Are you telling if you got to the top of a 20 story building and jump off you didn't accept the consequences of that act; the knowledge that it would kill you? Some things have natural laws and consequences to them regardless of human application of law. When you chose to do something with full knowledge of the what the resulting consequences would be you also chose those conseuquences. Otherwise you are just in denial that there even consequences for your actions. Any rational human understands this.
sure, but in this case, "god" chose the consequence and gave us the will to think on our own .... then abandoned us. A flimsy book held together by preachers who talk a good sermon but hump little boys on the side are hardly a system I'd believe in.
Face it, any god worth praying to wouldn't put anyone in the position we're in.
Why should I believe any of it?
Lets look at it objectively.
1: No evidence of god (face it, being mentioned in a book that has been tarnished so many times by so many people doing so many deeds is almost less than worthless).
2: A church that [a: can't even agree on a translation [b: has so many factions all claiming to be the 'one true' church [c: has in the past and to a lesser extent currently committed atrocities on a global scale (all while preaching the "good book" holds no meaning for me.
3: Hell itself is a bit of a steep punishment for simply "not believing". Lets see here .... you didn't believe in me for several years .... I guess the best solution is eternity in hell. Yeah .... nice god you have there .... infinite mercy my hairy ass.
4: What if you pick the wrong one? Lets face it. Mormons/Episcopalians/Catholics/Luthrens/dozens of others all claim the way to heaven is through their church (well, they say it's through god, but to better know him and worship him the way he wants it done, you have to do it their way).
I could go on, but why bother?
None of you will look at it and see it my way.
I'd wager you'd say the same about me. you would be wrong. I'm baptized, confirmed, and was an acolyte for 7 years. Heck, I was the narrator for several of the church plays and served so much ham and so many oysters you wouldn't believe it.
It's all bunk.