Affordable Housing



There was an article in one of the local papers about the housing issue in Calvert County...

To me the housing issue should concern all of Southern Maryland but since I am running for Commissioner in Calvert, I'd like to put my two cents in here and see how you all feel about it.

We've had a slow growth Board for several years. The reason, I am told, is to allow the infrastructure [roads and schools] catch up with the need. The problem is, they allow the McMansions to be built in communities and the families with children can't afford to move in the neighborhoods and use the schools.

Then I am told that if you would like to build a neighborhood without building the roads and the schools you can pay a fee "in lieu of" that will allow you to skip that part.

What good does it do to write zoning ordinances when you aren't going to enforce them. Is there some kind of menu of items you can opt out of and the price to do so? What kind of sense does that make?

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

residentofcre said:
We've had a slow growth Board for several years. The reason, I am told, is to allow the infrastructure [roads and schools] catch up with the need. The problem is, they allow the McMansions to be built in communities and the families with children can't afford to move in the neighborhoods and use the schools. ...
:elaine: Can you give me a link to this info?
or link to that Board?
or its address in Calvert?
or its official name reference? and then I will look it up myself.

Peace. :howdy:


Didn't you see the words "I am told"....

Actually if you call Greg Bowen at Planning & Zoning he can tell you about the "fees in lieu of" concerning Storm Water Management.... for years these fees were collected by the county and never returned to the community the builder was devastating....

There are now Storm Water grants but they are not approved for collection of storm water [swales or culverts]. They are only approved for the water at the bottom of the system. The amount of these grants has been minimal as well. A system like the ones needed in CRE would require engineer type drawings which would of course eat up the amount of the grants. The builders who paid the "fee in lieu of" are long gone, homeowners are flooded out regularly and Associations are blamed for what should have been controlled by the County.

On top of that... the county continues to approve building permits for lots that are literally bowls in the bottom of ravines that will definitely flood in the event of a rain event. This is dangerous....

A couple of years ago the Board decided to call these impact fees and raised them way way way up.... Builders all over Calvert County are upset with the amount that it costs them to build a home...

Because the impact fees are so high they have to be passed through to the buyer... and there is not sense in building a small home [like a ranch style] on a small lot that a small family could afford. These impact fees are the cause of the McMansions [in my opinion].


Come Play at BigWoodys
LOL are you talking about the 12,900 impact fee that got tacked on to building my new house? Now we are not building a McMansion but it is a decent sized house.
residentofcre said:
"Sorry, your 100 acre parcel is zoned rural, and I don't care if it is right on Rt. 4, 1/4 mile from Solomons, it is STILL "rural". Due to the rural zoning, you can only build 1 for 20, so here's your building permits for your 5 houses for those 100 acres."

Because the tree huggers and NIMBY's fight anytime a developer wants to build high density housing and have codified the restrictions (i.e. 1 for 20, ban on townhouse construction in Chuck Co.), developers CAN'T build cheap houses. 5 acres of land is still gonna be 100K + (I believe that in some areas developable land is going for more like 100K an acre), and no builder is going to put a 1200 sqft rancher on 5 acres and sell it for "affordable housing" rates.


FastCarsSpeed said:
LOL are you talking about the 12,900 impact fee that got tacked on to building my new house? Now we are not building a McMansion but it is a decent sized house.

Yep that's the one... use to be a few hundred dollars....


huntr1 said:
developers CAN'T build cheap houses. 5 acres of land is still gonna be 100K + (I believe that in some areas developable land is going for more like 100K an acre), and no builder is going to put a 1200 sqft rancher on 5 acres and sell it for "affordable housing" rates.

My point exactly.... there should be responsible zoning... not impossible zoning... and once a builder/developer does agree to build they should be providing the infrastructure.... or at the very least not making it worse....

We need allow for those who don't want to have to take care of more than a 1/4 acre.... That's a life choice as well....

Usually the builder/developer who would be building townhouses or condominiums would be willing to at least assist with the infrastructure..

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

residentofcre said:
On top of that... the county continues to approve building permits for lots that are literally bowls in the bottom of ravines that will definitely flood in the event of a rain event. This is dangerous....
:larry: It is my understanding that any building is restricted within the ten mile radius of the Nuclear Power Plant (some places more then 10 miles) and that is the reason that zoning is so restricting. Those lots "that are literally bowls in the bottom of ravines" are most probably permitted because it makes the recidence in a safer place then high up on top of the ground. If you ever been to CCNPP then it can be seen that the Power plant has a big natural hill as a wall on one side and the river on the other side. Water and ground are the best protectors from radiation and from explosions.
huntr1 said:
Due to rural zoning, you can only build 1 for 20, so here's your building permits for your 5 houses for those 100 acres.
:whistle: See response given for the previous quote above. The Nuclear Power Plant does not want a big population being too close to it.


huntr1 said:
Because the tree huggers and NIMBY's fight anytime a developer wants to build high density housing and have codified the restrictions (i.e. 1 for 20, ban on townhouse construction in Chuck Co.), developers CAN'T build cheap houses. 5 acres of land is still gonna be 100K + (I believe that in some areas developable land is going for more like 100K an acre), and no builder is going to put a 1200 sqft rancher on 5 acres and sell it for "affordable housing" rates.

