aerosmith fans unite!!


curiouser and curiouser
kwillia said:
Ahh, acronyms. I had one of those too...everything had to be an acronym, and he assigned everyone in our little "clique" acronym nicknames. I was NSDNPF (no sense of direction, non parking-fool) because I got us lost multiple times on the way from Deep Creek Lake to my aunt's house. :lol: I miss high school. :sad:

canuk woman

kwillia said:
I just love when folks abbreviate... and then take the time to spell out the abbreviation...:lol:

yeah well my aunt was taking me to the dog park with her dog and i had to get off


New Member
vraiblonde said:
We did. I just wanted to verify that what he says is true. :twitch:
I have to really analyze what my dog tells me as I have found them to stretch the truth just a little! :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
We did. I just wanted to verify that what he says is true. :twitch:


canuk woman

Hey guys news flash

I've watched the Armaggedon credits and in the songs area it says written by some woman named Diane Warren there's nothing there about an Alex P Coleman. This is pretty much proof that you guys were trying to make me look stupid.


Yo Gabba Gabba
canuk woman said:
This is pretty much proof that you guys were trying to make me look stupid.
This made me giggle. Out loud. People stared. I hope you're happy canuk, I may get fired now.

canuk woman

Ehesef said:
This made me giggle. Out loud. People stared. I hope you're happy canuk, I may get fired now.

Hey I actually watched the movie. The whole damn thing what did you think I did? just fast forward the whole movie and watch the music video?


Yo Gabba Gabba
canuk woman said:
Hey I actually watched the movie. The whole damn thing what did you think I did? just fast forward the whole movie and watch the music video?
WTF are you talking about? Farking idiot.

canuk woman

Ehesef said:
WTF are you talking about? Farking idiot.

Hey I read the credits and it said "Written by Diane Warren" I hope you realise that I ended up sobbing my head off at the end just to prove you guys that whoever Alex P Coleman is he did not write the song.
canuk woman said:
Hey I read the credits and it said "Written by Diane Warren" I hope you realise that I ended up sobbing my head off at the end just to prove you guys that whoever Alex P Coleman is he did not write the song.

*psst* methinks you're barking up the wrong tree if you are looking for sympathy from the forumites.....