itsbob said:Don't take it personal... it's only the internet..
There has to be a God in order for there to be a plan.Toxick said:The way I would have responded ( like it matters ) would have been: we have no way to know what God's Will or God's Plan is - so it is prudent that we should take precautions to protect ourselves, in much the same way a Godless heathen would.
I think it is sad that you have exchanged faith for man's "wisdom", but we all make our choice.itsbob said:God didn't build the Ark, a man named Noah did.. God didn't gather up the animals a man did.. now granted 6000 years ago, men lived 600 years, but still..
Of course the bible was written when everyone thought the world was flat, they knew nothing about the animals on the other continents, or that there were continents other then the one they lived on.. if the bible was a true accounting it would mention the animals from North and South America.. Australia, the North and South poles.. but it doesn't because the bible is a literary work written by more men that knew nothing more then any other mortal man on the planet at the time..
So this man Noah, had to build an Ark large enough to fit two of every animal in it.. EVERY animal.. of course if you believed in evolution it might be a viable idea.. he kept maybe 50 pairs, and the rest evolved from inter species development and evolution, but people of faith don't believe in evolution..
The idea of NOah's ark was believable when I was 6, not so much now..
The Bible never says Noah or his sons did any gathering of the animals. It just says that they were to bring the animals with them into the ark.Genisis 7:2-3
2"You shall take with you of every clean animal by sevens, a male and his female; and of the animals that are not clean two, a male and his female;
3also of the birds of the sky, by sevens, male and female, to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth.
Maybe, but not the ones I have ever had anything to do with. It is the original sin. The unholiest sin and the only one that will not be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.itsbob said:...
Kind of like the serpent and the Garden Of Eden.. taking a bite of the apple could not hae been a sin, because it was part of God's plan for man to become Mortal.. it was ALL his plan.. but some churches say this was the unholiest of sins..
Right. And the universe cries out that there is an orderly plan.supersurfer said:There has to be a God in order for there to be a plan.
supersurfer said:And you're saying that the animals did in fact separate themselves into pairs all over the earth and hike a journey to Noah's ark (Polar bears, toads, lions, zebra, crayfish, moles, parakeets, flamingos, etc...) before the rain began, then afterwards, they landed safely on a mountain and all those animals then redistributed themselves back to their native habitats round the globe, (giraffes to Africa, sealions to the Antarctic, buffalo to the plains of middle America, camels to the Middle East, etc..)![]()
Free will causes the rebellion of man. God did not want man to rebel, but He gave us all free will. Your free will is the reason you want to try to convince those of us that believe that we are wrong to have faith. You have free will to do that.wxtornado said:Theists, why did your God fill the world with his own children, knowing that he would have to destroy them? And why does this same God tell me how to raise my children when he had to drown his?
wxtornado said:This doesn't excuse god drowning people, which is a particularly cruel manner of death filled with terror. It also totally kills the free will argument.
Musings of god:
1. Hmmm. I shall create humans
2. I shall create them, but give them free will
3. Well, giving them free will means nothing if I don't test them.
4. Dammit! They failed the test. I need to over-react somehow... Hmmm... what shall I do? I wonder what Lucy's doing...
5. Journal entry: It's been thousands of years. They've multipled like a virus. They don't listen. They don't obey. They are wicked, wicked, wicked, all of them. Why, the other day I looked into the belly of a pregnant chick and saw her fetus 12 years from now and he's smoking a cigar behind the shed. A cigar! I really need to find a way to over-react.
6. Okay... I checked around and came up with this: A flood. I'm going to drown them all. Because they are just too irresponsible for the free will I gave them and they are using it. I mean, come on, enough's enough! You give them something, and they use it! Jesus Christ, who do they think they are? Hunh? What? No, no, sit down son -- I wasn't calling you yet.
7. Well, I did it. And I glad I did. that's right-- I'm glad. They just can't be trusted with free will. So I did it. I opened up the founts of the earth where I've been storing more water than would be possible and I flooded their wicked little asses. All of them. Even the babies. Guess what they did? Oh baby that's right-- they called out for me! Yeah -- SWISH! I mean, I hit only net baby! Yep, they SCREAMED out my name. I relished every minute of it. "God, no, please, no, please god, oh my god noooo not my baby -- not my little daughter or my son-- he's only three, god, please -- please, no, god, god, god nooooo!" Yeah, felt good. I felt puuuuurty goooood. Yea-ahhhh! Now who's the boss, eh? Who's the boss? I am ALL over my bad little self, hahahaha. That'll teach them to use the free will I gave them.
Oh yeah, I left Noah alive with his family and gave them free will. Because I'm an idiot.
No thanks. I'm leaving town on Thursday and moving. I don't want to waste any of the time I have left here.2ndAmendment said:Right. And the universe cries out that there is an orderly plan.
Hey slotted/supersurfer, how about going to church with me?
No. For someone who has said they have studied the Bible, you don't know much about it.supersurfer said:An instant classic. You have me in stitches.
