I will never tell my real age.
43... almost 44
I will never tell my real age.
43... almost 44
You should wake him up with a handy in the morningI let my husband read this tread and when we got to the story I wrote this morning, he said "You failed to mention the high heel shoes twith 8-inch spikes that were stabbing my feet from being thrown on the floor"...
Poor guy...
the boy started screaming and crying last night at around 2:30 AM. We were all sound asleep without a care in the world when suddenly:
Now, I can only sleep in a pitch black room with zero light. (I know... :racist As soon as my husband and I hear the shrill from the baby's room, we (unknowingly) BOTH get up and start running toward the door I had this impending feeling of dread that someone was trying to kidnap my baby so I was HAULING ASS... so was he. In the absolute darkness, we collide. At the speed we were going, you can only imagine the noise we made as I fell and put a hole in the drywall.
Meanwhile, he didn't stop to check on me. He ran over me to get to the baby (as he should). I finally brush myself off and turn on the light and run into the baby's room. The little shiit is fast asleep. He had a nightmare or something.... I'm not sure what an 18-month-old has a nightmare about... but whatever. He was safe.
My hip is still sore from hitting the wall so hard - I'm sure it will be a bruise in a few days. Husband is not too happy about the wall... and of course it's my fault
My goal for today is to get a touch-lamp for my nightstand. Drywall is not my problem.
Also, I am tired because I never went back to sleep after this ordeal.
Our hardest thing we're dealing with now is eliminating the bedtime bottle. I've put his warm milk in a sippy cup and he is NOT having it, gets MAD !!!! 17 months old today. He only has a bottle before bed, but it's time to stop I guess.
I must be the worst mom in the whole world
I have no monitor, and if the monster cries out in the middle of the night I lay in bed and will her stop, I def dont hop up to see whats wrong
and he usually does after he locates the nunny.
What is a nunny?
OMG, I just googled Nunny and urban dictionary came up first.... WOW, just WOW