Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Beloved Misanthrope
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🔥 Yesterday’s Trans Day of Visibility turned out to be a peaceful and joyful celebration of love and freedom, a commemoration of the right to choose one’s own identity with dignity — no matter what that identity is, or even how UN-dignified it is — along with the freedom to keep testing out as many identities as you want on a lifelong journey of discovery to locate the perfect identity — or identities! — that “feel” the most “right” for the personal individual at any particular time of hour, day, month or year.

(NOTE: You may not identify as black. Or American Indian. Not those ones. Nobody is born into the wrong-colored body, don’t be ridiculous. But apart from that, you should have total freedom!)

The AP interviewed Missouri Capitol trans protestor Arvin Bargg, who identifies as an adult baby. “Goo goo, birrup?” Bargg explained, gesturing toward his sign that read, “It’s definitely NOT a sexual fetish.”

The AP reporter sweetly asked Bargg, “maybe it’s time for nap nap?” and Bargg tartly replied, “f—— off, jerk.”

What can I tell you, identities come and go sometimes.

In addition to being a trans-baby rights activist, Arvin is one of LA County’s newest Commissioners, having handily won his election, and will take office as soon as a giant crib can be installed in the County Commission’s chambers.

By all accounts, the first annual Transvestite Day of Visibility was a mostly peaceful success, with only a few normies getting punched in the face, shouted down, or occasionally lit on fire. The day culminated with an exciting ribbon-cutting ceremony opening the brand-new “Tolerance Camp for Kids.”



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“I think most who do it, you know I’ve talked to parents about this, a lot of times you just know that kid is not gay, you know, there was just, the factory installed equipment didn’t match, ok, that’s a real thing, it happens, it’s rare but it happens. But, and you’re talking about, there are other ones now because it is also somewhat trendy, I know people hate to hear that but it’s obviously true, there is an element of social contagion, or else it wouldn’t be so prevalent in here [California] and not in Indiana, it wouldn’t be regional,” Maher said.

This is not the first time that Maher acknowledged the transgender social contagion.

“If we can’t admit that, in certain enclaves, there is some level of trendiness to the idea of being anything other than straight, then this is not a serious, science-based discussion. It’s a blow being struck in the culture wars using children as cannon fodder,” he said last year.



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Judge Blocks Tennessee Law Protecting Children From Viewing Sexually Explicit Performances​

A federal judge in Tennessee blocked a law on Friday that was intended to protect children from being exposed to “adult cabaret” performances, including sexually explicit drag shows.

The law was temporarily blocked by U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker, who issued a temporary injunction against the law and said it was too vague and could be a violation of the First Amendment.

“Does a citizen’s private residence count? How about a camping ground at a national park?” Parker said in his decision. “Ultimately, the Statute’s broad language clashes with the First Amendment’s tight constraints.”

According to a summary of the law, it “creates an offense for a person who engages in an adult cabaret performance on public property or in a location where the adult cabaret performance could be viewed by a person who is not an adult.”

The definition of adult cabaret performance in the law includes “male or female impersonators.”



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Another Arizona Governor Aide Out Of Job

A second aide to Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is out of the job after her press secretary resigned while facing controversy over a tweet that suggested violence against “transphobes.”

The replacement for Murphy Hebert, the governor’s director of communications, will be announced next week, according to a press release about a “reorganization” of leadership roles in the Democrat’s administration.

Alli Bones, Hobbs’s chief of staff, reportedly said it was not decided yet whether Hebert would stay in the administration in a different role and denied that the move had anything to do with the resignation of Josselyn Berry, who was the press secretary to Hobbs.


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Transgender 'Woman' Dylan Mulvaney Is Now the Face of Bud Light Because These Corporations Hate You

Mulvaney’s transgenderism is one thing. As I’ve written before, I do not think anyone should be affirming what is clearly a mental illness. Gender dysphoria is real, and it should be treated with psychiatric help, not surgery and public praise. Society is not helping any of these people by pushing them deeper into their mental illness, which often leads to self-harm, including suicide. Never mind that objective reality should matter regardless.

