A question for the Police Officers....


New Member
Can you tell me where enforcement means to give a citation? Can enforcement mean to stop a person for a violation and talking to them about it making them aware of the law itself? Not enforcing the law means seeing a violation and not stopping the vehicle at all.

Ken King said:
The only one confused is you. Again I’ll ask you to cite specifically where within the laws of Maryland it says that a law enforcement officer does not have to enforce the laws of Maryland, that they can pick and choose which ones they will enforce or which one’s they will let slide. You won’t be able to do it. You know this, so do I and everyone else here.

Now as to officer discretion I can chalk that up to many things like an officer looking at a possible violation of the law and saying that for some unknown reason they don’t think that they can provide evidence to support the charge or if evidence does exist then they are willfully disregarding the law thus becoming judge and jury placing themselves above the law and their position. I see getting a warning as an admonition given by the officer and while those receiving them should appreciate it these warnings are in my mind an abuse of power as it isn’t the officer’s job to determine guilt or innocence.

But none of this is the issue that I thought we were discussing. What I have been talking about are those that by their association seek and expect special consideration when confronted with possible citation for an infraction and the many receiving such consideration that fosters further usurpation of the duties persons like you have sworn to perform.

I am also willing to bet that when you are sworn in as an officer you take an oath as to your truthfulness and to your dedication towards enforcing the laws as written, how does that mix with cutting friends, brother officer’s and their families slack or for that matter anyone?


New Member
Ken King said:
Nope, this has nothing to do with warnings and discretion. I'll type this real slow just for you, what I am suggesting is that when a person seeks and receives preferential treatment for minor infractions because they are a member of a select group that it is possible that those same persons will solicit and receive similar treatment for more severe infractions because of that association. It's the entitled mentality that giving preference can foster.

It’s kind of like rolling a snowball off of a mountain peak and then being surprised when the result is an avalanche. Are you getting a clue yet? Do you use your head for anything other than a placeholder for your hat?
Well KeAnd are there other laws where the officers get to exercise this discreation? You let your pal speed, let his kid speed, so why not let them get away with a little DUI/DWI. How about domestic violence, assault, or whatever?

The job is law enforcement and it should not be discreationary. What do you think they have prosecutors, judges and juries for?
n, here is what you wrote ealier. "

So I guess when you wrote that you were saying we only did not have discretion when it came to citizens other than law enforcement? Your suggesting that we give breaks to any one but a police officer? Why would that be fair to those that serve? I have the same criteria for giving a police officer a ticket that I do an active duty military person a ticket. If you serve your country, state, county, city, you are going to get a break from me when I can legaly and moraly do so!


New Member
somdwhiner said:
Can you tell me where enforcement means to give a citation? Can enforcement mean to stop a person for a violation and talking to them about it making them aware of the law itself? Not enforcing the law means seeing a violation and not stopping the vehicle at all.
Tell me where it says in the law I can write a warning? But you will gladly accept one! Ken, even a person of your moderate intelligence should be able to understand this!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
smcop said:
So I guess when you wrote that you were saying we only did not have discretion when it came to citizens other than law enforcement? Your suggesting that we give breaks to any one but a police officer? Why would that be fair to those that serve? I have the same criteria for giving a police officer a ticket that I do an active duty military person a ticket. If you serve your country, state, county, city, you are going to get a break from me when I can legaly and moraly do so!
Nope, that's what you said. I have basically said that the laws are written in "black and white", most are very clear and if you witness a violation then you should do your job as you have sworn to do. If you can give discretion and choose to do so, fine. I could care less. What you are missing as my issues are with those that expect a pass because of their job or association and the common practice of your "brotherhood" doing so. It isn't about, for the lack of a better expression, usual discretion, it's about the entitled mentality.

Now as to your last sentence I find that highly doubtful and will throw the :bs: as I don't think your first, or any, question upon stopping a speeding motorist is "who do you work for or where do you work?"


New Member
My hubby works for corrections and I don't get any special treatment. I've gotten my tickets, did some community service at the stinky nursing home cleaning the do-do off the floors. I never been pulled over by St Mary's usually MSP gets me, so needless to say, I am not liking them to much!
smcop, I drive a white trailblazer, so if you ever pull me over, I will gladly take a warning :howdy:


New Member
Ken King said:
Nope, that's what you said. I have basically said that the laws are written in "black and white", most are very clear and if you witness a violation then you should do your job as you have sworn to do. If you can give discretion and choose to do so, fine. I could care less. What you are missing as my issues are with those that expect a pass because of their job or association and the common practice of your "brotherhood" doing so. It isn't about, for the lack of a better expression, usual discretion, it's about the entitled mentality.

Now as to your last sentence I find that highly doubtful and will throw the :bs: as I don't think your first, or any, question upon stopping a speeding motorist is "who do you work for or where do you work?"
I am doing what I am sworn to do! We have discretion as write tickets or give warnings. I don't care and most of the police officers I know don't care if the person we are pulling over is a family member of a police officer or not. It is all about the way the person treats the officer, the record of the person driving and the offense committed. You won't believe this though so really I am wasting my breath!


