A Neighbor You Like Probably Voted For Trump


my war
He's not the only one.

Seems every lefty on the forum is yapping at your heels in every thread.
Every? Only 15 people actively participate in this forum, so what's that like, 2 people? Show me where it hurts.


Well-Known Member
You just might end up in my freezer :razz:

I don't know why you voted against Trump, but I do Know what Biden has said and what he ius already doing.
He said he would stop fracking and stop oil drilling on Government land.
That means our energy independence will go down the tubes, and pretty soon we will be buying OPEC oil at outrageous prices. Oil or rather fossil fuels makes plastics, tires, rugs for the home , and tons of other things and all of those will become more expensive.

He is against the 2nd. Amendment and wants to ban a weapon that millions of Americans owns, and hat is merely the first step. Taking guns away from law0abiding Americans while the criminals aren't bothered with laws and wont lose a cap pistol.

Open Borders, and stopping the Tarriffs on China. Paris Accords giving Iran more terrorist money and worst of al placing the traitor John F'in Kerry as Climate Czar. That Socksucker should have been indicted and shot by a firing squad years ago.

As I said I don't know why you voted for Biden and I rally don't give a damn except whether you realize it or not what you voted for is what I just mentioned,


happy to be living
This ^^^

I've lost friendships with people who either dumped me because they hate Trump or showed such an ugly side of themselves that I dumped them. And at first I was sad, in both situations, then I was like.....wait, why am I sorry about getting this terrible person out of my life? So then I was just sad that this person with so many great qualities has an inner radical Marxist hatemonger that they felt comfortable whipping out and letting fly. Either that or their inner is moronic thug, or callous elitist.

It was pretty amazing to watch. Thank you, Donald Trump, for encouraging these people to reveal the real them.

I dropped several acquaintances on FB due to the hatred they continuously spewed about Trump and his family. I try to respect that we all have our differences and though the democrat thought process doesn't even compute in my mind, it would never occur to me to publicly profess to HATE on obama or biden; even though I dislike both of them. Cameltoe may be a different story! though I keep those feelings and other political feelings off FB. These people I unfriended and unfollowed had such a vicious attitude towards anything Trump, it just got old and my respect for them went down the crapper; along with maxine's twin. NO credit, just continuous criticism.
Though Trump annoyed me with his tweets and name calling, I acknowledge that his experience as a businessman did many great things for this country I love. My fear is that every good thing he accomplished in 4 years will be undone by these fidiots that supposedly won the election. Not only will this will set us back, it will not be productive moving forward.


PREMO Member
I'm not going to engage with you GURPS because I basically like you but for the record - I NEVER at any point said it was about something mean he said - NEVER.

and I quote:

Honestly it's because I truly despise Donald Trump. I think he's evil, amoral, petty, vindictive, boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, a world class liar, and a stand up comedian who is not funny. I think he lacks empathy, I think he's a little on the ignorant side about the majestic history of this country and I think he's incurious about everything, having already decided he knows it all.

Excuse me you think Trump IS a mean person, not that he said mean thing .......

News Flash ...... NY Democrat all his life in the Business World of Real Estate ...... that's not a subtle line of work

you think Trump is mean, you really should study Political History .... Politics today is tame compared to history past
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Excuse me you think Trump IS a mean person, not that he said mean thing .......

What's interesting is that this:

he's evil, amoral, petty, vindictive, boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, a world class liar, and a stand up comedian who is not funny. I think he lacks empathy, I think he's a little on the ignorant side about the majestic history of this country and I think he's incurious about everything, having already decided he knows it all.

describes Barack Obama to a T. I'm curious if that poster despises Obama as well.

And if we want to talk about boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, liar, and ignorant, we should look no further than Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, whom that poster does not despise.

I'm not a big fan of moronic talking points. As Jim Rome says, have a take and don't suck. Be able to back up your opinion and cite examples. Blathering off a laundry list of parrot-like rhetoric makes me roll my eyes.
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Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I didn't like him, I didn't like the chaos
Not sure if you are still checking on this thread. I'm curious as to what chaos you are referring to? I have to imagine that the Trump administration conducted business just about the same way most administrations functioned since I was born. The only difference was that outlets like CNN were continually touting a lot of emotional opinion into their 'news' reports.

If chaos is what delivers record breaking events like low unemployment numbers, increased work force participation and stock market closings, then I hope there is a lot of chaos in future administrations.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What's interesting is that this:

he's evil, amoral, petty, vindictive, boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, a world class liar, and a stand up comedian who is not funny. I think he lacks empathy, I think he's a little on the ignorant side about the majestic history of this country and I think he's incurious about everything, having already decided he knows it all.

describes Barack Obama to a T.

No... They loved ALL those qualities in the Magic Muslim.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the belief. When my "friend" is advocating a position that actively hurts me personally, sorry - we can't be friends anymore. When they attack me and call me a white supremacist - nope, all gone.

Then there are the ones who don't come after me personally, but they express a belief that is so abhorrent and dystopian that I now see them in a new light and don't want that type of person in my life.

"Oh this person is my friend even though he wants to round up Trump supporters and shoot them, and then take out their kids to really finish the job. We can agree to disagree."

Yeah, no.
Many feel that way about anyone that doesn't believe in welfare, open borders etc. This is what gets the lefties all splody headed.


the poor dad
and I quote:

Excuse me you think Trump IS a mean person, not that he said mean thing .......

News Flash ...... NY Democrat all his life the world of Real Estate ......

you think Trump is mean, you really should study Political History .... Politics today is tame compared to history past

Thx for finding that because I thought she had posted something along those lines. Found it unusual at the time because she had never posted in the Politics thread before.


the poor dad
If chaos is what delivers record breaking events like low unemployment numbers, increased work force participation and stock market closings, then I hope there is a lot of chaos in future administrations.

Chaos has been good to me the last 4 years - looking forward to more of it.


PREMO Member
Thx for finding that because I thought she had posted something along those lines. Found it unusual at the time because she had never posted in the Politics thread before.

As did I, I was shocked frankly ........ ok so those are reasons to vote Creepy Child Sniffing Uncle Joe .....

how many people did Biden tell off on the Campaign Trial

if you don't like x don't vote for me


Well-Known Member
Works both ways - I've lost friends simply because I don't like the man and voted against him. I think it's the most ridiculous thing in the world to give up speaking to someone over a politician - any politician. I honestly don't think any of them give a good crap about any of us.

Trump does.


Well-Known Member
Trump is preparing to save this country because he loves this country and us. You people that hate him... nicest way I can say it here..shame on you.