New Member
Can you tell me where enforcement means to give a citation? Can enforcement mean to stop a person for a violation and talking to them about it making them aware of the law itself? Not enforcing the law means seeing a violation and not stopping the vehicle at all.
Ken King said:The only one confused is you. Again I’ll ask you to cite specifically where within the laws of Maryland it says that a law enforcement officer does not have to enforce the laws of Maryland, that they can pick and choose which ones they will enforce or which one’s they will let slide. You won’t be able to do it. You know this, so do I and everyone else here.
Now as to officer discretion I can chalk that up to many things like an officer looking at a possible violation of the law and saying that for some unknown reason they don’t think that they can provide evidence to support the charge or if evidence does exist then they are willfully disregarding the law thus becoming judge and jury placing themselves above the law and their position. I see getting a warning as an admonition given by the officer and while those receiving them should appreciate it these warnings are in my mind an abuse of power as it isn’t the officer’s job to determine guilt or innocence.
But none of this is the issue that I thought we were discussing. What I have been talking about are those that by their association seek and expect special consideration when confronted with possible citation for an infraction and the many receiving such consideration that fosters further usurpation of the duties persons like you have sworn to perform.
I am also willing to bet that when you are sworn in as an officer you take an oath as to your truthfulness and to your dedication towards enforcing the laws as written, how does that mix with cutting friends, brother officer’s and their families slack or for that matter anyone?