human contact and conversation, how the hell will we handle a marriage? Actually the fact that he's a little whiny only drives the point a little further home. My generation IS a bunch of pansy-ass cry babies.

Don't tell me you know "social media dating" bc of yahoo messenger. no. You're not from this generation. You learned how to socialize before cell phones and social media and THEN were introduced after you'd already grasped the concept of how to start a conversation with a pretty girl at the bar. (well, we're still working on Larry :wink: ...and GURPS...GURPS is GURPS, yaaknow.)

Try dating a bunch of selfish bratty man-babies or little ####-head divas who grew up with an iPhone in their hands since their PRE-TEENS....before they mastered basic teen to adult human socializing. Of course marriage is "tough" we all technically know that. But this generation is a bunch of self-absorbed, need results right now, snap their fingers in your face, give me give me. If we get married by tomorrow, then we start having issues bc of lack of communication, the solution is to divorce and move on by next Tuesday. No one wants to actually put in that work that's required to keep any relationships afloat bc we're already bored. On to the next.

Ooh he's cute. swipe right.

I've always said this upcoming generation will have a communication problem. All communication is done non verbally so how are they going to learn how to communicate face to face? Fights, make up, etc are all done via text, FB, whatever.


RBF expert
I've always said this upcoming generation will have a communication problem. All communication is done non verbally so how are they going to learn how to communicate face to face? Fights, make up, etc are all done via text, FB, whatever.

YAAASS. Even guys a few years older than me. They've gotten way too used to using their phones. It's easier.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The ONE reason marriage won't work any more

The last several generations have bred an entire society filled with narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sons of bitches who are only obsessed with fulfilling the desires of their baser instincts. They are completely bereft of any inclination or capacity to do anything but travel the path of least resistance, and is incapable - and quite possibly unaware of the concept - of sacrifice. And they are absolutely convinced of their own superiority regardless of a total lack of any evidence to support that perception - and therefore they totally lack the desire to change, and the descent of this species into debauchery and chaos will continue.

Marriage is an institution upon which the success and propagation depends upon putting others ahead of yourself. As such, it cannot be sustained in the present environment.

And that, right there, is the entire core of it. Plain and simple.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Humanity is doomed.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I you guys are missing the point. You can't compare your marriages (you as in you old guys :razz:) to this generation. Tox nailed it. While the writer most definitely sounds a little pansy-ish, his point is that this generation cannot even comprehend basic human contact and conversation, how the hell will we handle a marriage? Actually the fact that he's a little whiny only drives the point a little further home. My generation IS a bunch of pansy-ass cry babies.

Don't tell me you know "social media dating" bc of yahoo messenger. no. You're not from this generation. You learned how to socialize before cell phones and social media and THEN were introduced after you'd already grasped the concept of how to start a conversation with a pretty girl at the bar. (well, we're still working on Larry :wink: ...and GURPS...GURPS is GURPS, yaaknow.)

Try dating a bunch of selfish bratty man-babies or little ####-head divas who grew up with an iPhone in their hands since their PRE-TEENS....before they mastered basic teen to adult human socializing. Of course marriage is "tough" we all technically know that. But this generation is a bunch of self-absorbed, need results right now, snap their fingers in your face, give me give me. If we get married by tomorrow, then we start having issues bc of lack of communication, the solution is to divorce and move on by next Tuesday. No one wants to actually put in that work that's required to keep any relationships afloat bc we're already bored. On to the next.

Ooh he's cute. swipe right.



Lem Putt
The last several generations have bred an entire society filled with narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, sanctimonious sons of bitches who are only obsessed with fulfilling the desires of their baser instincts. They are completely bereft of any inclination or capacity to do anything but travel the path of least resistance, and is incapable - and quite possibly unaware of the concept - of sacrifice. And they are absolutely convinced of their own superiority regardless of a total lack of any evidence to support that perception - and therefore they totally lack the desire to change, and the descent of this species into debauchery and chaos will continue.

So you've met my ex?