How many of you were pulled over by officers and not given a ticket, but a verbal or written warning? How many have actually driven drunk at night and relieved when they made it home without getting stopped by a cop? It's amazing how many people whine over the smallest things. How many times have you seen a cop walk into a business for lunch and 9 out of 10 times, get a call as soon as they sit down and have to throw the meal away and go to a call or decide when a police officer FINALLY gets a chance to eat and goes with a friend, at least one person will say thats their tax dollars in use (well cops have to pay taxes too if you weren't aware of that), ask the officer doesn't he suppose to be fighting crime then taking a break, or when people see the officer sit down and get comfortable, suddenly have the urge to walk up and ask the officer a million questions so his/her meal gets cold and has to throw it away again because someone spent his 5 minutes to relax and actually eat talking to a citizen and now has to respond to a call.
If they want to let their friend off, family member, or someone they think is hot for a speeding ticket, let them. Don't come on here complaining on how they do their job because you find your "facts" by reading what other people say but not actually have no clue what pertains to the job. How many of you have done a ride along with an officer and see what they do during the shift? Sometimes they have a lot of downtime and sometimes they don't.
How many of you have gotten to work, stepped in the door, and your supervisor wanted to talk with you about your car being dirty in the middle of winter? How about give you a day off because someone called in and told them you were speeding down the road? How many have actually sped down the road, looked down at your speedometer and realized it, found a cop, approached him and asked him to write you a ticket because you were speeding?
How many have took an hour for lunch, then decided to go shopping because they had good sales and came back to work over 2 hours later and still wrote down an hour for lunch and left work an hour early that same day because you were stuffed from lunch but didn't write it down? Yep, thats' called a perk. You see a cop doing that, it would be called a write up or at least someone calling in a complaint because they went shopping during work. You don't see cops come on here #####ing about your perks. You don't see them starting topics about what they deal with everyday because they have nothing to prove to you and no matter what the situation might be, someone will always say they could have handled it better but yet they get scrutinized every day for something that happens. Have a lovely day.