5th graders with..........



Originally posted by Tonio
That doesn't make sense. Isn't wearing a thong like getting a perpetual wedgie? They always look like they're buried way deep in the buttcrack. Protological dental floss.
This is why I will eternally promote Granny Panties! :roflmao:



I can be as mature and nice as I want to be, or I can be as inmature as I want to be........

So much for suspended development. :duh:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Women are responsible for civilizing the human race, period. Men didn't think of that stuff themselves. Some woman said, "I don't like that so please stop doing it." And the man said, "Will it get me more sex?" and the woman replied, "Probably." And - voila - civilization was born.

Vrai, that's a fascinating idea. It might go along with my hypothesis that the Garden of Eden story is a metaphor for the costs involved in humans developing sentience.

The Old Testament claims that women were punished for Eve's transgression by extreme pain in childbirth--as the size of the human brain grew, so did the pain of labor. The other part of the punishment was that women were "required" to serve men. (Pardon me while I snort derisively.) Civilization involves a lot of responsibility, so to men in ancient times, live before civilization must have seemed like paradise. ("Honey, I've asked you a million times to take out the garbage.") Continuing your hypothesis, maybe those men resented women for "banishing" them from paradise, and they subjugated women in ancient society out of an irrational desire for revenge.


New Member
We all know where this is headed.

Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm probably going to be sorry I asked this but...how does a kid get pregnant on the playground? Weren't there any teachers around or monitors?

If it was during school hours, it is pretty bad that things were allowed to get that far before an adult saw it, and I doubt that the other kids would be able to keep their mouths shut and let it happen w/out attracting a bunch of attention.

However, it could've happened after school hours, and if so, I don't see how the school could be responsible. It isn't the school's job to post a patrol to keep track of children after hours. That's mom & dad's job.

. . . if it even happened on the playground to begin with - sounds more like a story concocted by parents not paying attention/not around but don't want to be blamed for the consequences.

Sadly, the result will be that schools will eventually eliminate recess as so many other things have had to be eliminated due to the fact that a few parents aren't willing to teach their own children right from wrong.


Asperger's Poster Child
And keep in mind that the guys doing the impregnating are usually much older than the girls.


Go Braves!
Re: We all know where this is headed.

Originally posted by Desdemona
If it was during school hours, it is pretty bad that things were allowed to get that far before an adult saw it, and I doubt that the other kids would be able to keep their mouths shut and let it happen w/out attracting a bunch of attention.

However, it could've happened after school hours, and if so, I don't see how the school could be responsible. It isn't the school's job to post a patrol to keep track of children after hours. That's mom & dad's job.

. . . if it even happened on the playground to begin with - sounds more like a story concocted by parents not paying attention/not around but don't want to be blamed for the consequences.

Sadly, the result will be that schools will eventually eliminate recess as so many other things have had to be eliminated due to the fact that a few parents aren't willing to teach their own children right from wrong.

Let me just say it happened at an inner beltway PG county school . In case you don't know about the schools there it's hard to find anyone who cares. (don't get me wrong there are those that do but they are few and far between) and it happened at recess per the little girl. The other kids made a cirlce around them so that the adults wouldn't see what was going on.

My kid went to a PG county school in a supposedly "good" area and the things that went on there made me sick.


New Member
I agree things go on that are appalling. The involved parties must have a lot of tight-lipped voyeuristic friends. I'd think a circle like that would have clued someone in, but if no one gives a hoot or doesn't want to do their job, I'm sure it's not impossible it happened.

Like I said, recess will be an obsolete word with enough incidents like this happening.

Where I live, our fifth graders don't get recess. Fourth grade is the last year for that.


Be about it
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Some woman said, "I don't like that so please stop doing it." And the man said, "Will it get me more sex?" and the woman replied, "Probably." And - voila - civilization was born.

LOVE THIS!! :killingme


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Desdemona
Where I live, our fifth graders don't get recess. Fourth grade is the last year for that.


See they can't be kids like they should be!:boo:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Desdemona
Where I live, our fifth graders don't get recess. Fourth grade is the last year for that.
Is this the norm everywhere?:confused:
I remember getting recess all through elementary school...


Be about it
Originally posted by mainman
Is this the norm everywhere?:confused:
I remember getting recess all through elementary school...


I went to Catholic school though 8th grade and we got recess in all of the grades.


New Member
I don't know if it's the norm everywhere. I think this is the first year it's been this way where I work. They (middle school kids) used to get some time to go the gym and chat, but even had to cut that out when a few started sneaking little ketchup packets and "pudding/yogurt-in-a-tube" and squirting it in the hallways and gym. We just moved into a new school, so this did not sit well.

I know there are proponents out there that would like to cut out recess for all grades. Unfortunately, this will not help our cause for keeping kids active, nor will it enhance student achievement. Physical activity helps us all to concentrate better.

Sad to think those who advocate cutting out recess now have more fuel to add to their fire by these few kids who haven't been taught right from wrong or are raised in such a way that right and wrong just doesn't matter.


Set Trippin
I thought the break for younger children was important, I don't think all should be made to suffer for the actions of a few. Can't a detention system be set up to remove recess for those that are acting up? Recess should after all be a privilege... That’s how it was when I attended...


New Member
I'm sure if they knew who the perpetrators were, the others would get chat time back and the guilty would go to detention or be suspended and made to clean up their mess. Maybe they already have (I'm in elementary, so I'm not sure what's happened now).

That being said, these types of incidents and the more serious ones are going to take their toll on our children being able to have a decent childhood.


Had race problems (riots) back 35 years ago when I was graduating from H.S., and in elementary school we had playground taunting/bullying, but nothing like what is going on in schools these days.

In 1968/69, girls would wear mini-skirts; my parents wouldn't even let us wear shorts/peddle pushers to an amusement park :biggrin: .

As far as bellies showing, we had belly ticklers we use to call them (with ruffles and flowered body paint), but never even thought about wearing them to school. Never witnessed drugs and alcohol, though I had heard that some teens would go and smoke pot or drink at parties in the area.

For me, I led a pretty much sheltered/naive' life.

It would scare me to death to raise children these days. I just wonder when I hear about parents letting their children go to school dressed skimpily, and then question why they got pregnant at a young age?


Originally posted by Flo
Had race problems (riots) back 35 years ago when I was graduating from H.S., and in elementary school we had playground taunting/bullying, but nothing like what is going on in schools these days.

In 1968/69, girls would wear mini-skirts; my parents wouldn't even let us wear shorts/peddle pushers to an amusement park :biggrin: .

As far as bellies showing, we had belly ticklers we use to call them (with ruffles and flowered body paint), but never even thought about wearing them to school. Never witnessed drugs and alcohol, though I had heard that some teens would go and smoke pot or drink at parties in the area.

For me, I led a pretty much sheltered/naive' life.

It would scare me to death to raise children these days. I just wonder when I hear about parents letting their children go to school dressed skimpily, and then question why they got pregnant at a young age?

Flo, I can also remember those days and like you thank God I am not raising any children. I don't think our life was that sheltered, just a different time. Morals always came into play and our parents were our parents and not trying to be our best friends. I think the problem is where parents now try to be trendy.. Nothing looks as bad as a 30 yearold woman trying to dress like they are 16, but what is worse lots of'em try to act 16 also..


Originally posted by zuchick
Morals always came into play and our parents were our parents and not trying to be our best friends. I think the problem is where parents now try to be trendy.. Nothing looks as bad as a 30 yearold woman trying to dress like they are 16, but what is worse lots of'em try to act 16 also..

Very true! Parents were very much the authority, and WE knew it as children.