A question for the Police Officers....


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Sure did, I call em like I see em....or how they portray themselves to be. Not all pi....er, cops...act like you do. The ones that deserve respect get it; the weeds are called out. If you don't like it, de-weed yourself from the garden.
I could care a less what a person such as yourself calls me. I know what you are!


New Member

What do all of you do for a living? Ever help out a co-worker of family member? I'm sorry, but sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. If your an officer and get pulled over, there's no guarantee the officer doing the stop will let him go. It's the same chance as a regular citizen getting a warning instead of a citation. win some/ lose some, so you still have to be responsible.


The fear of Smell
Pay Attention

wileecoyote said:
What do all of you do for a living? Ever help out a co-worker of family member? I'm sorry, but sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. If your an officer and get pulled over, there's no guarantee the officer doing the stop will let him go. It's the same chance as a regular citizen getting a warning instead of a citation. win some/ lose some, so you still have to be responsible.

Did you just jump to the end of the thread, or did you read the whole thread? Perhaps you should go back about 18 pages and re-read... :smack:

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Roberta said:
Who do you call when someone brakes into your house or car or whatever? The cops!

Thats right, next time they need the police tell them to call a crack head. Cops aren't perfect, but it takes a special breed to do the job and I respect those who do it. Regardless of who they decide to ticket or not is their prerogative, not those who have typed pages and pages b*tchin about preferential treatment.
The complainers want to sit back and quarterback the job police do, yet the police are the first they call when they are in need of some kind of help.
Some people may never need the police and thats a good thing, but just remember, one day you might so remember the times you bashed them.... but don't you worry the police will serve you unbiased regardless of what you called them or what you think of them.


New Member
wileecoyote said:
What do all of you do for a living? Ever help out a co-worker of family member? I'm sorry, but sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. If your an officer and get pulled over, there's no guarantee the officer doing the stop will let him go. It's the same chance as a regular citizen getting a warning instead of a citation. win some/ lose some, so you still have to be responsible.
That is what I have been trying to say! Thank you!!!!!!


New Member
Last month I was picking up a special order cake at Coldstone Creamery in Waldorf. My husband pulled up at the door and I ran in to get it. It was already paid for so I was in the store less than 5 minutes. My husband never shut off the car because he knew I was going to be quick. I come out and some goober Charles County cop is writing him a ticket for being in a fire lane. Now I think this is a joke, why didn't he just say park the car? It was after dark on a friday night. I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
jjcmom said:
Last month I was picking up a special order cake at Coldstone Creamery in Waldorf. My husband pulled up at the door and I ran in to get it. It was already paid for so I was in the store less than 5 minutes. My husband never shut off the car because he knew I was going to be quick. I come out and some goober Charles County cop is writing him a ticket for being in a fire lane. Now I think this is a joke, why didn't he just say park the car? It was after dark on a friday night. I just don't get it.

Unfortunately for you about a month to six weeks ago the management of Waldorf Marketplace complained to the Sheriff's Office about violations in the fire lanes especially with Fire and EMS vehicles, we wont mention which departments (not too hard to figure out, we are in Waldorf) :whistle:
All the departments in the county got put on notice that if you parked in the firelanes, you could expect a ticket.
Since your husband was still in the car and the motor was running, I think the officer should have just asked him to move it. Was the officer by himself or did he have another officer with him, a bunch of new rookies just recently got cut loose about 6 weeks ago or so.
I bet the cake was really good. :yay:


