ah, teachers, the ones that determine your kids genders....


Having Fun!
You are supposedly a teacher and that's the best you got? This country is in trouble for certain!
:roflmao: OH, honey, that's just precious! I'm older and there just isn't enough time left in my life over the next 40 years to explain to you where you've gone wrong so you can fix your mistakes. Retirement is where I get to CHOOSE who I teach. Unfortunately, you're not on my class roster.

With any luck on your part, there will be someone else who wants to take on the massive task of educating you.

You have a good Sunday now, and perhaps you ought to go buy a Powerball ticket. Tutors can be expensive.


Well-Known Member
:roflmao: OH, honey, that's just precious! I'm older and there just isn't enough time left in my life over the next 40 years to explain to you where you've gone wrong so you can fix your mistakes. Retirement is where I get to CHOOSE who I teach. Unfortunately, you're not on my class roster.

With any luck on your part, there will be someone else who wants to take on the massive task of educating you.

You have a good Sunday now, and perhaps you ought to go buy a Powerball ticket. Tutors can be expensive.
I will match career satisfaction with you anytime sweetie! Oh and I don't need a powerball ticket I had a GREAT business math teacher, knew her stuff Mrs. Freyieson, she could teach you something, look her up.
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Having Fun!
For your consideration ...

I don't need google to see and understand what is patently observable in plain sight.

And yet, you still cannot prove me wrong.
I DO remember you dear. Quite frankly, you're not worth the time it would take for me to dig up all of the links to the resources. You obviously missed the information I posted previously, or chose to ignore it. My fee for private research is about $200 an hour. But, for folks who are too lazy to do their own research to prove their own points, I charge $400, especially when it involves something that my 6th graders would have been proficient in Googling.

Enjoy your week!


Well-Known Member
I DO remember you dear. Quite frankly, you're not worth the time it would take for me to dig up all of the links to the resources. You obviously missed the information I posted previously, or chose to ignore it. My fee for private research is about $200 an hour. But, for folks who are too lazy to do their own research to prove their own points, I charge $400, especially when it involves something that my 6th graders would have been proficient in Googling.

Enjoy your week!
Not very good at this are you.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I DO remember you dear. Quite frankly, you're not worth the time it would take for me to dig up all of the links to the resources. You obviously missed the information I posted previously, or chose to ignore it. My fee for private research is about $200 an hour. But, for folks who are too lazy to do their own research to prove their own points, I charge $400, especially when it involves something that my 6th graders would have been proficient in Googling.

Enjoy your week!
What part of I DO NOT NEED TO RESEARCH ANY INFORMATION DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? I am not asking you for anything. No information. Nothing.

All you posted was a whinny missive, which you call information. No one cares what you public school teachers bitch about because you public school teachers do absolutely nothing to better the environment in which you work, as well as doing nothing to stop the grooming and sexualization of children.

So please, do GFY.


Well-Known Member
:roflmao: OH, honey, that's just precious! I'm older and there just isn't enough time left in my life over the next 40 years to explain to you where you've gone wrong so you can fix your mistakes. Retirement is where I get to CHOOSE who I teach. Unfortunately, you're not on my class roster.

With any luck on your part, there will be someone else who wants to take on the massive task of educating you.

You have a good Sunday now, and perhaps you ought to go buy a Powerball ticket. Tutors can be expensive.
Your degree of snark just goes to show why nobody really gives a chit about your bitching.
But please, keep typing & showing everyone here what you truly are...a CoUNT...and nothing more.

Just remember...there are no failing students....only teachers who are failing their students...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Teacher Frustrated As Half Her Students Detransitioned Over Christmas Break

BEAVERTON, OR — Third-grade teacher Ms. Gaywood (she/her) became frustrated during the first day back from the holiday break when she discovered half her students had detransitioned and were no longer identifying as made-up genders.

"You were all beautiful specks of uncompromising individuality, and now you're conforming to a heteronormative, patriarchal society," a frustrated Gaywood complained to the group of children who had been fearfully and wonderfully made as unique individuals in the image of God. "What happened?"