He did hang a rainbow in the sky to make a covenant to not do it again. Next time we're gonna drown in blood that's up to a horses bridle. Well, the ones of us that aren't hacked up and bleeding. Isn't that funny?![]()
So you have said. It appears you learned a little about the Bible and about God and about Jesus, but never actually came to know God as Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.supersurfer said:No thanks. I'm leaving town on Thursday and moving. I don't want to waste any of the time I have left here.
I've wasted enough of my life in church and seminary.
Wow. Your imagination is running away with you.wxtornado said:This doesn't excuse god drowning people, which is a particularly cruel manner of death filled with terror. It also totally kills the free will argument.
Musings of god:
1. Hmmm. I shall create humans
2. I shall create them, but give them free will
3. Well, giving them free will means nothing if I don't test them.
4. Dammit! They failed the test. I need to over-react somehow... Hmmm... what shall I do? I wonder what Lucy's doing...
5. Journal entry: It's been thousands of years. They've multipled like a virus. They don't listen. They don't obey. They are wicked, wicked, wicked, all of them. Why, the other day I looked into the belly of a pregnant chick and saw her fetus 12 years from now and he's smoking a cigar behind the shed. A cigar! I really need to find a way to over-react.
6. Okay... I checked around and came up with this: A flood. I'm going to drown them all. Because they are just too irresponsible for the free will I gave them and they are using it. I mean, come on, enough's enough! You give them something, and they use it! Jesus Christ, who do they think they are? Hunh? What? No, no, sit down son -- I wasn't calling you yet.
7. Well, I did it. And I glad I did. that's right-- I'm glad. They just can't be trusted with free will. So I did it. I opened up the founts of the earth where I've been storing more water than would be possible and I flooded their wicked little asses. All of them. Even the babies. Guess what they did? Oh baby that's right-- they called out for me! Yeah -- SWISH! I mean, I hit only net baby! Yep, they SCREAMED out my name. I relished every minute of it. "God, no, please, no, please god, oh my god noooo not my baby -- not my little daughter or my son-- he's only three, god, please -- please, no, god, god, god nooooo!" Yeah, felt good. I felt puuuuurty goooood. Yea-ahhhh! Now who's the boss, eh? Who's the boss? I am ALL over my bad little self, hahahaha. That'll teach them to use the free will I gave them.
Oh yeah, I left Noah alive with his family and gave them free will. Because I'm an idiot.
You really should try to know something about the Bible since you are so vehemently against it.Genisis 8:21 The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.
Well, if what I learned is true.. God, isn't Jesus.. Jesus is his son, so the two can't be the same... and the Holy Spirit is neither God nor Jesus.. The three make up the Trinity, or the Godhead, they are three distinct individuals, and at times in history (to include recent history) they have showed themselves as three different personages.. three individuals.. God even introduces Jesus as his son..2ndAmendment said:So you have said. It appears you learned a little about the Bible and about God and about Jesus, but never actually came to know God as Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Studying the Bible without a relationship with God is like studying a menu at a restaurant and never ordering anything. You know what the restaurant serves but you don't have any idea how anything tastes.
All head knowledge and no relationship.
You don't know me. I find it really funny when believers dismiss unbelievers this way. I did believe at one time and if God were real, then I would have had a relationship with him. Do you think it's easy to leave a church/religion? I wanted to believe with everything I could, who wouldn't want to live forever in a paradise. Unfortunately it's all BS. People don't choose to leave their beliefs for something that promises less, they just have their eyes opened.2ndAmendment said:So you have said. It appears you learned a little about the Bible and about God and about Jesus, but never actually came to know God as Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
supersurfer said:You don't know me. I find it really funny when believers dismiss unbelievers this way. I did believe at one time and if God were real, then I would have had a relationship with him. Do you think it's easy to leave a church/religion? I wanted to believe with everything I could, who wouldn't want to live forever in a paradise. Unfortunately it's all BS. People don't choose to leave their beliefs for something that promises less, they just have their eyes opened.
Excuse me. I was going off the top of my head and was wrong. Apparently we are to be eaten by birds before the lake of fire. That's just icing on the cake.2ndAmendment said:No. For someone who has said they have studied the Bible, you don't know much about it.
Next time is the last time and it is the lake of fire.
Rev 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
Rev 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all [men, both] free and bond, both small and great.
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Rev 19:21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which [sword] proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
But Jesus told His disciples that when they had seen the Father when they saw Him. Of course He also said in these same passages that He was going to the Father.itsbob said:Well, if what I learned is true.. God, isn't Jesus.. Jesus is his son, so the two can't be the same... and the Holy Spirit is neither God nor Jesus.. The three make up the Trinity, or the Godhead, they are three distinct individuals, and at times in history (to include recent history) they have showed themselves as three different personages.. three individuals.. God even introduces Jesus as his son..
The trinity (word not found in the Bible) is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible. I fully admit that I do not understand; I accept that I do not understand. The Bible says there is one God. I would suppose that as an omnipotent being, God could choose to manifest Himself any way He chooses.John 14:7-12
7"If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."
8Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us."
9Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
10"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.
11"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.
12"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.