Have I mentioned lately how badly I want to move away from this place?

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

huntr1 said:
Nope. You are wrong. What a shock.
:larry: Believe whatever one wants, it does not matter to me what others believe. I think it is meant to be a secret to the public anyway.

I believe what I said is correct, and it is no shock for me. :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:larry: Believe whatever one wants, it does not matter to me what others believe. I think it is meant to be a secret to the public anyway.

I believe what I said is correct, and it is no shock for me. :howdy:
It certainly is no shock that you will believe what you want to believe even if proof is given showing you wrong. We've seen that regularly from you.


JPC said:
:larry: It is my understanding that any building is restricted within the ten mile radius of the Nuclear Power Plant (some places more then 10 miles) and that is the reason that zoning is so restricting. Those lots "that are literally bowls in the bottom of ravines" are most probably permitted because it makes the recidence in a safer place then high up on top of the ground. If you ever been to CCNPP then it can be seen that the Power plant has a big natural hill as a wall on one side and the river on the other side. Water and ground are the best protectors from radiation and from explosions.

You definitely misunderstand the zoning problems in Calvert County.

The reason they are letting people build on every little scrap of land in CRE is the fact the whole area was platted before the current zoning regulations. "Grandfather clause " gets a real workout in CRE.

Pretty much the only restrictions are those imposed by the Association's Architectural Review Committee. Those volunteers on that committee are working every week with little releif thanks to the county rubber stamp. There have even been instances where the lot eroded over the years and the County has passed septic systems that would have to be built in mid-air to fit the plat the way it is now.

There is a problem with farms in Calvert too. They want to restrict land use in the critical area... They wanted to pass a law stating how many farm animals per acre. They had some sort of formula... so many chickens equals a cow etc...this is all well and fine... to save the bay... but it's squeezing the farmers... Under pressure they finally abandoned that idea.

Hey... come to think of it... maybe Calvert needs to have a new formula... so many Food Lions per 5 miles equals a Movie theater or a Skate Park... :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, my name is willie and I'm a NIMBY.
After they build out CRE, Drum Point and White Sands, there won't be any more affordable housing lots in Calvert County. Any more dense housing will require sewer and water besides the usual needs like more police, bigger schools, more Food Lions and all that spells big taxes. I might feel a little guilt for being a NIMBY if Calvert were large enough to support an additional 4 lane highway with the accompanying service roads to accommodate this dense housing but Calvert is just a skinny little peninsula that just cannot safely hold many more family's. Slow growth is good.

Take a look at Germantown or Gaithersburg if you want to see what townhouses will do to traffic.


The BOCC is arguing over the program that allows the county to match a state grant that would allow the county employees [and teachers (according to Wilson Parran)] to get a home. School bus drivers and you and I are not included in this program.

I agree with Linda Kelley again on this issue. She says it is not fair to take our taxes and give them to an employee to purchase a personal private home.

The other commissioners just won't call it giving it to just the county employees.... One of the commissioners says "for the citizens of Calvert County". Sorry Commissioner... I don't think it's an appropriate use of my tax funds when you are telling me there is going to be a budget deficit....


willie said:
Hello everyone, my name is willie and I'm a NIMBY.
After they build out CRE, Drum Point and White Sands, there won't be any more affordable housing lots in Calvert County. Any more dense housing will require sewer and water besides the usual needs like more police, bigger schools, more Food Lions and all that spells big taxes. I might feel a little guilt for being a NIMBY if Calvert were large enough to support an additional 4 lane highway with the accompanying service roads to accommodate this dense housing but Calvert is just a skinny little peninsula that just cannot safely hold many more family's. Slow growth is good.

Take a look at Germantown or Gaithersburg if you want to see what townhouses will do to traffic.

I do not want to turn Prince Frederick, Lusby, Dunkirk, or Huntingtown into another Bowie or Waldorf... We need to build smart... Infrastructure has to be the primary concern....

We need to also consider that children do not grow well in a city environment. Single professionals may enjoy a city or town environment. Seniors may enjoy living near our hospitals and medical centers but they would also need green parks for leisurely walks. We need to look at the needs of the people and then develop our neighborhoods around that...

I wouldn't mind having new neighborhoods in my back yard as long as some thought is put into the design and development.... I don't want anyone to be able to opt out of infrastructure and smart design & development....


New Member
I personally do not want affordable housing in Calvert county. I will vote base on that alone if I have too. Put affordable housing in Calvert and you will definitely have another Waldorf or Bowie..... The crime rate has risen enough lately we do not need to add to it. Bringing Affordable housing sound nice, however it does carry long term negative effects. Not saying everyone that lives in these house are bad, but when you put these houses up crime does rise. SO I am a NIMBY as well..


cdsulhoff said:
I personally do not want affordable housing in Calvert county. I will vote base on that alone if I have too. Put affordable housing in Calvert and you will definitely have another Waldorf or Bowie..... The crime rate has risen enough lately we do not need to add to it. Bringing Affordable housing sound nice, however it does carry long term negative effects. Not saying everyone that lives in these house are bad, but when you put these houses up crime does rise. SO I am a NIMBY as well..

