Advice needed


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Katie
I do have other male friends who I have remained friends with AFTER they got married, but these two I used as an example. Well considering that the both of them are now getting divorced because of the wife's jealousy and control i seriously doubt it had ANYTHING to do with me.

I only brought it up b/c you seemed to be talking about muliple friends, but if it is only 2 of many, it's possible they both got control freaks for wives.

My cousins first wife was like that. I went to the wedding when I was 18. It was out of state and my cousin and his brother (the best man) took me out running errands with them that morning. We ran into the bride and she was giving me those freaky, jealous vibes. She kept referring to me as if I were a child (she was 21). She actually told him, "your little cousins (my 12 yo brother & I) are so well behaved," at the rehersal dinner.:rolleyes: I don't think marriages between 1st cousins is legal in Iowa, but she saw me as a threat. That marriage lasted about a year.

BUT that is :offtopic: Even without a freaky, jealous nature, any bride feels a little insecure right before the wedding. She doesn't need some chick hanging out with her guy at the bachelor party.


New Member
Athena, you may be suffering from Gamophobia. That is the fear of marriage/commitment. Hanging around with guys who are "taken." is a sure sign. Other signs include going out with guys who treat you badly who you would never consider a serious commitment to.


Social Director
I have talked with a lot of people about this, the forum on here, and friends that know the bride, groom, and I. Her friends told me that it isn't that I am not wanted at the bachelorette party, but it going to be a lot of friends from out of state that she hasn't seen for a while, and the bride knew I would feel out of place with that group. I have never barged into Chad's house late at night while he is sleeping, or anything inconsiderate like that. I have hung at his house before, but we usually end up going out with a group of people. He and I talk on the phone alot, and that has changed since he started seeing her as it does with all relationships, and I am fine with that. She and I are definately getting along, and I think it is very sweet of her to think of my feelings when deciding that I would like to go to the bachelor party instead of with her friends. I have been invited to the coffee house with them for the first part of the evening, and then the limo will be coming to the grooms father's house to take me to meet the guys at 10. This way I get the girl time, but also get to party with one of my close friends before the biggest night of his life. Over the past 4 years, he and I have talked with each other about a lot of things, I was the 1st friend he called after the engagement happened. I know we will not be as close as we were before the marriage/engagement, that would be immature of me to think that. However, with the bride the way she is and he the way he is, and me just being me, I know we have a great friendship between all of us that won't be torn apart by jealousy or anything of the sort. He and I never went out drinking together, unless with other people, never went anywhere, that isn't something that will change. Thank you to everyone for your responses to this thread, good and bad, and if the situation was different, I wouldn't be going with the guys. For example, when my friend gets married in Nov, the ex that everyone thought I would end up with, I will NOT be going to the bachelor party. Even though I am friends with all the guys in that situation, I know the bride is weary of his and I's relationship, and I wouldn't go knowing she would be uncomfortable with it, even if she told me it was fine. He and I had a romantic history, where this upcoming groom and I have been platonic since the beginning.


Social Director
Originally posted by Lucy
Athena, you may be suffering from Gamophobia. That is the fear of marriage/commitment. Hanging around with guys who are "taken." is a sure sign. Other signs include going out with guys who treat you badly who you would never consider a serious commitment to.
Ok, interesting you should say that. The "taken" guys thing doesn't really happen that much.. most of my guy friends are single when I meet them, and when they become involved with someone, I either become friends with her, or slowly drop out of the picture. I don't neccessarily find guys that treat me badly, I don't stand for that. But I do find drunks that I know I would never consider a relationship with . I don't have a fear of settling down.. at least not now. I am slowly realizing that I would love to have someone in my life, however, that someone needs to be very special, and treat me the way I deserve to be treated. I was raised by very loving parents (almost storybook childhood) and I won't settle for anything less. Therefore, there are certain materialistic things I look for in a guy if I were to consider settling down with him. I know it sounds cruel of me to say it like that, but, my parents would expect nothing less of me, and I wouldn't want anything less. As I continue to mature this opinion will most likely change, but I am 25. I admit that I still have alot of growing up to do, and I just ask for patience while I learn for my own through trial and error. Mom and Dad have gotten used to this, and know that when I finally do settle down, it will be with the best possible person for me.


Be about it
Originally posted by tys_mommy
Although he doesn't like country music, ever since Sat. night he keeps singing that song "There's just something women like about a pickup man"

There's also something that us women like about a man willing to take care of our kids on a neverending basis....hence his title as 'community father.'

Athena1078 said:
So my friend Chad is getting married in October. I have been friends with him for 3 years, nothing ever happened between us or anything, so just friends. Anyways, his fiance and I are totally opposites, as are her friends and I. So for the night of the Bachelor / Bachelorette parties, it has been assumed that I would be going out with the guys. I don't know any of the girls, except for the bride ( I have met her 2 times). I feel more comfortable going out with the guys, as I already know most of them, and like hanging out with them. However, last weekend, the bride got minorly upset that I wasn't going out with the bachelorette party. I really don't want to, but don't want to make her mad at me..