In the case of Mulvaney, though, the spectacle is even worse because he identifies as an underage girl. How do these major corporations that pay him money to represent them not find that to be incredibly disturbing? This is a grown man cosplaying as a prebubescent girl, and massive companies just shrug while shoveling cash his way.

Honestly, what in the world is Bud Light thinking? We are talking about a beer brand, not a cosmetics company (which would be bad enough). Do they think most of their customers are into flamboyant gay men pretending to be little girls? I’d love to know who at the company made the decision to bring Mulvaney on board. Whoever it is, they should be fired immediately.


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Throughout small-o orthodox Christian tradition, followers of Jesus have prayed to God as “Our Father,” referred to Jesus as male, and used male word forms for the Holy Spirit.

The entire witness of scripture and church tradition show that God refers to himself using masculine pronouns.

Confronted with this evidence, Clymer suggested that, because Christians use God’s preferred pronouns, they should use preferred pronouns for transgender people.

“So, in other words, because God presents as male and uses male pronouns, you honor that and don’t need anything further to do so? Interesting, what does that sound like to you?” the activist asked.

I responded by noting the basic difference between the Creator—who is beyond space, time, and human characteristics like sexuality—and the creatures whom He created male and female.

“God is God, He is beyond our understanding,” I wrote. “Human beings, made male and female in biologically sexed bodies that are capable of reproducing in a dimorphic fashion, have a clearly discernible sex with a clear reproductive purpose. The limit on our understanding of God does not apply to our understanding of sexed human bodies.”

Rather than address the gaping hole between creature and Creator, Clymer doubled down on using the female pronoun.

“God is all and everything,” Clymer wrote. “I don’t think it’s the least bit wrong to refer to God as ‘Her,’ and I’m sorry that this apparently upsets you enough to write about it in the aftermath of six human beings having been brutally murdered.”



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The Nashville Massacre Proves Twisting Language And Reality Has Deadly Consequences

As British lesbian feminist academic Julia Long said at a September free speech event in Bristol, “the word ‘trans’ has one function and that is to falsify reality…as soon as you have a word that can institute the lie that a man is a woman, everything is reversed.”

Despite the term “transition,” which implies that hormone treatment or surgery can turn males into females and vice versa, most trans activists admit that the euphemistically labeled “gender affirming care” can do no such thing. Rather, they say, it is a means of creating psychological relief, sort of like smoothing wrinkles through plastic surgery or producing a winning smile through dental implants. But there is a difference—one that is huge and unbridgeable.

Changing sex is impossible. No amount of chemical intervention or surgery can change a person’s sex. The XX chromosomes remain XX. The XY chromosomes remain XY.

But there is also damage done to language itself when we begin to refer to biological males or females by opposite sex pronouns and act as if, by our words, we can change reality. The twisting of language is a deadly serious problem.


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Dylan Mulvaney Is Learning The Hard Way That 'Trans Women' Aren't Women

Transgender individuals not only want to express their “gender identity,” but society must also acknowledge and validate it over biological sex. This includes using their “preferred pronouns,” accommodating their bathroom preferences, and allowing them to participate in sports teams consistent with their gender identity rather than their biological sex. Transgender advocates expect the rest of us to legitimize the delusions of people who identify as transgender.

But it’s obvious that the masses don’t buy into the idea that “trans women are women” or that “trans men are men.”

Just ask Dylan Mulvaney.


Yeah, you know why? Because he’s a dude, and if he’s looking to meet a man, well, straight men don’t date other dudes. They just don’t. Hormones and plastic surgery don’t make a man a woman. There’s a reason why even straight men like Daniel Radcliffe will virtue signal their wokeness by saying things like “trans women are women” but will never actually date one.


Well-Known Member
Well a few year ago we were all encouraged to accept homosexuals.

Just like the title of this thread suggests . What's next?

There is nothing new about any of this, it has always existed, Homosexuals , men who wanted to be women (the surgery is new, blame that on the doctors, but the idea is old) Incest, bestiality, it has all existed through the years. Years ago such thing were frowned on, but once one became accepted it opened the door for all. I am not a great one for religion, but kill off God and anything goes. Even an atheist should realize that morals hold the world together. Morals are the basis for most religions. Go ahead fight Christians, fight Jews, break down religion and see what happens.