Well-Known Member
Okay, y'all, listen up. First of all, the title of this is ridiculous. Teachers do not determine the gender of children. That's just one of the things put out by various media sources to push buttons. Teachers these days are walking tightropes between Admins, School Board, Politicians with agendas, and Parents, ALL while they are just trying to teach their subject area to the children. There is so much sh*t piled on the plates of teachers these days that I am really surprised that any are left in the classrooms.

Teachers are expected to:
  • teach social emotional skills to the kids, (when I was a kid, my parents did this)
  • feed them if they're hungry, (again, my parents did this when I was a kid)
  • refer them for counseling if there is any suspicion of a problem, contact CPS and file a report if there is an inkling of a suspicion of ANY kind of abuse (or risk losing their teaching license and livelihood),
  • secure the classroom & stand in front of your children if there is an active shooter in the building, while ensuring that your children get to a safe hiding place
  • react with kindness and understanding of behavior when assaulted by students, (or even parents)
  • differentiate the instruction of 30+ different individual students in each class group taught (including providing accommodations for Special education students with IEPS, students with 504 Plans, and students who are speakers of other languages) not to mention the students who are below grade level or have knowledge gaps
  • create a positive classroom environment
  • contact parents by phone calls or electronically whenever there is an issue or concern with the student, AND to also relate positive things that the students are doing because no one likes to get bad news all of the time!
  • create "classroom assessments" to determine if the students are learning concepts/info taught
  • Grade those assessments
  • Re-teach concepts missed while simultaneously covering new material for the day because the curriculums are now scripted and God help you if you are teaching Last Tuesday's lesson on Wednesday!
  • Prepare your students for the multitude of TESTS required by policy makers and making Pearson ( the lead testing company for EVERYTHING and based in the UK) a mint of money that could be devoted to other things needed by our schools (or maybe a tax cut for taxpayers), all the while losing additional instructional time due to the actual "testing" mechanism
  • create "meaningful and engaging" lesson plans and submit them to the Principal (and they must include objectives, standards, accommodations, etc.)
  • take on "additional duties as assigned": bus duty, hall duty, lunch duty, Tech person, etc.
  • "Cover" other classes/groups when there are NO Subs available
  • attend weekly & monthly meetings regarding instruction
  • participate in any IEP or 504 meetings
  • participate in "Professional Development" (and I use that term loosely because most of it these days is useless and only provided as a CYA by the District
  • Take graduate classes (paid for by the teacher, sometimes re-imbursed but most often not) in order to keep their license or move up in salary or responsibility
  • tolerate poor leadership at times because they can't afford to quit
  • cope with supply shortages (copy paper, pencils, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.)
  • devote an extra 10-20 hours outside of their work day to get things done because there is NO chance to get them done during the work day
  • completely tear down their classrooms every June and pack everything up, and then unpack it in August and put it all back up again, and the pressure to be Pinterest Perfect is huge (that "engaging" classroom piece above).
  • basically be a robot with no feelings, no flaws, never gets sick, doesn't have family, etc.
Having just left the field after 40 years, let me tell you that your Teachers are NOT okay! They are drowning, and leaving in droves, especially the good ones who just want to TEACH the children! The amount of bullsh*t going on in schools right now is unbelievable (especially if you're not IN it) and it is totally unsustainable. Google "Teacher Shortage" and see what you come up with for results. Because of the shortages nationwide, school districts have gotten to the point of putting in any warm body they can find. And when they can't find one, the position goes unfilled and the Teachers and other staff in the buildings lose their small amount of daily "planning time" (or even their lunch time) to cover those empty slots. And sometimes, the slots just don't get filled at all. They're combining classes (think 40+ students in a room with desks for 28), or just not even having that class or subject. My school was unable to fill my position for this school year. There is no one in my Library teaching the students how to choose valid resources, how to navigate & act online, how to evaluate media sources for accuracy and bias, AND, worst of all, the students who didn't have a whole lot of access to books, now have none.

So, don't EVEN go there with Teacher bashing. If you haven't walked in those shoes recently, you have no creds!