You know, ... my family has lived within 3 hours of this house for 13 generations..well back then it would have taken longer that 3 hours but they were around Port Tobacco for a while...My great great whatever grandfather came here from Galway... Captain George Athey....Indentured to Sir Thomas Dent. That's how they did it back then.... The Athenry was my family home ....... do you really think for one minute that I am going to let my home become an overbuilt city?


You know .... we need to look at this from two sides... We need to look at it as keeping Calvert County safe for children and we need to look at the fiscal side...infrastructure and taxes.

In DC the other day a child was shot....

Life in the city is not good for anyone.... When good mothers are afraid of loosing their babies to thugs they need to have a safe place.... there are good kids and good families that need our help.... Affordable housing... a second chance.... These are good neighbors....

You say you don't want to see crime raise... then if you don't want them in your back yard maybe you would like to suggest where the affordable home for a mother and her children will be.... because if you elect me.... I am going to work to make this county a safe place for a child to play.....

There's no grass or trees in the city... no water to play in.... you know water is part of the human body... we need our children to be able to play in the sunshine around the trees... fresh air and exercise....

Now if these children want to come into our neighborhood... relative on not... and want to start causing a ruckus and throwing their shoes over the wires... well then they can move elsewhere or pay dearly for the expense of it all.

I like the idea of people paying it forward.

We also have a problem with city pets coming to the county... these are guard animals.... they are out of their teritory and they don't like it... Now a hungry dog can be really nice to you if you have food.... but don't run out of food... right?? Maybe these hungry dogs could be trained for police work.

So pulling the tennis shoes off the overhead wires would be expensive, maybe we can allow the children to clean up their own mess and pay it forward....Affordable Housing does not have to be a bad place.... Affordable housing is a second chance...

We have to have a safe place to raise children.... That's what I am working for....

Oh... and one more thing... my resume is up on my website.... it's crewd ... I had to email it to myself and cut & paste.... but I thought maybe some of you might want to look at it....
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In My Opinion
residentofcre said:
You know .... we need to look at this from two sides... We need to look at it as keeping Calvert County safe for children and we need to look at the fiscal side...infrastructure and taxes.

In DC the other day a child was shot....

Life in the city is not good for anyone.... When good mothers are afraid of loosing their babies to thugs they need to have a safe place.... there are good kids and good families that need our help.... Affordable housing... a second chance.... These are good neighbors....

You say you don't want to see crime raise... then if you don't want them in your back yard maybe you would like to suggest where the affordable home for a mother and her children will be.... because if you elect me.... I am going to work to make this county a safe place for a child to play.....

There's no grass or trees in the city... no water to play in.... you know water is part of the human body... we need our children to be able to play in the sunshine around the trees... fresh air and exercise....

Now if these children want to come into our neighborhood... relative on not... and want to start causing a ruckus and throwing their shoes over the wires... well then they can move elsewhere or pay dearly for the expense of it all.

I like the idea of people paying it forward.

We also have a problem with city pets coming to the county... these are guard animals.... they are out of their teritory and they don't like it... Now a hungry dog can be really nice to you if you have food.... but don't run out of food... right?? Maybe these hungry dogs could be trained for police work.

So pulling the tennis shoes off the overhead wires would be expensive, maybe we can allow the children to clean up their own mess and pay it forward....Affordable Housing does not have to be a bad place.... Affordable housing is a second chance...

We have to have a safe place to raise children.... That's what I am working for....

Oh... and one more thing... my resume is up on my website.... it's crewd ... I had to email it to myself and cut & paste.... but I thought maybe some of you might want to look at it....
allow me to share my insight into this situation, since it is obvious that you are without a clue.
My insight comes from living in a small town in North Carolina that was over run with "affordable" housing for the very same reasons that you bring up in your post.
here is the deal, in the first place you talk about there being no trees and parks and open space in the city,, why do you think that is? let me answer. It is because every open space was built on. so do the same where you live.
next, those that move from the "high crime" areas will be the same ones that made that area high crime. They will bring it with them.

open up the door for the over development and you will never get it closed again. Your actions could leave your legacy as the person that destroyed the good life in Southern Maryland.

You want to make an area a good place to live? raise the property values by restricting growth. what you will end up with is a higher class area to live in, and a place that is much better for the development of children.

sounds to me like you just may need to do some research into the effects of overbuilding an area.


residentofcre said:
Life in the city is not good for anyone.... When good mothers are afraid of loosing their babies to thugs they need to have a safe place.... there are good kids and good families that need our help.... Affordable housing... a second chance.... These are good neighbors....

You say you don't want to see crime raise... then if you don't want them in your back yard maybe you would like to suggest where the affordable home for a mother and her children will be.... because if you elect me.... I am going to work to make this county a safe place for a child to play.....

Different wording might have been appropriate here, or work on sterilizing these "good" mothers. :barf:

I'm totally grossed out now.