A Lesbian's Deliverance


New Member

Don't give unless you want to receive.

A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 09:38 AM For a christian I pity you! Love your neighbor as yourself! Judge least you be judged. Bad christian!

T'is the giving season. :lmao:

A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 03:01 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 03:00 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 03:00 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 03:00 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 02:59 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 02:59 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 02:59 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
A Lesbian's Deliverance 12-18-2007 02:58 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
Seeking Advice: Dust... 12-18-2007 01:58 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
Seeking Advice: Dust... 12-18-2007 01:57 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
Seeking Advice: Dust... 12-18-2007 01:57 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A
Seeking Advice: Dust... 12-18-2007 01:57 PM Courage. Sign your karma - 2A

so this is how you ignore people... i guess its about the same way you are not judgemental and love your neighbor.



Harley Rider
:shrug: I always thought Jesus was Jewish! :shrug:
He was born of a Jewish Mother but He was God in human flesh so He couldn't have believed in ONLY the God that the Jews knew. Jews believe that Jesus walked the earth and was a good teahcer but they don't believe He was the Messiah, the Christ, who'se coming was foretold in the OT. A Jewish person can still call themselves Jewish and believe in Jesus as their Savior. They are called Messianic Jews but they do not follow the OT ritual of sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins because they acknowledge Jesus death as the sacrifice for ALL sins for ALL times. Those who don't believe in Him as the Messiah or "God-man", aren't saved according to the Bible.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Seriously, it's all he's got, sadly.


Yeah. Right :rolleyes:

Karma is but a game to me. I learned to play the game early and what I choose to do, I do very well. Give red. I will return the meaningless red in great abundance.

You and others ridicule those of faith and expect us to just sit back and take it. It is atheists that are in the minority world wide, not Christians. Try going to an Islamic nation and spouting off your junk. Find out how long you survive.

I am a Christian. I am not perfect. I am very much nonviolent but very well prepared to defend my loved ones, friends, country, and myself. I will turn the other cheek, but when backed into a corner, you would not want to be my opponent in any way shape or form. I'm imperfect like that.

I choose to ignore those that ridicule my faith. I would not associate with them in real life and I don't have to converse with them on this forum. I have much better things to do with my time.

wxtornado, I have replied to you because you do, on occasion, ask legitimate questions and I have tried to answer them. The others just spout their inane nonsense and I find them very easy to ignore.


New Member

Yeah. Right :rolleyes:

Karma is but a game to me. I learned to play the game early and what I choose to do, I do very well. Give red. I will return the meaningless red in great abundance.

You and others ridicule those of faith and expect us to just sit back and take it. It is atheists that are in the minority world wide, not Christians. Try going to an Islamic nation and spouting off your junk. Find out how long you survive.

I am a Christian. I am not perfect. I am very much nonviolent but very well prepared to defend my loved ones, friends, country, and myself. I will turn the other cheek, but when backed into a corner, you would not want to be my opponent in any way shape or form. I'm imperfect like that.

I choose to ignore those that ridicule my faith. I would not associate with them in real life and I don't have to converse with them on this forum. I have much better things to do with my time.

wxtornado, I have replied to you because you do, on occasion, ask legitimate questions and I have tried to answer them. The others just spout their inane nonsense and I find them very easy to ignore.

how christian of you. I'm sure christ would give up the ghost (no pun intended) and karma bomb like a 5th grader.
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New Member

Yeah. Right :rolleyes:

Karma is but a game to me. I learned to play the game early and what I choose to do, I do very well. Give red. I will return the meaningless red in great abundance.

You and others ridicule those of faith and expect us to just sit back and take it. It is atheists that are in the minority world wide, not Christians. Try going to an Islamic nation and spouting off your junk. Find out how long you survive.

I am a Christian. I am not perfect. I am very much nonviolent but very well prepared to defend my loved ones, friends, country, and myself. I will turn the other cheek, but when backed into a corner, you would not want to be my opponent in any way shape or form. I'm imperfect like that.

I choose to ignore those that ridicule my faith. I would not associate with them in real life and I don't have to converse with them on this forum. I have much better things to do with my time.

wxtornado, I have replied to you because you do, on occasion, ask legitimate questions and I have tried to answer them. The others just spout their inane nonsense and I find them very easy to ignore.

wow, so freaking insecure that he needs 10 MPD's so it feels like he has friends......

I'm guessing his jesus says things like "when a man slaps you on the cheek, slap him back a thousand times....."

oh well, i guess he will have to argue with my MPDs
bwhahahaha, gonna have to make one just for him :lmao:


"CWNews.com – After 29 years as a gay activist, former lesbian magazine publisher Charlene Cothran stunned the homosexual community when she announced she had become a Christian.

She has renounced her homosexuality, and changed the format of her magazine to spread the Gospel to the gay community."


#1- I am a christian.
#2- I am a democrat.
#3- If you're gay you're gay.
You CAN make it a choice, but truely gay people are born that way. God doesn't make any mistakes. I have known (and do know) alot of gay people. I know alot of bisexual people. Gay men are great! They make the best friends. I have never understood why gayness (is that a word?) in the "religious" community is thought of as so terrible. Sin is sin right? Yes. Do they consider how many people that claim to be christians lie, cheat, steal, speed, etc. on a regular basis. Probably more often (times in a week) than gay people have sex.
See guys, just because you are a christian doesn't mean your all judgemental and crap. Remember, I've been in the joint more times than an ounce of weed.