After you die


I am so very blessed
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.


I would want my husband to be happy and remember me and all the wonderful times we had. If this means moving on, then so be it.


mama to two
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

Are there troubles at home, otherwise, why would you post this? In my opinion, we live for the moment, and make it the best we can, and not project. I have seen this question before, and not just on this forum. I think the question comes out of jealousy, and insecurity. We cannot control what happens after we die, and, it puts a spouse on the spot; especially, when spouses post on the same forum. It has nothing to do with the spouse, or who dies; whoever, is still living has the right to make that life the best they can. In other words, it should not even be a question because it is very horrible. Who wants to face life without the person they love, but we do it. JMO.

I will give an example. My SIL lost her husband 8 years ago at the age of 48 to misdiagnosed cancer. She never asked that question, because she never saw it coming. She has not dated, she raised the children, and she has no iintentions of looking. Of course, someday, I hope a good man comes into her life. In other words, I think the question about will your spouse move on is stupid. JMO
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Are there troubles at home, otherwise, why would you post this? In my opinion, we live for the moment, and make it the best we can, and not project. I have seen this question before, and not just on this forum. I think the question comes out of jealousy, and insecurity. We cannot control what happens after we die, and, it puts a spouse on the spot; especially, when spouses post on the same forum. It has nothing to do with the spouse, or who dies; whoever, is still living has the right to make that life the best they can. In other words, it should not even be a question because it is very horrible. Who wants to face life without the person they love, but we do it. JMO.

I will give an example. My SIL lost her husband 8 years ago at the age of 48 to misdiagnosed cancer. She never asked that question, because she never saw it coming. She has not dated, she raised the children, and she has no iintentions of looking. Of course, someday, I hope a good man comes into her life. In other words, I think the question about will your spouse move on is stupid. JMO



New Member
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

Who cares? You are dead, you no longer have a say. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
Are there troubles at home

Yep, it's too big and she doesn't want any other woman to have to be saddled with walking funny the rest of their lives.

Of all the marital problems to have this is the one we're cursed with....


Routinely Derailed
As was said earlier in this thread, how can it really matter after you've passed on? People date and remarry after divorce. Lots of people need mates. Lots of widows and widowers have remarried and been very happy indeed. What they often say is, "so-and-so can never take the place of (fill in the blank), but we are so happy together." So what's the problem? When one is dead, the events of this world simply don't matter any more.
Yep, it's too big and she doesn't want any other woman to have to be saddled with walking funny the rest of their lives.

Of all the marital problems to have this is the one we're cursed with....

Umm... itsbob, I think this is BG's way of telling you don't bring a dayum date to her wake...:smack:
As was said earlier in this thread, how can it really matter after you've passed on? People date and remarry after divorce. Lots of people need mates. Lots of widows and widowers have remarried and been very happy indeed. What they often say is, "so-and-so can never take the place of (fill in the blank), but we are so happy together." So what's the problem? When one is dead, the events of this world simply don't matter any more.

:blahblah: Yeah, but lots of people are not BadGirl. She may be dead but she will still expect to have presents brought to her grave regularly. Besides that would be the least itsbob could do considering she'd have left behind at least a year's worth of homemade ready to thaw 'n cook meals in the freezer.

BadGirl... I get you... :huggy:


Soul Probe
Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

I said the same thing to Joe, although I informed him I'd haunt him regularly regardless. :killingme I think it stems from a selfish desire to have been THE ONE that no one else could ever compare or live up to.

All kidding aside, I had no problem when my ex moved on. I'm happy for him, so I suppose I'd feel the same way about Joe if I passed...but I'd still haunt him.


professional daydreamer
I want hubby to do whatever he wants after I'm gone, as long as he doesn't do it with someone I hate. If he does, I'll haunt both their asses and make them wish they had died with me.


Well-Known Member
Are there troubles at home, otherwise, why would you post this? In my opinion, we live for the moment, and make it the best we can, and not project. I have seen this question before, and not just on this forum. I think the question comes out of jealousy, and insecurity. We cannot control what happens after we die, and, it puts a spouse on the spot; especially, when spouses post on the same forum. It has nothing to do with the spouse, or who dies; whoever, is still living has the right to make that life the best they can. In other words, it should not even be a question because it is very horrible. Who wants to face life without the person they love, but we do it. JMO.

I will give an example. My SIL lost her husband 8 years ago at the age of 48 to misdiagnosed cancer. She never asked that question, because she never saw it coming. She has not dated, she raised the children, and she has no iintentions of looking. Of course, someday, I hope a good man comes into her life. In other words, I think the question about will your spouse move on is stupid. JMO

I am confused. What is an "SIL"?


Would THIS face lie?
Gods hell is you watching your spouse banging someone else in your bed. You are in the attic looking down and can't do a damn thing about it. Then He snickers..


I am so very blessed
I ask this question because I am aware of a woman (early 40's) who died UNEXPECTEDLY, with young kids (8 and 12, I think). Anyways, three (3) weeks after his wife died, he started communicating with a woman, and now they are seriously considering marriage...... Six (6) months after his spouse died.

Too soon, I think.

If I were in a similar situation, I would haunt my widower-husband as long as he lives.