I see a list of things that are ALSO problems, along with the gendering of children. Teachers should teach, the rest of that stuff is social work. And special ed kids shouldn't be in the classroom with normal kids, all that does is slow everyone down. They should have their own classrooms with their own teachers (they did 40-50 years ago when I was in school). Why is it acceptable to take the exceptional kids and put them in programs (AP/STEM/etc.) but not acceptable to take the dummies and do the same?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I see a list of things that are ALSO problems, along with the gendering of children. Teachers should teach, the rest of that stuff is social work. And special ed kids shouldn't be in the classroom with normal kids, all that does is slow everyone down. They should have their own classrooms with their own teachers (they did 40-50 years ago when I was in school). Why is it acceptable to take the exceptional kids and put them in programs (AP/STEM/etc.) but not acceptable to take the dummies and do the same?
Agreed. My kid was largely in regular classes when he was in middle school - he did ok - but he learned little and grew increasingly agitated, as I suppose most of us would be after a couple YEARS discussing quantum mechanics. He was just - lost. Miserable.

High school, totally different, and he's the model student in his class. Now that he is with other students like himself - he's really come into his own. He reads faster, works faster, speaks in public, reads at a higher grade level - twice - and well, he's the teacher's favorite.

NIGHT AND DAY. I saw NO value in putting him in with the other students, but I heard a lot of reasons why it was supposed to be good.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. My kid was largely in regular classes when he was in middle school - he did ok - but he learned little and grew increasingly agitated, as I suppose most of us would be after a couple YEARS discussing quantum mechanics. He was just - lost. Miserable.

High school, totally different, and he's the model student in his class. Now that he is with other students like himself - he's really come into his own. He reads faster, works faster, speaks in public, reads at a higher grade level - twice - and well, he's the teacher's favorite.

NIGHT AND DAY. I saw NO value in putting him in with the other students, but I heard a lot of reasons why it was supposed to be good.
Glad it helped your son. I might have used more colorful language than necessary, sorry if it was offensive.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Glad it helped your son. I might have used more colorful language than necessary, sorry if it was offensive.
Not everyone gets what it is to raise a child with a cognitive disability.

Watching him struggle, it reminds me of waking up under anesthesia - your brain WANTS to wake, but it won't.
He's a little like that, except it's permanent.


Resident PIA
The principal of Green Valley Elementary Dr. Giuseppe Di Monte sent a letter to families on Friday using the Avoid, Deny, Defend public relations drill.

Joe is avoiding the issue, denying a false police report is a crime and defending the defenseless


Having Fun!
I see a list of things that are ALSO problems, along with the gendering of children. Teachers should teach, the rest of that stuff is social work. And special ed kids shouldn't be in the classroom with normal kids, all that does is slow everyone down. They should have their own classrooms with their own teachers (they did 40-50 years ago when I was in school). Why is it acceptable to take the exceptional kids and put them in programs (AP/STEM/etc.) but not acceptable to take the dummies and do the same?
Oh, believe me, teachers would love nothing better than to leave the Social Work to Social Workers. Unfortunately, the national mindset, for too long, has been something along the lines of "well the kids need this and they're with teachers 8 hours a day (a falsehood, by the way), so we'll just have 'the schools' do it!" I'm not sure how they figured the math on that one because even if we use their falsehood of 8 hours, that still leaves 16 hours in a day that they are supposedly under the purview of their parental units, whatever that might consist of (and that's one of the other issues).

When you take the following events and toss them all together, we get what we have today:
  • more women entered the workforce (because we COULD!)
  • economy has been a back & forth mess since the early 80's, which actually forced more women into the workforce due to economic necessity, even those who wanted to devote their time to the worthy task of making a home and raising children.
  • the Government and businessmen decided to stick their fingers into the last untapped market for profits - education
  • "No Child Left Behind" -- an admirable concept but poorly executed because politicians created it without the input of boots on the ground teachers, who could have told folks that it was literally IMPOSSIBLE to have EVERY child succeed at 100% on a test! (what planet were these guys from anyway????), and thus began the real decline of our educational system
  • LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) was implemented which essentially forced our Special Ed students to fail everywhere else before getting to the environment that any Special Ed teacher could have told folks they needed in the first place! Those of us working in the most restrictive level at that time, could see the writing on the wall --- failure for our students, and lost educational time and possible physical harm for the other students (I worked with Emotional Disturbance/Behavior disordered kids, some with psychiatric issues & legal problems. Yes, those students had to "fail" in a regular classroom and through more limited options until they finally got to us, where we could get them what they needed and then send them back up the levels.)
  • FOL (Fear of Lawsuits) by the school districts. A lot of what you are seeing now is a result of this. Crazy lawsuit awards result in everyone being afraid to do "anything" that they might get sued for, and add in press exposure (because everyone with a hangnail calls the news these days), and this opens up cargo containers of useless, time-wasting "mandates".
I could go on about "Race to the Top" (No Child Left Behind with a different name), "Woke" politics, political correctness, moral fiber breakdowns, urban power centers vs. the "rest of us" rural folks, but I won't.

