Let me try to bring some common sense to this issue. Alot of finger pointing, name calling, and straight up BS has gone on in this topic.
Look, everyone know's that some police officers DO cut breaks to some types of citizens, whether it be fire & EMS, military, leo families and other leo's (law enforcement officers). Lets be realistic here though.
Theres also cops out there that do not show mercy on anyone regardless... and will still write the charge or ticket, and make the arrest no matter what.
People are upset because they know the whole Good ole boys club does exist in some area's still.
Realize this... Society has woken up to this issue. There are people out there right now, that are fighting cases and dealing with civil rights violators in all positions, whether they are working in law enforcement or not. The ACLU does not look upon these agencies kindly if they see a repeated pattern of certain good ole boys mentality. If there are police officers out there who are letting law breakers go, they will get caught in the act eventually. It would be a shame if someone was pulled over for DUI, is let go, and later on crashes and kills someone. These things will happen. There will be investigations, and crackdowns, and people will lose jobs.
Another instance of this happening, is the racial profiling. Many of you know that there was a big "racial profiling" scandal going on in PG county a few years ago. Law enforcement pulling over people based on skin color, and finding a reason. Is this true? I dunno. I know that the instances would have never been brought up if it didn't happen. In another light, one could say that certain civil rights groups may have gone overboard with it all. There were racist e-mails that were sent around police e-mails a long time ago, and those people were dealt with (I know it was in DC) but still...
Point being, these people get caught. Technology is making it harder and harder. The law doesn't discriminate, and wrongdoers regardless of their side of the badge will be caught. Dashcams, department statistics, and the Freedom of Information Act have made alot of stuff public. Honesty is the best policy I think.
I understand police have a hard job. I can't say i've walked in their shoes. I also know that they can write their own law... and that there are quota's, and there are certain department policies (quantity vs's quality arrests) and either way it eats up resources.
The biggest pet peeve we have here is this.... Im not saying don't write or do write speeding tickets or whatever.... But stick to it. Make it a department policy. Everyone gets a ticket. Regardless of person. Crack down if speeding is that much of a problem where you must pull someone over, then write the ticket. Don't waste the time, or put yourself at risk. If I speed, and you catch me, write the ticket! If I drink and drive, ARREST ME! Take me off the road! Take others off the road who break the laws as well! Don't let them go! They may KILL ME SOMEDAY! THEY MAY KILL YOU! OR YOUR CHILDREN! just something to think about. If you pull someone over for speeding, write the ticket. They put your life at risk by making you leave your cruiser to walk to their window! Write them a ticket! Soccer moms, other LEO's, military EVERYONE!