5th graders with..........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Rose and Christy, the way our society is developing, by the time your chicklets get to be 12 or 13, you'll be thrilled if all they want to do is wear makeup and get a belly button piercing. It'll be so mainstream for girls that age, it'll be like wearing a burka if they DON'T have those things. :frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by CMC122
My daughter may hate ne know for saying NO all the time but I believe she will understand or even thank me one day when she see's what these girls future's hold for them.
Tell her what I tell my daughters - "In a few years you'll be 18 and you can do anything you want." No one ever died because they had to wait to get a belly button piercing.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
WRONG! Because the minute one parent relaxes their standards, then the rest of us have to put up with the old "But so-and-so's Mom let HER do it!" :duh: I, personally, have no problem saying NO. In fact, that's my favorite word in the whole English language. But other parents don't seem to be able to do that. THEN it becomes, "Everyone but ME does it!"

Co-ed slumber parties. Need I say more?

Well that goes without saying, but that's been going on since the beginning of time. I whined to my mother many times when I couldn't do what the more leniant mother's were doing.

Hell would have to freeze over before my kids attended a co-ed slumber party. :yikes:


When I first found out I was pregnant with my oldest, I thought I knew everything. I thought that there was nothing that would be shocking, sex, drug, alcohol, you name it. I thought I knew it all. But since then, I’ve seen gay relations much more publicized, sex/drugs/alcohol happening at a much younger age. It is like our children are never really children anymore. They seem to be exposed to so much at such an early age.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Tell her what I tell my daughters - "In a few years you'll be 18 and you can do anything you want." No one ever died because they had to wait to get a belly button piercing.

Yeah I've pulled that one a couple of times and the jumping off the bridge one and the eating dung one..........etc. But when your 10 you see the world so differently. I just stick to my NO and she eventually gets over it.

She does pretty good with the NO wire hangers one too!


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Rose and Christy, the way our society is developing, by the time your chicklets get to be 12 or 13, you'll be thrilled if all they want to do is wear makeup and get a belly button piercing. It'll be so mainstream for girls that age, it'll be like wearing a burka if they DON'T have those things. :frown:

Yeah, well if she whines enough, then a Burka she will wear. :wink:

I think it goes in fashion cycles. I mean look at the 60's and hot pants and micro mini's. :shrug: My day and age it was the pants so tight it's a wonder I didn't lose my lower extremities due to lack of blood circulation. :yikes:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Rose and Christy, the way our society is developing, by the time your chicklets get to be 12 or 13, you'll be thrilled if all they want to do is wear makeup and get a belly button piercing. It'll be so mainstream for girls that age, it'll be like wearing a burka if they DON'T have those things. :frown:

You have a point. No telling what the next upcoming fads may be. At least at this age I still have control and I intend on keeping it as long as humanly possible.

I know what I was like without adult supervison and do not want my daughter acticng as rebellious as I was and running with scissors.

Right now the fight is to make her stay in bed at bedtime. Tonights trump card was, no sleepover with Mac on Friday if you get out of bed once more. She's still there... :lol:


Go Braves!
I'm with Vrai. There should be an across the board standard or laws even! Let the kids be kids durn it!!


Glad I don't have to deal with this kind of stuff anymore. Mine are grown. Don't know what I did right, but she didn't end up in jail, on drugs or pregnant. Just lucky I guess or I just said NO alot. It used to pizz me off, but whenever the kids wanted something they would go to my X. They got an automatic "Yes" response. Not much I could do but back her up and give a Yes also, that is unless it was something totally outrageous. Makeup...not until 16. Of course her mother let her sneak it at 15. Like I said, just lucky my daughter turned out as good as she did. Guess she takes after her Dad.:biggrin: :biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by CMC122
I'll probably take a licking for that one!

Nah, it's a nice dream, but dumbazz parents have existed since the beginning of time. Only control you have is over your own.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Nah, it's a nice dream, but dumbazz parents have existed since the beginning of time. Only control you have is over your own.
I guess that I am fortunate to have friends with good heads on their shoulders because if need be, we discipline each others kids and neither parents have a problem with it. :smile:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by RoseRed
I guess that I am fortunate to have friends with good heads on their shoulders because if need be, we discipline each others kids and neither parents have a problem with it. :smile:

:yeahthat: But you know that will change as they grow older and branch out with their social lives. :bawl:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
:yeahthat: But you know that will change as they grow older and branch out with their social lives. :bawl:

I know. My chicklet and PFGal's go to the same school and have become really good friends, but now that they are in Calvert, they won't go to school together. Bum's me out. But I'll have both the little monster's (kidding) Friday night. (I feel some gray hairs coming on...) :lol:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by RoseRed
I know. My chicklet and PFGal's go to the same school and have become really good friends, but now that they are in Calvert, they won't go to school together. Bum's me out. But I'll have both the little monster's (kidding) Friday night. (I feel some gray hairs coming on...) :lol:

Chasey's girl and mine are the best of buds, however I believe the were both suffering from some form of 6 year old PMS this past weekend, they were both in rare beyotch form. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
I know what I was like without adult supervison and do not want my daughter acticng as rebellious as I was and running with scissors.
That's why we former bad girls are so much stricter on our kids than the nicey-nice parents. We KNOW what they'll do if we don't curb them. :lol:

Serious, though, once I got older I really resented my mother for letting me run wild. Instead of being cool, I started realizing that she just plain didn't want to be bothered raising a kid. I should milk this more with her and maybe get some stuff out of it but oh well. :lol:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's why we former bad girls are so much stricter on our kids than the nicey-nice parents. We KNOW what they'll do if we don't curb them. :lol:

True dat!!! :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Christy
Chasey's girl and mine are the best of buds, however I believe the were both suffering from some form of 6 year old PMS this past weekend, they were both in rare beyotch form. :lol:

Shoulda let 'em drink from the jug :wink:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's why we former bad girls are so much stricter on our kids than the nicey-nice parents. We KNOW what they'll do if we don't curb them. :lol:

I was literally locked in my room until I moved out when I turned 18. (Extremely overprotective paranoid parents) I think I went pseudo wild for like a month but seeing how the world is today maybe locking her in her room isn't so bad. (just kidding!)