5th graders with..........


Go Braves!
Does anybody else find it disturbing that there are girls in my daughters 5 th grade class with their belly button pierced?

I didn't think that I was that behind the time's. I mean I'm only 30 and I just can't believe these girls parents let them do that.

Should I lighten up? I just don't think they are old enough for that.
What do ya'll think?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My daughter had to wait until she was 16 before I'd let her get her belly button pierced and Larry was lobbying for 18. But there were several girls in my youngest's elementary school class that had it done.

So I'm with ya, C, but prepare for the younger women on here to give you a debate.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
My daughter had to wait until she was 16 before I'd let her get her belly button pierced and Larry was lobbying for 18. But there were several girls in my youngest's elementary school class that had it done.

So I'm with ya, C, but prepare for the younger women on here to give you a debate.

Thanks for the warning!

I just don't see why 10 and 11 year olds need their belly button pierced. I'm with you 16 will be hard but better than 10!!


Originally posted by CMC122
Thanks for the warning!

I just don't see why 10 and 11 year olds need their belly button pierced. I'm with you 16 will be hard but better than 10!!
It's absolutely terrifying! My niece.... Is wearing thongs and prancing around with her belly button peirced. She's 12. Makes me wanna vomit! Family has placed bets on date and time of her first pregnancy. None of us give her past 14. :frown:
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Go Braves!
Originally posted by Kain99
It's absolutely terrifying! My neice.... Is wearing thongs and prancing around with her belly button peirced. She's 12. Makes me wanna vomit! Family has placed bets on date and time of her first pregnancy. None of us give her past 14. :frown:

OMG!!!!!! I hadn't even thought about thongs!!! My husband would die.

I worked in an OBGYN's office for a while and we had an 11 year old who got pregnant having sex on the playground!


Originally posted by CMC122
OMG!!!!!! I hadn't even thought about thongs!!! My husband would die.

I worked in an OBGYN's office for a while and we had an 11 year old who got pregnant having sex on the playground!
It's called..."My parents are self involved they don't see me." These girls are so desperate for love they will find it anywhere, even on the playground. :frown:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Kain99
It's called..."My parents are self involved they don't see me." These girls are so desperate for love they will find it anywhere, even on the playground. :frown:

It's so sad that they are so oblivious to it. I'm sure if she gets pregnant it'll be everyone elses fault!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by CMC122
I worked in an OBGYN's office for a while and we had an 11 year old who got pregnant having sex on the playground!
I'm probably going to be sorry I asked this but...how does a kid get pregnant on the playground? Weren't there any teachers around or monitors?


Originally posted by CMC122
It's so sad that they are so oblivious to it. I'm sure if she gets pregnant it'll be everyone elses fault!
Can I say???? Why should it be her fault? She's 12 for Cripes sake! Not 17 and horny. This is a kid who is desperately seeking. Trust me. There is not a 11-14 year old alive who even understands the ramifications of sex. It feels good and they do it. Babies, babies who do not know love. :frown:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Kain99
Can I say???? Why should it be her fault? She's 12 for Cripes sake! Not 17 and horny. This is a kid who is desperately seeking. Trust me. There is not a 11-14 year old alive who even understands the ramifications of sex. It feels good and they do it. Babies, babies who do not know love. :frown:

I'm sorry I ment the parents will blame everyone because they can't see past their own nose.

Not to self:
Type complete thoughts.
Type complete thoughts.
Type complete thoughts!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm probably going to be sorry I asked this but...how does a kid get pregnant on the playground? Weren't there any teachers around or monitors?
Hate to double post but.....OMG but Where did you go to school? Sex happens at school every single day! It's a virtual playground. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by CMC122
OMG!!!!!! an 11 year old who got pregnant having sex on the playground!

:welding the chastity belt together now:


Originally posted by CMC122
I'm sorry I ment the parents will blame everyone because they can't see past their own nose.

Not to self:
Type complete thoughts.
Type complete thoughts.
Type complete thoughts!
No don't do that! I am the forum jump to conclusions girl! Not your fault. :wink:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Kain99
Hate to double post but.....OMG but Where did you go to school? Sex happens at school every single day! It's a virtual playground. :rolleyes:

Bowie. I'm just nieve I guess?? I didn't think I was but I never knew or heard of people doing that at school.


Originally posted by Kain99
Hate to double post but.....OMG but Where did you go to school? Sex happens at school every single day! It's a virtual playground. :rolleyes:

:nono: THIS is a virtual playground, school is supposed to be a safe zone.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by justhangn
:welding the chastity belt together now:

Maybe you could start a business!! Cause I can't weld but I think I'll give it a serious try too!


Originally posted by CMC122
Maybe you could start a business!! Cause I can't weld but I think I'll give it a serious try too!

No kidding............sadly though, the number of concerned parents is far less than the maggots that pump them out and pay no attention to them.


Originally posted by justhangn
:nono: THIS is a virtual playground, school is supposed to be a safe zone.
But....... School is not safe! It wasn't safe 20 years ago and it's not safe now. :bawl:


Go Braves!
Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken computer in it?
by JH.

Are you my husband?