
Is your kid on ADHD drugs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 19.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 77.6%
  • Not for ADHD, but he's on other mind-altering chemicals

    Votes: 2 3.4%

  • Total voters


smoothmarine187 said:
My kid isn't on that crap, his stupid teacher was a lazy pig.

You don't spend time with your kids, so you are lazy, you said it...:neener:


Well-Known Member

smoothmarine187 said:
Not at all, I miss the two hours when they get ready for school. I'm home before they get home, I do their homework with them. I even coach their baseball team......not that you would ever get off your lazy ass to do anything like that.


smoothmarine187 said:

2 hours before school. When you go out, someone has to watch them, so you aren't, who watches them the day(s) after you go out and hit it hard?


smoothmarine187 said:
alright, you bastards kept me up way past my bedtime damnit :lol: Goodnight and thanks for the fun.......

That's what you get for worrying about the pics I posted.


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smoothmarine187 said:
smooth I have to give this to ya at least you state how you feel! I respect your opinion for not liking the medication route! but trust me if there would of been any other way for me to help my child I would of been the first person in line for it! Thanks for your honesty and I would hope you would respect the rest of us who have our opinions on deciding to put our children on the medication. But i must hit the rack now!


TexasSunflower said:
smooth I have to give this to ya at least you state how you feel! I respect your opinion for not liking the medication route! but trust me if there would of been any other way for me to help my child I would of been the first person in line for it! Thanks for your honesty and I would hope you would respect the rest of us who have our opinions on deciding to put our children on the medication. But i must hit the rack now!



Adderall XR 20mg.

I started a thread about this almost 3 years ago.

Some children do need it.

Thankfully, there has never been violent behavior, and he gets straight A's. He is now able to stay still in class instead of chasing after a bright object that catches his eye. Reading Larry's posts earlier reminded me of my son's thought processes. That is all fine and good, but not in a school setting when there is work to be done.

Structure, diet, counseling and monitoring (blood work...if medicating) are all important with ADHD. Medication is not the solution, but it can be part of the cure.

He is in 5th grade now. I want to see 6th grade drug free, and so does he.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
elaine said:
Hey, Larry...

FB's golfing Doral tomorrow. :razz:
Oh, he's too good to brag about it on his own, has to send his wife to rub it in everyone's faces.harumph!



Witchy Woman
I am a mom struggling with a 9 year old child and youngest of 4 girls that was diagnosed ADHD at 7. I am a good mother. I am not lazy mother. I spend plenty of time with my children. I spend more time with the youngest than the others because she needs more of my attention. She's involved in lots of activities. She isn't a bad child. She's a damn sweet child but she can't ever be still. She's always 100 miles and hour. She can't concentrate on anything for any length of time. She disrupts her class. She doesn't get her work done. She is on grade level, barely, due to lots of extra time and work on our parts, but is not even as half as mature as most 9 year old out there. She forgets things easily and has trouble following directions. Home life is never dull with her around. Her older sisters get frustrated with her. I feel like I am always on her back. Bless her sweet heart she's just a mess.

I've done my research. She's been tested for other learning disabilities. Seen countless doctors and specialists and psychiatrists and psychologists. We've done the diet thing, the counseling, the parenting classes. And yes, until recently we even medicated.

I recently decided, against the advice of doctors, school and some family to take her off her meds. We've tried plenty over the last year, trying to help her and she loses something in herself when she's on those drugs. There's a fire in her that goes out. The devilish spark in her eyes goes away. Who she is is lost. She's just not Brie anymore.

The Head doctors have said maybe I should seek counseling on my own for my guilt over the whole thing. I try to explain it's not about guilt. It's about wanting my child to be allowed be who she is and still function and learn without feeling bad about herself or taking something that makes her lose herself. It's about just letting her be a kid.

I knew she was a handful. I knew she stayed in trouble. But until her school got involved in the 1st grade I never dreamed we'd be so worried about all this.

I understand that not all ADHD kids have these problems with meds. Wenchy and I have talked at length over all of this. I understand that some function just fine on them and are all the better for them. But drugs are not the answer for us. It's very frustrating for me, in a society that's all about the drugs, to find resources for parents with text book case ADHD children, that want other alternatives besides drugs. I just haven't found any and am seriously at a very frustrated dead end. :bawl:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Dude! I just had an epiphany....

What if I put Larry on Ritalin...?

:lmao: It has the adverse effect on adults! That's why some parents steal their childrens medication. To get all of their work done! :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
When boy 1 was in 6th grade he was happy, bouncy, and easily bored. He had "okay" grades but was failing math. Teachers wanted him tested for ADHD. His doc said he didn't have it. He had classic test anxiety and the doc said that is overcome with practice and maybe a little counseling. He still struggles with Math but he's an honor roll student in high school now.


I bowl overhand
If you want to see ADHD in action, I can introdue you to my son..

You can have a conversation with him, and you look at him and know he's not there. he may be talking to you about homework, or his math class, or what he did in school today, but while he's talking to you, he's on the 5 yard line, it's 4th and goal his team is losing by a field goal, and there's 3 seconds left on the clock.. and he steps up to the center to take the snap..

His mind operates on 8 cylinders ALL the time, he's never thinking about just one thing, but probably 4 or 5 things at the SAME time. He can watch a movie one time, and when you get a chance to watch it, he's reciting line by line entire scenes (more than just a little frustrating).

He's a good kid, that loves his mom and dad, and his brothers and sisters. He's a smart kid, that would have been held back if he had ever been diagnosed. He's somewhat socially inept, and can get you to the point of wanting to pull your hair out.. But he is who he is, and we love him, wouldn't want him any other way than him being him.