New Member
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Unfortunately for you about a month to six weeks ago the management of Waldorf Marketplace complained to the Sheriff's Office about violations in the fire lanes especially with Fire and EMS vehicles, we wont mention which departments (not too hard to figure out, we are in Waldorf) :whistle:
All the departments in the county got put on notice that if you parked in the firelanes, you could expect a ticket.
Since your husband was still in the car and the motor was running, I think the officer should have just asked him to move it. Was the officer by himself or did he have another officer with him, a bunch of new rookies just recently got cut loose about 6 weeks ago or so.
I bet the cake was really good. :yay:
That might explain it...he was alone and very young looking(but now that I'm pushing 60 young can be 30). Like I said I had paid in advance for the cake so I just ran in and got it. I thought it was a joke...like I said the car was running. It ruined the taste of the cake.....I'll stick with McKays in Charlotte Hall, walking though that parking lot after dark doesn't frighten me.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
somdwhiner said:
How many of you were pulled over by officers and not given a ticket, but a verbal or written warning? How many have actually driven drunk at night and relieved when they made it home without getting stopped by a cop? It's amazing how many people whine over the smallest things. How many times have you seen a cop walk into a business for lunch and 9 out of 10 times, get a call as soon as they sit down and have to throw the meal away and go to a call or decide when a police officer FINALLY gets a chance to eat and goes with a friend, at least one person will say thats their tax dollars in use (well cops have to pay taxes too if you weren't aware of that), ask the officer doesn't he suppose to be fighting crime then taking a break, or when people see the officer sit down and get comfortable, suddenly have the urge to walk up and ask the officer a million questions so his/her meal gets cold and has to throw it away again because someone spent his 5 minutes to relax and actually eat talking to a citizen and now has to respond to a call.
If they want to let their friend off, family member, or someone they think is hot for a speeding ticket, let them. Don't come on here complaining on how they do their job because you find your "facts" by reading what other people say but not actually have no clue what pertains to the job. How many of you have done a ride along with an officer and see what they do during the shift? Sometimes they have a lot of downtime and sometimes they don't.
How many of you have gotten to work, stepped in the door, and your supervisor wanted to talk with you about your car being dirty in the middle of winter? How about give you a day off because someone called in and told them you were speeding down the road? How many have actually sped down the road, looked down at your speedometer and realized it, found a cop, approached him and asked him to write you a ticket because you were speeding?
How many have took an hour for lunch, then decided to go shopping because they had good sales and came back to work over 2 hours later and still wrote down an hour for lunch and left work an hour early that same day because you were stuffed from lunch but didn't write it down? Yep, thats' called a perk. You see a cop doing that, it would be called a write up or at least someone calling in a complaint because they went shopping during work. You don't see cops come on here #####ing about your perks. You don't see them starting topics about what they deal with everyday because they have nothing to prove to you and no matter what the situation might be, someone will always say they could have handled it better but yet they get scrutinized every day for something that happens. Have a lovely day.



New Member
I think that the line must be drawn. Theres a fine line between a "perk" and "corruption". Your views are warped. Let me explain to you, that your right, we shouldn't complain on here. If theres a problem, then the police department should want to hear feedback. Make a complaint with public officials and the media. Its my right to be concerned about the "police" that are there to govern how and when the law is enforced. Police CAN be held accountable for their actions, or failure to have action on something. And you know why? Because MY TAX MONEY PAYS THEIR SALARY! Thats right! My hard earned money that the government takes PAYS THEIR PAYCHECK! Im not saying they have to be perfect. But we must push for more fairness here. Some sort of guideline must be written. Not a discretionary rule on misdemeanors. This isn't a fuss board. Its a problem I think. Especially with the posts that have been written. I am curious now, you know with all of the ruckus it has raised, to what kind of standards and training they are held to. Who they are accountable to. I know who they are accountable to. The ACLU. The NAACP. Not to say that I am a big fan of these organizations, but its sad that we need those organizations to keep these poeple in check. Its clear that personal integrity is lacking with some of the officers out on the road, and its painting a picture for the rest as if the whole organization is that way which in most cases its not.


New Member
Ya know it gets old saying your TAX money pays our salary, well how about the taxes I pay also. Get a new saying, or pay some more taxes so I can get a raise azz wipe. :smack:

General Lee

Well-Known Member
protectmd said:
I think that the line must be drawn. Theres a fine line between a "perk" and "corruption". Your views are warped. Let me explain to you, that your right, we shouldn't complain on here. If theres a problem, then the police department should want to hear feedback. Make a complaint with public officials and the media. Its my right to be concerned about the "police" that are there to govern how and when the law is enforced. Police CAN be held accountable for their actions, or failure to have action on something. And you know why? Because MY TAX MONEY PAYS THEIR SALARY! Thats right! My hard earned money that the government takes PAYS THEIR PAYCHECK! Im not saying they have to be perfect. But we must push for more fairness here. Some sort of guideline must be written. Not a discretionary rule on misdemeanors. This isn't a fuss board. Its a problem I think. Especially with the posts that have been written. I am curious now, you know with all of the ruckus it has raised, to what kind of standards and training they are held to. Who they are accountable to. I know who they are accountable to. The ACLU. The NAACP. Not to say that I am a big fan of these organizations, but its sad that we need those organizations to keep these poeple in check. Its clear that personal integrity is lacking with some of the officers out on the road, and its painting a picture for the rest as if the whole organization is that way which in most cases its not.

That is the biggest line of BS I ever read.


Main Streeter
harleygirl said:
My husband is a police officer, and our car has the blue sticker. I have gotten three tickets in the last year or so. One for speeding in Va, one for speeding in Myrtle Beach, and an inspection ticket for a tailight out on the Pax River base. The blue sticker is not meant to keep you out of a ticket. I broke the law and paid the fines like any average citizen.

What's the blue sticker for???


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by harleygirl
My husband is a police officer, and our car has the blue sticker. I have gotten three tickets in the last year or so. One for speeding in Va, one for speeding in Myrtle Beach, and an inspection ticket for a tailight out on the Pax River base. The blue sticker is not meant to keep you out of a ticket. I broke the law and paid the fines like any average citizen.

