After you die


not impressed
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

My mom used to say that, now I wish she wouldn't have. It has only been a year and a half but I wish my dad would find some kind of companionship. He's depressed and lost and completely different from how I ever thought I would see my dad.


Active Member
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

Some of us might want them to find another relationship before we die...:coffee:
My mom used to say that, now I wish she wouldn't have. It has only been a year and a half but I wish my dad would find some kind of companionship. He's depressed and lost and completely different from how I ever thought I would see my dad.

I am so sorry to hear this. :frown:

:poorbaby: Let me know if you need to talk. :huggy:


New Member
Got a $250,000 life insurance policy on my SO
$5000 for funeral expenses
the rest spent on hookers & drugs by that weekend

we all grieve in our own way :coffee:


In My Opinion
Got a $250,000 life insurance policy on my SO
$5000 for funeral expenses
the rest spent on hookers & drugs by that weekend

we all grieve in our own way :coffee:

5000 will not cover funeral expenses.
Just went through it with the FIL two years ago.

You can go cheap and pretty much triple that amount.


My mom used to say that, now I wish she wouldn't have. It has only been a year and a half but I wish my dad would find some kind of companionship. He's depressed and lost and completely different from how I ever thought I would see my dad.

I went through the same thing with my own father but one day my grandmother asked me how I would feel if she set him up with somebody... I told her I was fine with it... she did and they have been married for 13-14 years now (maybe longer than that... I cannot remember). They have had their ups and downs over the years but nothing like the downs he was having when he was alone. It takes a great deal of adjustment to having somebody there everyday to having nobody... and I'm sure your mom was that 1 person who knew your dad very well - better than anyone else in the world.

If anything was to happen to me, I would hope my husband would move on and marry again... might look bad on me if he wasn't willing to try it again I would think. And besides, he could never write his life story and leave me out of it... we've known each other since we were 8 years old and married for 23 years - our anniversary is this Sunday. Just like my father who will speak about my mother from time to time and sometimes those are happy memories and sometimes you can see the tears being held back because even though he is married to somebody else... doesn't mean he doesn't miss her.... I'm sure my husband will miss me... even years later.
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Active Member
If anything was to happen to me, I would hope my husband would move on and marry again... might look bad on me if he wasn't willing to try it again I would think. And besides, he could never write his life story and leave me out of it... we've known each other since we were 8 years old and married for 23 years - our anniversary is this Sunday. Just like my father who will speak about my mother from time to time and sometimes those are happy memories and sometimes you can see the tears being held back because even though he is married to somebody else... doesn't mean he doesn't miss her.... I'm sure my husband will miss me... even years later.

I think that's the greatest form of love. I know how much my husband loves me and I try to be sure he knows that I return it. I want him happy and feeling loved all of his life, even if I can''t be with him, because I know the kind person he is. He really deserves to be happy.
(happy anniversary, Dakota)