Thank you. I've long been an absolutist on so many things about our government but this past 15 years, man, the blatant excuse making that has become so obvious: 'our guy' is misunderstood, meant well, had the deck stacked against him/her, it was the media, the 'they' are all bad and evil, but THEIR guy/gal is a lying SOB, hater of the Constitution who is out to destroy 'merica!"
It's just given me pause to try and look at everything from the other side and just challenge myself. Frankly, once Vrai got me to look at gay rights and marriage from the other side, that is the first big issue, that and abortion, which changed a couple of times in my adult life, so, now, the FIRST thing I do after thinking I have an opinion is look at it from the other side and see if I can make a persuasive argument for/against, whatever the case may be and then go from there. At the very least, I know I don't have to agree with the 'other' view but I ought to at least be able to see the point. Frankly, it helps you really see when they, or your own side, is simply full of #### and pounding the table because they're got neither right nor the law on their side.
Clearly, the founders were saying the federal gummint can not restrict your rights. But the states still have lots of powers. For the 2nd, I think it is left to the states. If they don't want you armed or want to restrict it to some extent, the feds are to be silent and you go appeal to your state reps for that grievance.
It seems to me it is the left and the search for federalization of everything, Roe, gay rights, schooling, that have lead to them wanting their cake, the feds making a lot of calls, and eat it to, the states being able to retain the ability to restrict. So, if we end up with a solid federal guarantee of the right to keep and bear, commerce clause settlements that guarantee your license to carry in State A applies to all, as a marriage or drivers license does, we should thank the 'progressives'. Not assail them. The appeal should be on the same grounds as abortion and gay rights as well as schooling and other issues that have been wrenched from the states. Take away their power on the 2nd, as well.