There was an article in one of the local papers about the housing issue in Calvert County...
To me the housing issue should concern all of Southern Maryland but since I am running for Commissioner in Calvert, I'd like to put my two cents in here and see how you all feel about it.
We've had a slow growth Board for several years. The reason, I am told, is to allow the infrastructure [roads and schools] catch up with the need. The problem is, they allow the McMansions to be built in communities and the families with children can't afford to move in the neighborhoods and use the schools.
Then I am told that if you would like to build a neighborhood without building the roads and the schools you can pay a fee "in lieu of" that will allow you to skip that part.
What good does it do to write zoning ordinances when you aren't going to enforce them. Is there some kind of menu of items you can opt out of and the price to do so? What kind of sense does that make?
To me the housing issue should concern all of Southern Maryland but since I am running for Commissioner in Calvert, I'd like to put my two cents in here and see how you all feel about it.
We've had a slow growth Board for several years. The reason, I am told, is to allow the infrastructure [roads and schools] catch up with the need. The problem is, they allow the McMansions to be built in communities and the families with children can't afford to move in the neighborhoods and use the schools.
Then I am told that if you would like to build a neighborhood without building the roads and the schools you can pay a fee "in lieu of" that will allow you to skip that part.
What good does it do to write zoning ordinances when you aren't going to enforce them. Is there some kind of menu of items you can opt out of and the price to do so? What kind of sense does that make?