When I was younger, I got a couple tickets. My dad was a cop at the time, but I never tried to use him to make the tickets disapear, but he always wanted to help. I did at one time have an accident on Mechanicsville Chaptico Rd back in the late 80's early 90's. Got a ticket and had to pay a $50 fine. The officer that had questioned me told me that there was no way that anyone could hydroplane at 30 miles an hour. I was behind a line of cars we were all going about 30 to 35 mph at the most. I had a little pos chevette at the time, and when I hit the dip in the road and the turn at the same time the car spun out of control....luckly no one was hurt and the only car that was damaged was mine when I hit a telephone pole. My father wanted me to go to court and see if I could get the fine reduced....it didn't work...the judge doubled the fine. After I paid the fine, my father pulled aside the cop that gave me the ticket and told showed him his badge and told him....don't ever tell my daughter that there is no way that she couldn't have hydoplaned at 30 mph. A couple yrs later I got stopped by the same cop at 2 am coming home from a New Years Eve Party...he followed me for 2 miles...just to write me up for a repair for tag lite. He followed me for 2 miles with his high beams on and couldn't see my tag? When I asked him that I got told, Do you want me to write you ticket for this instead? When I showed my dad the repair form...he told me don't worry about it...I will take care of it this time. Again I didn't listen to him, I replaced the bulb and went to the police dept. to show them that I had gotten this repaired. I later found out that the cop got suspended. From that day on...if I was ever behind him at a stop sign he would go the opposite way.