By law, all special d students must FIRST be served within the overall school environment - mixed in with everyone else. Their IEP must specify what supports they will receive, who will provide them, how many hours of service they will receive, etc., etc., with an Annual Review to determine if that IEP still meets their needs. This was put into place in order to ensure that students are not placed in a treatment center or isolated from their school peers and opportunities without justification - A noble and righteous goal! Unfortunately, as with ALL government initiated mandates, no one bother to check with folks who actually had to DO the implementation, to see if it was doable and practical. And there, once again, is the FLAW in the plan.

I've had several students go through the elementary school that I worked at, that every adult in that building could have told you, had no chance at all of succeeding in that environment due to needs that we just couldn't meet while dealing with 400-700 other children. In most cases, it took us an entire year to do all of the paperwork, etc., requirements to even get that child "looked at" by someone outside the building for a POSSIBLE placement outside our school. In the meantime, the students in class with these kids had to put up with being attacked, losing instructional time, classroom disruptions, etc. And it wasn't the fault of the child with special needs - their actions were the result of their disability, and exacerbated by not having their needs met in a way that helped them! So, everyone loses while we jump through hoops and red tape created by folks who have no idea what the reality is like.

It anyone should be "blamed" for the mess, I'd like to nominate politicians who don't listen to ANYONE, and lawyers.

Sorry for the rant. This is a trigger area for me.


Having Fun!
Agreed. My kid was largely in regular classes when he was in middle school - he did ok - but he learned little and grew increasingly agitated, as I suppose most of us would be after a couple YEARS discussing quantum mechanics. He was just - lost. Miserable.

High school, totally different, and he's the model student in his class. Now that he is with other students like himself - he's really come into his own. He reads faster, works faster, speaks in public, reads at a higher grade level - twice - and well, he's the teacher's favorite.

NIGHT AND DAY. I saw NO value in putting him in with the other students, but I heard a lot of reasons why it was supposed to be good.
Good for you for standing up for what your child needed and not following along with the LRE party line! Glad that he was able to finally get where he could be successful and happy!


Having Fun!
Teacher Frustrated As Half Her Students Detransitioned Over Christmas Break

BEAVERTON, OR — Third-grade teacher Ms. Gaywood (she/her) became frustrated during the first day back from the holiday break when she discovered half her students had detransitioned and were no longer identifying as made-up genders.

"You were all beautiful specks of uncompromising individuality, and now you're conforming to a heteronormative, patriarchal society," a frustrated Gaywood complained to the group of children who had been fearfully and wonderfully made as unique individuals in the image of God. "What happened?"

Just in case there is anyone here who is NOT aware, Babylon Bee (source of this "article"), is satire.


Honorary SMIB
Teacher Frustrated As Half Her Students Detransitioned Over Christmas Break

BEAVERTON, OR — Third-grade teacher Ms. Gaywood (she/her) became frustrated during the first day back from the holiday break when she discovered half her students had detransitioned and were no longer identifying as made-up genders.

"You were all beautiful specks of uncompromising individuality, and now you're conforming to a heteronormative, patriarchal society," a frustrated Gaywood complained to the group of children who had been fearfully and wonderfully made as unique individuals in the image of God. "What happened?"

For the dumbasses on this thread the story you linked is from the Babylon Bee, a satire site.


Well-Known Member
A teacher recently asked their principal if they could keep their classroom door open during the school day to get cross ventilation to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid.

The principal said sorry you have to keep the door closed to reduce the risk of mass shooters.

Teachers deserve every penny they get and much much more. Anyone who goes into that profession does so selflessly and is ensuring our future generations are educated.

All this CRT and groomer crap is nonsense the GOP uses as made up wedge social issues.
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