

New Member
How far do they have to go before crossing the line?
Addictions can be alcohol, main line drugs, prescription pills, porn, internet, video games, golf, eBay or gambling.

Alcohol, drugs or gambling, would it take loosing your house?

Porn, internet, golf and Video games, How many family functions would they have to miss or how much money?

Most of them cost money and some cost a lot of money. Would you draw a line to how much they could spend a week before crossing the line?

Illegal addictions... Would/Could you turn them over to the police?

This is only dealing boy/girl Friend, Husband, wife or children.

Sorry if I missed any major life altering addictions.


24/7 Single Dad
No problem turning over a person engaged in illegal activities to the police. Drive away from my house drunk and I'll be on the phone before you clear the driveway.


New Member
I'm addicted to Chasey Lane... :mad:


I heard you're doing okay
But I want you to know
I'm a dick
I'm addicted to you
I can't pretend I don't care
When you don't think about me
Do you think I deserve this?

I tried to make you happy but you left anyway

I'm trying to forget that
I'm addicted to you
But I want it and I need it
I'm addicted to you
Now it's over
Can't forget what you said
And I never wanna do this again

Since the day I met you
And after all we've been through
I'm still a dick
I'm addicted to you
I think you know that it's true
I'd run a thousand miles to get you
Do you think I deserve this?

I tried to make you happy
I did all that I could
Just to keep you
But you left anyway

I'm trying to forget that
I'm addicted to you
But I want it and I need it
I'm addicted to you
Now it's over
Can't forget what you said
And I never wanna do this again

How long will I be waiting?
Until the end of time
I don't know why I'm still waiting
I can't make you mine

I'm trying to forget that
I'm addicted to you
But I want it and I need it
I'm addicted to you

Now it's over
Can't forget what you said
And I never wanna do this again

I'm addicted to you
I'm addicted to you
I'm addicted to you
I'm addicted to you


New Member
My STBX has/had an addiction to alcohol, marijuana and crack/cocaine. There were many years that were very tough - but I honestly never thought to call the cops on him! Part of it was my own selfishness - he had gotten a DWI and the money for the lawyer and the loss of pay for his jail time hurt us (this was pre-baby). Another part was that I didn't want him to get in trouble. Another part of me felt like I was his wife and had to help him through it.

There were times I threatened to call but it just put him in a rage. This July will make 2 full years of clean time for him - the time before it was a one time deal, not his normal daily drinking and drug use (not that I'm excusing it or dismissing it as use). He crossed the line many many times.


How far do they have to go before crossing the line?
Addictions can be alcohol, main line drugs, prescription pills, porn, internet, video games, golf, eBay or gambling.

Alcohol, drugs or gambling, would it take loosing your house?

Porn, internet, golf and Video games, How many family functions would they have to miss or how much money?

Most of them cost money and some cost a lot of money. Would you draw a line to how much they could spend a week before crossing the line?

Illegal addictions... Would/Could you turn them over to the police?

This is only dealing boy/girl Friend, Husband, wife or children.

Sorry if I missed any major life altering addictions.

I left someone after 5 years who had both a drinking problem and cocaine addiction. It was a waste of time and money.

I have no tolerance for addictions, if it was an illegal drug it depends on the drug, pot we can deal with that its not as severe as heroin, cocaine, crack, meth or barbs. Turning someone in if for doing drugs might give the person a wake up call but won't help as much as rehab.

Alcoholics are different, its not cool with me to drink and drive, there are functioning alcoholics all over this county in thier cars diving drunk right now its sad.

You really have to step back and look at how much you stand to lose, you caould lose a house, car, money but the worse part is you could lose a life.

Bravo has a great show called Intervention, its heartbreaking but its great. Each episode features a different addict, its a bio of that person's life for a week and how they got that way. Its riveting to watch these people and thier families struggle with them. At the end the family has an itervaention for the unsuspecting addict, its usually ugly but the addict always gives in.

nobody really

I need a nap
If they were blasted drunk and took off driving, I think I would. I'd prefer that they have some legal problems to possibly killing somebody.

i'm a tad confused - if they were at your house drinking, why even give them the keys? why even let them drink to excess if you knew they had to drive?:confused: