After you die

I want hubby to do whatever he wants after I'm gone, as long as he doesn't do it with someone I hate. If he does, I'll haunt both their asses and make them wish they had died with me.


I ask this question because I am aware of a woman (early 40's) who died UNEXPECTEDLY, with young kids (8 and 12, I think). Anyways, three (3) weeks after his wife died, he started communicating with a woman, and now they are seriously considering marriage...... Six (6) months after his spouse died.

Too soon, I think.

If I were in a similar situation, I would haunt my widower-husband as long as he lives.

I didn't think I had a real time limit on it but really, dating at 3 weeks...marriage at 6 months?! And there ya have it, I guess there is a 'too soon' :yay:

I have always wondered how this works... If he moves on after you have passed away and gets remarried... who does he stay with when he gets to heaven with the both of you present in heaven :confused: Considering that neither of you is a serial killer or anything?

...or does it all become some sort of free-for-all...or something. :ohwell:


My best friend's husband passed away two years ago this coming October. She called me about a month ago to talk about something that was bothering her. I thought she was going to say she'd met someone at work or something. Instead, she'd finally had a dishwasher installed in the house - something she'd wanted for more than 20 years, but John had thought they didn't need it - I could hear by her tone of voice that she needed someone to say it was okay.

I have a feeling she'll never remarry - I hope I'm wrong because I think she's too young to be alone for the rest of her life.



Registered User
If I die tomorrow I want my husband to go out and date as soon as he is ready and if he falls in love again, GET MARRIED and enjoy every minute of this life. You only get one chance and every moment should be lived to its fullest.

I want him to be happy no matter what.
If I die tomorrow I want my husband to go out and date as soon as he is ready and if he falls in love again, GET MARRIED and enjoy every minute of this life. You only get one chance and every moment should be lived to its fullest.

I want him to be happy no matter what.

You are so much better of a woman than I am. :coffee:


New Member
I asked my husband what he thinks and he said he'll be too dead to care.

I guess I don't really care what he does either and I truly want him to be happy. I just thought that we were always going to be each other's only spouse - you know, no matter what forever and ever. I don't want to ever marry anyone else. Of course, I don't want him to die, either.



..if momma ain't happy...
My job brings me in contact with lots of older folks, and I've witnessed more spouses passing than I care to count.

From what I've seen, widows seldom take another husband. But widowers often have a new partner in an incredibly short period of time. I think they must just get lonelier.

Me? One husband has been plenty, thanks.


In My Opinion
Im thinking she could be banging the undertaker while he was pushing me into the flames and I would not care less.


New Member
I ask this question because I am aware of a woman (early 40's) who died UNEXPECTEDLY, with young kids (8 and 12, I think). Anyways, three (3) weeks after his wife died, he started communicating with a woman, and now they are seriously considering marriage...... Six (6) months after his spouse died.

Too soon, I think.

If I were in a similar situation, I would haunt my widower-husband as long as he lives.

I haven't read the entire thread yet, but in my experience it's men that are more likely to "move on" quicker.

I can't even imagine this so soon when kids are involved


New Member
Do you want your spouse to find another relationship and get married again?

How long after you die do you want your spouse to go before he/she is dating/re-marrying again?

Me? I don't want Bob to start dating or to get re-married after I'm gone. I want him to go the rest of his life missing me.

If he starts dating or wants to get married again, I will come back and haunt his ass till the day he dies.

So insecure...and selfish