New Member
donbarzini said:
Whiner, you're missing Ken's point. How do I know this? Your statement that LEO's(I HATE THAT TERM) and their families do not receive special treatment because of who they are. You are either lying or blind. It happens. Why else would you put the blue line sticker/FOP plates/FOP star in circle on your vehicle?
For the same reason firemen, veterans, members of the elks, naval academy graduates, navy chief's association members, or any other of the hundreds of specialty tags and symbols out there. We are proud of who we are! Why not display it, it is something we earned!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
smcop said:
I am doing what I am sworn to do! We have discretion as write tickets or give warnings. I don't care and most of the police officers I know don't care if the person we are pulling over is a family member of a police officer or not. It is all about the way the person treats the officer, the record of the person driving and the offense committed. You won't believe this though so really I am wasting my breath!
Hey @sshat, notice where I said above that it isn't about "usual discretion"? Give anyone you want a break for any freaking reason, I don't care. But when that cop or family member leads off the conversation with "See my badge" or "My husband is an officer" after you've pulled them over they are EXPECTING you to cut them some slack and that isn't discretion, it's seeking preferential treatment.


Well-Known Member
smcop said:
For the same reason firemen, veterans, members of the elks, naval academy graduates, navy chief's association members, or any other of the hundreds of specialty tags and symbols out there. We are proud of who we are! Why not display it, it is something we earned!

Sell that somewhere else, whiner.


New Member
Ken King said:
Hey @sshat, notice where I said above that it isn't about "usual discretion"? Give anyone you want a break for any freaking reason, I don't care. But when that cop or family member leads off the conversation with "See my badge" or "My husband is an officer" after you've pulled them over they are EXPECTING you to cut them some slack and that isn't discretion, it's seeking preferential treatment.
Hey Ken, I thought you could be adult and have a polite discourse on this, however I realize now you have to resort to name calling. Don't be so childish. If someone disagrees with you that's no reason to call them names. I see the type of person you are, hiding behind your computer!


New Member
Ken King said:
Hey @sshat, notice where I said above that it isn't about "usual discretion"? Give anyone you want a break for any freaking reason, I don't care. But when that cop or family member leads off the conversation with "See my badge" or "My husband is an officer" after you've pulled them over they are EXPECTING you to cut them some slack and that isn't discretion, it's seeking preferential treatment.
I have had plent of people tell me they are in the military, nurses, doctors, government workers, postal workers, firemen, all looking for breaks. That doesn't mean any of them are automatic. If you read what I said, and the other police say, then you will see how we disburse tickets. You Ken have said that there is nothing in the law that allows discretion, now you seem to be backing off on that statement?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
smcop said:
Hey Ken, I thought you could be adult and have a polite discourse on this, however I realize now you have to resort to name calling. Don't be so childish. If someone disagrees with you that's no reason to call them names. I see the type of person you are, hiding behind your computer!
Cry me a river, you know nothing of me as I know nothing of you. And I was talking to your hat anyway. :moon:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
smcop said:
I have had plent of people tell me they are in the military, nurses, doctors, government workers, postal workers, firemen, all looking for breaks. That doesn't mean any of them are automatic. If you read what I said, and the other police say, then you will see how we disburse tickets. You Ken have said that there is nothing in the law that allows discretion, now you seem to be backing off on that statement?
I don't see a thing allowing for your failure to enforce all laws with equal voracity. Can you show me where it is allowed? No you can’t, as it is nothing more than a custom that you and your brethren have fostered. Good or bad makes no difference. If I speed and get caught write the ticket, as it is what I deserve and have earned.

Question - I take it you're a deputy and as such a representative of the Sheriff, now how does your discretion fit in with his responsibility to "Enforce all laws applicable to St. Mary's County and the State of Maryland"?


New Member
Ken King said:
I don't see a thing allowing for your failure to enforce all laws with equal voracity. Can you show me where it is allowed? No you can’t, as it is nothing more than a custom that you and your brethren have fostered. Good or bad makes no difference. If I speed and get caught write the ticket, as it is what I deserve and have earned.

Question - I take it you're a deputy and as such a representative of the Sheriff, now how does your discretion fit in with his responsibility to "Enforce all laws applicable to St. Mary's County and the State of Maryland"?
O.K. Ken, pay attention!!!! I know you don't know about the law, but here is a quick lesson. The legislature defines exactly what a police officer SHALL, or MAY do! If they say an officer SHALL do something, there then the officer is mandated to do said thing. If they say an officer MAY do something, then that allows the officer discretion. Here you go in reference to the traffic law.

Article - Transportation § 26-201

A police officer MAY charge a person with a violation of any of the following, if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed or is committing the violation:

(1) The Maryland Vehicle Law, including any rule or regulation adopted under any of its provisions;

(2) A traffic law or ordinance of any local authority;

(3) Title 9, Subtitle 2 of the Tax - General Article;

(4) Title 9, Subtitle 3 of the Tax - General Article; or

(5) Title 10, Subtitle 4 of the Business Regulation Article.


New Member
Ken King said:
I don't see a thing allowing for your failure to enforce all laws with equal voracity. Can you show me where it is allowed? No you can’t, as it is nothing more than a custom that you and your brethren have fostered. Good or bad makes no difference. If I speed and get caught write the ticket, as it is what I deserve and have earned.

Question - I take it you're a deputy and as such a representative of the Sheriff, now how does your discretion fit in with his responsibility to "Enforce all laws applicable to St. Mary's County and the State of Maryland"?
Why do you assume I am a deputy sheriff. By the way, your wrong about my assignment, however, you are wrong about a lot!