that's the stuff dreams are made of
another thing that you ladies do may or may not realise simply wearing wonderful as direct eye contact is......there is something so sultry about a sunglasses....with just alittle bit of attitude............
but ...back to the q' at hand (although I think this is fodder for another thread)...if you will lololol......I have a story to share..
Several years ago...while trying desperately to find the perfect Christmas niece took me to the we passed a manican clad in a tiny thong...I was ....ahhhh......" distracted" lololol...anyway, I made an admiring comment...and she responded just as Vrail did...."they're going to end up in my crack anyway...why not start out there !!!"
Well, as my mouth fly open wide in...."surprise"...this 19 y/o angel(by the way...I was her self proclaimed chastity belt till she was 30)....totally blew my mind !!!!