So all of your tickets were out of state. Being that you were way out of your husbands local juristicion. There may not have been much he could have done to get you out of the ticket.


New Member
Your 5 year old kid getting pushed down by another 5 year old is NOT a police matter; talk to the other kid's parents, not the police.

If your kid won't do his homework or do his chores, 911 is not the the answer.

If a cop causes a car accident we usually get a ticket, and sometimes we get suspended. When is the last time you got 3 days off (without pay) for rear-ending a guy at Wal Mart?

We know you've had more than two beers. When I've had two beers, I didn't hit six parked cars, drive my car through the front doors of a Toys-R-Us, pee my pants or pass out at a traffic light.

When you see an emergency vehicle behind you, with its lights and sirens on, pull to the RIGHT and stop. We are usually required to pass cars on the left.

When you're driving in the fast lane and you see a cop behind you, don't go 5 MPH under the speed limit. We are not impressed by how safe of a driver you can be, we're trying to help someone (or catch that guy in the SUV that just cut you off). Safely move over and let us pass, please.

If we park our cruiser across the road with lights flashing, don't ask if the road is closed or if there is and accident. Just take an alternate route and DON'T DRIVE AROUND US!

If you get a warning instead of a ticket from a motorcycle cop, go buy a lottery ticket, because you've already beaten the odds.

When you see an officer conducting a traffic stop, or with a suspect in handcuffs, it is generally not a good idea to approach him and ask for directions. If you do, don't expect the officer to be nice when he tells you to get lost, and don't expect the officer to take the time to explain.

Here's how to get out of a ticket - Don't break the law.

If you drive a piece of crap, that is why you are getting pulled over.

If you've just been pulled over doing 70 in a 35, do not greet the officer with, "What seems to be the problem, officer?"

We SOMETIMES get coffee breaks and lunch, too. Allow us to do so in peace.

When you're the victim of a burglary, take the time you spend waiting for the officer to find the model number and the serial number of the stuff that was taken.

Some cops are just jerks. But take heart in the fact that other cops don't like them either.

If it's night time and you're driving a vehicle with tinted windows and I pull you over, it's not because of you skin color. I usually can't tell if the vehicle even has a driver until the window is rolled down.

Every time you hear on the news about people running away from a crazed gunman, someone's son or daughter in a police uniform is running TOWARD that crazed gunman.

Yes, it's true, cops usually don't give other cops tickets. Think of it as an employee discount, perk or benefit. Other cops are family and you wouldn't give your brother a ticket if you were a cop either.

If your local police agency has a helicopter, everyone knows it's loud and annoying. But did you know it can cover the same area as 20 patrol officers and safely chase criminals that are driving 90 MPH through city streets? Many times the guy has no idea it's there and slows down.

Police work is....Writing reports.

If you rob a gas station you're only going to get about $100, but I get to see a K9 dog use your arm as a chew toy. For all I care, you can keep the $100.

In one year of patrol work in a large city, only about ten minutes would be cool enough to be on the television show Cops.

Every traffic stop could end in gunfire, but we have to be polite and professional until that time.

I've taken about the same amount of men and women to jail for domestic violence, so NO, it's not always the man.

If the light was yellow, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Cops know you pay taxes, and that your taxes pay cops' salaries. Did you know its only about 26 cents worth?

Cops also pay taxes, which also pay cops' salaries so, this traffic stop is on me. Now sign here; press hard. There are several copies.

Police Officers......Our job is to protect your ass, not kiss it!


New Member
Wow Nice Post!!! Seriously I have to agree with you. I drive 60 on Rt4 and get tailgated and honked at....so I got 63-64 with Cruise control and still get passed. Sorry 9 over in a 55 is WAY more than enough for me

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
If a cop causes a car accident we usually get a ticket, and sometimes we get suspended. When is the last time you got 3 days off (without pay) for rear-ending a guy at Wal Mart? Cops also have at fault accidents and don't get ticketed, don't have to pay for the damage to the cruiser, and don't have to pay higher insurance. I would love it if the next time I got into an accident I got an unpaid vacation for 3 days while somone else fixed my car on their dime.

When you're driving in the fast lane and you see a cop behind you, don't go 5 MPH under the speed limit. We are not impressed by how safe of a driver you can be, we're trying to help someone (or catch that guy in the SUV that just cut you off). Safely move over and let us pass, please. shouldn't you have you lights on if you were trying to catch someone or get somewere in a hury to help somone. Or could it be possible that a lot of police drive very fast in the fast lane just because they can.

Here's how to get out of a ticket - Don't break the law. A lot of tickets are BS I 'm sure you have given somone a ticket for somthing you do on a daily basis when you are off duty.

We SOMETIMES get coffee breaks and lunch, too. Allow us to do so in peace. you have a paid lunch most people have to clock out for lunch. If you are on the clock during lunch you shouldn;t be mad when somone interups your lunch.