A Lesbian's Deliverance


Ubi bene ibi patria
"CWNews.com – After 29 years as a gay activist, former lesbian magazine publisher Charlene Cothran stunned the homosexual community when she announced she had become a Christian.

She has renounced her homosexuality, and changed the format of her magazine to spread the Gospel to the gay community."



Harley Rider
Calling all Xaquins, Nucklesacks, Tommyjones, Pcjohnnyb"s, etc., God spoke to this woman at a gay rally and you said it couldn't be done."
In 2003, I was in Chicago at a gay pride event, in the middle of this beautiful park," Cothran recalled. "...as far as I could see there were men with men and women with women, all just partying and having a good time. But a shame fell on me, I felt so out of place. I knew something in my spirit spoke that, 'this is that road that leads to destruction, and you're on it.'"
Could this be the God that doesn't exist?
"I kept myself busy with marches and activism and public appearances. But in the still of the night when everything is over, there was still that little voice, "You're not right with God."
But these guys adamantly say He doesn't exist and, besides, "she wasn't hurting anyone"!
She'd grown up in a Christian home, and had come into the lesbian lifestyle at 19, after several bad relationships with boys. I was attracted to women. And these women were nurturing, wanted to get to know me intellectually -- they were organizers whom I found a lot of comfort in. It felt good, it felt right." But it didn't feel right anymore.
That day changed everything for Charlene Cothran, as she finally asked Jesus Christ to come into her heart and forgive her.
It was a personal transformation that she immediately wanted to share with her gay and lesbian followers. She wrote a front page article in her magazine called, "Redeemed! Ten Ways to Get Out of the Gay Life, if You Want Out."
NOTICE THAT GUYS! "If you want out." Guess that blows the "it's not a choice":bs:right out of the water eh? Case closed. Anything you say can and will be used against you at the judgment. God is alive and still cares about you all. Anything contrary is demonic. Sorry for the rant but my God is alive & well.:yahoo: Bring it on dudes!:boxing:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Calling all Xaquins, Nucklesacks, Tommyjones, Pcjohnnyb"s, etc., God spoke to this woman at a gay rally and you said it couldn't be done."
In 2003, I was in Chicago at a gay pride event, in the middle of this beautiful park," Cothran recalled. "...as far as I could see there were men with men and women with women, all just partying and having a good time. But a shame fell on me, I felt so out of place. I knew something in my spirit spoke that, 'this is that road that leads to destruction, and you're on it.'"
Could this be the God that doesn't exist?
"I kept myself busy with marches and activism and public appearances. But in the still of the night when everything is over, there was still that little voice, "You're not right with God."
But these guys adamantly say He doesn't exist and, besides, "she wasn't hurting anyone"!
She'd grown up in a Christian home, and had come into the lesbian lifestyle at 19, after several bad relationships with boys. I was attracted to women. And these women were nurturing, wanted to get to know me intellectually -- they were organizers whom I found a lot of comfort in. It felt good, it felt right." But it didn't feel right anymore.
That day changed everything for Charlene Cothran, as she finally asked Jesus Christ to come into her heart and forgive her.
It was a personal transformation that she immediately wanted to share with her gay and lesbian followers. She wrote a front page article in her magazine called, "Redeemed! Ten Ways to Get Out of the Gay Life, if You Want Out."
NOTICE THAT GUYS! "If you want out." Guess that blows the "it's not a choice":bs:right out of the water eh? Case closed. Anything you say can and will be used against you at the judgment. God is alive and still cares about you all. Anything contrary is demonic. Sorry for the rant but my God is alive & well.:yahoo: Bring it on dudes!:boxing:

It doesn't change anything. To put it in your words. That's 1 isolated incedent.


New Member
Calling all Xaquins, Nucklesacks, Tommyjones, Pcjohnnyb"s, etc., God spoke to this woman at a gay rally and you said it couldn't be done."
In 2003, I was in Chicago at a gay pride event, in the middle of this beautiful park," Cothran recalled. "...as far as I could see there were men with men and women with women, all just partying and having a good time. But a shame fell on me, I felt so out of place. I knew something in my spirit spoke that, 'this is that road that leads to destruction, and you're on it.'"
Could this be the God that doesn't exist?
"I kept myself busy with marches and activism and public appearances. But in the still of the night when everything is over, there was still that little voice, "You're not right with God."
But these guys adamantly say He doesn't exist and, besides, "she wasn't hurting anyone"!
She'd grown up in a Christian home, and had come into the lesbian lifestyle at 19, after several bad relationships with boys. I was attracted to women. And these women were nurturing, wanted to get to know me intellectually -- they were organizers whom I found a lot of comfort in. It felt good, it felt right." But it didn't feel right anymore.
That day changed everything for Charlene Cothran, as she finally asked Jesus Christ to come into her heart and forgive her.
It was a personal transformation that she immediately wanted to share with her gay and lesbian followers. She wrote a front page article in her magazine called, "Redeemed! Ten Ways to Get Out of the Gay Life, if You Want Out."
NOTICE THAT GUYS! "If you want out." Guess that blows the "it's not a choice":bs:right out of the water eh? Case closed. Anything you say can and will be used against you at the judgment. God is alive and still cares about you all. Anything contrary is demonic. Sorry for the rant but my God is alive & well.:yahoo: Bring it on dudes!:boxing:

again, i have to ask, if god did this, why doesn't he help all the children with cancer, or the mother who refuses a blood transfusion in HIS name?


New Member
"again, i have to ask, if god did this, why doesn't he help all the children with cancer, or the mother who refuses a blood transfusion in HIS name?"

Jesus said several times, "It is your FAITH that has healed you". People of logic and disbelief would never see a miracle even if it smacked them in the face. Miracles are dismissed as tricks, magic etc. Those of faith know well that God in His will and providence help children even the ones people claim God doesn't help. Your second example "a mother who REFUSES..." well, refusal is not faith now is it.

Logic has its place even with those of faith... but logic more important than faith prevents seeing God because it is BY (THROUGH) FAITH we believe and see.


New Member
She was not gay. truly gay people know it way before the age of 19.

It doesn't change anything. To put it in your words. That's 1 isolated incedent.

I wasnt going to touch this, but I weigh in on everything else it seems, so why not.
To address the first coment she wasnt truely Gay, but chose a life style becaus of some brokenness in her life, She says this in her article.
So all she had to do, was come to that relization and see things from a differnt perspective, worry about her reputation and get out. With counceling she can fix the issues that caused the root problem or at her age just chose not to engage in a sexual relationships.

What if she was truly Gay though? Being gay isnt a physical deformity unless you want to debate the glan in the back of the brain that some say is enlarged. Regardless my point is there is a battle for our hearts and our minds.(For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.) This could be a lie of the devil, a course that God allows to be put on some full knowing the outcome and being able to achive honor and glory from those that overcome. If the God of the universe created man from dust and made the dust from nothing, it seems like a small task for him.

My concern is for all those that arent so lucky to see a need to cry out, or arent delivered from it. If they think its truely as disgusting to be with someone of the oppsite sex as a strait person does to be with the same sex, thats a harder issue than a lifestyle choice. Adding to the confussion and isolation how does the fundamental church minister to them? By rejection, by excepting them but not there sexuality? Forcing them off into a UUU something church that equates to no church at all? There are serious issue with hate the sin love the sinner Does God hates sin but not the sinner? -- John MacArthur
So as Christians do we sit back and pray and wait for God to do what only he can do?

To address the other coment, this isnt an isolated inocent as I have heard of even a few ministers that have had similar expirences but I dont know if it was a lifestyle they chose or a demon from birth!

Good food for thought!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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