A Neighbor You Like Probably Voted For Trump


Well-Known Member
What's interesting is that this:

he's evil, amoral, petty, vindictive, boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, a world class liar, and a stand up comedian who is not funny. I think he lacks empathy, I think he's a little on the ignorant side about the majestic history of this country and I think he's incurious about everything, having already decided he knows it all.

describes Barack Obama to a T. I'm curious if that poster despises Obama as well.

You know the irony of this is, this is the first post in this thread I decided to start reading - and that's who I thought the poster was referring to. ESPECIALLY the last sentence.


Well-Known Member
he's evil, amoral, petty, vindictive, boastful, arrogant, thin skinned, a world class liar, and a stand up comedian who is not funny. I think he lacks empathy.
This could be taken directly from the transcript of every CNN broadcast in the last 4 years.

I wonder if it was?


Well-Known Member
Keep scrolling or put me on ignore if the truth hurts you so bad...
What you consider "truth" is something to laugh at...
But please, keep showing us why half of us point & laugh at you...
and the other half of us point & shake our heads with disapproval at you, Quasimodo...


Well-Known Member
Only with you, ya lil midget...
That's hysterical coming from an angry drunken dwarf!:killingme



Active Member
I don't know why you voted against Trump, but I do Know what Biden has said and what he ius already doing.
He said he would stop fracking and stop oil drilling on Government land.
That means our energy independence will go down the tubes, and pretty soon we will be buying OPEC oil at outrageous prices. Oil or rather fossil fuels makes plastics, tires, rugs for the home , and tons of other things and all of those will become more expensive.
Didn’t you hear? Electricity and batteries are the future! :roflmao:

The next loser I pass in a Tesla is going to get a nice cloud of good ole PA exhaust. Biden, Elon, and the whole bunch of them can take their battery scooters and shove off!
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