Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

It is all about "safe spaces" in the services now. 'Recruiting' is suffering because mentally deranged individuals fear they won't be accepted.

You've got to watch at least the first Navy created video.



PREMO Member

Transgender Terrorist

100 Percent Fed Up – The shooter, 19-year-old William Whitworth, laid out extensive plans to plant bombs at and shoot students at Timberview Middle School in Colorado Springs.

Whitworth mapped out a floor plan of Timberview Middle School and expressed violent intent towards his sister, causing her to call the police, who arrested Whitworth shortly after.

Police asked him if he had a motive for the heinous act that he was planning, and he reportedly said he had ‘no specific reason’ for wanting to carry out the attack.



PREMO Member

Emily Hari Makes History as First Trans Woman Militia Leader Sent to Prison for Domestic Terrorism

Emily Claire Hari made history on Tuesday when a federal judge sentenced her to 53 years in prison for her role in the August 2017 bombing of the Dar Al-Farooq Mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota. She will be the first trans woman militia leader to be incarcerated for an act of domestic terrorism.

The defendant was convicted in December 2020 of the bombing. Only last month did she finally muster the courage to embrace her identity as a trans woman. Prior to the sentencing, Hari's attorney alleged that her "inner conflict" had forced her to live a "double life" as the leader of a right-wing militia and might have influenced her state of mind leading up to the bombing.

"She strongly desired making a full transition but knew she would be ostracized from everyone and everything she knew," Hari's defense attorney, Shannon Elkins, wrote in court documents. "Thus, as she formed a ragtag group of freedom fighters or militia men and spoke of missions to Cuba and Venezuela, Ms. Hari secretly looked up 'sex change,' 'transgender surgery,' and 'post-op transgender' on the Internet. As she purchased military fatigues for their 'missions' she also purchased dresses and female clothing for a planned trip to Bangkok, Thailand, for male-to-female surgery. She was living a double life."


PREMO Member
His case, following so soon after Audrey Hale, a woman claiming to be male, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, once again raises the question: wouldn’t we be better off treating this “transgender” business as mental illness rather than coddling and celebrating people who suffer from these delusions?

KRDO in Colorado Springs reported Thursday that Whitworth made “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.” This was where he himself went to school between 2014 and 2016; KRDO adds that “they attended both in-person and the district’s Homeschool Academy.” Whitworth did not have an accomplice; KRDO is referring to him as “they” because Whitworth himself apparently prefers to be referred to in the plural; after all, the demons said long ago, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). Curiously, however, KRDO begins referring to Whitworth as “she” and “her” later on in its report.

It is a peculiar manifestation of the madness of our age that even as a mentally ill individual plots to act upon his mental illness by murdering people, those who report on this fact still treat his mental illness as if it were perfectly normal and even torture the English language in order to accommodate it. Apparently, no one at KRDO had the vision or wisdom or simple guts to say, “Hey, this trans kid was just planning to kill people, maybe we shouldn’t coddle him and pretend that he’s in his right mind by referring to him according to the pronouns of his delusion and fantasy.” No one would have dared.



Well-Known Member
I don't know if the end times are coming for the world, but IMO the end times are coming for our country.
I don't see how a free country such as America once was can survive.


PREMO Member

Yeah, okay. So a 38-year-old who has sex with a 12-year-old — but “identifies” as twelve himself — does not actually commit statutory rape, because that would be totally transphobic and is just how the heterosexual patriarchy has been oppressing misunderstood trans people since the Stone Age.

Where’s the social justice?

Last week, Canadian lawmakers filed an exciting new bill that would make it a felony to hatefully “mis-age” anybody. Haha, just kidding. Mostly. I mean, it could have happened, who knows. I bet you believed it for a second.

Anyway, nobody could have seen THIS coming, right?

In fact, trans-age-ism is not yet in vogue; most transgender activists still deny that age is a malleable characteristic like gender. But every single argument for transgenderism can be easily flipped to make the exact same argument for transage-ism. If we can’t squash the insane, anti-scientific idea of transgenderism, transageism will be right behind it.

There are lots of optimistic reasons to believe that transgenderism is peaking. But it’s not over by a long shot; you should anticipate the push back. Like the next story.



PREMO Member

Man reveals his 'shock' at learning the woman he is 'falling for' is transgender after she came out on their third date - as he asks for advice on how to voice his 'questions and concerns' to her as a 'close-minded straight male'

  • The man, who is named Josh, opened up about it on Reddit
  • He said that he was 'shocked' over the revelation but 'still wants her'
  • Josh asked for 'advice' after being 'close minded' about the topic in the past
  • Do you have a similar experience to share? Email femailus@mailonline.com

The guy, who is named Josh, opened up about the situation on Reddit last year, while asking for 'advice' on how he should share his 'questions and concerns' with her



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Where’s the social justice?

For the class:

Social justice in the past was to simply ostracize, articulate and verbalize disgust towards degenerate and perverted behaviors, as well as criminal. And in the extreme, let the individual/s feel the pain of societal non-conformation, in a bar, in an alley, wherever. And it worked for a long long while. Though degeneracy did happen, and was reluctantly accepted as part of human nature, (what happens in the privacy of one's home with consenting adults .... ), (but let it be known, brag, act out, or dress outside of ones gender in public or get caught in an unnatural sex act, watch out), perversion and degeneracy wasn't forced or promoted in your face everywhere one went nor was it ever televised or encouraged as to being normal. There were only two major flags flown at the time, the US flag and each States flag.

Back then, the silent majority was not silent and had no problem letting others know of their disapproval of such alternative lifestyles. As it should be.

But then, the people do not control the consolidated media, (films, shows, print, news, etc.), which, is, and has been, by far the largest 24/7/365 promoter and intentional influencer which tirelessly labored to dignify and give credence and acceptance to all that partake in degenerate and perverted behaviors at the same time normalizing as legitimate a child to enter into a surgical transformation, and as well, attempting to normalize sex with children. While at the same time, in the same breath, belittle, disparage, and derogate all Christian religions that have the morals to challenge such atrocities.

I would call out those that are behind all this, but then again, I don't want to upset those that call the Amish their friends.


PREMO Member

There’s Only One Way To Stop The Dylan Mulvaney-fication Of Everything And Complaining On The Internet Isn’t It

The answer is that what HRC does with its Corporate Equality Index is identical to what Media Matters for America (MMFA) does with all of its own hostile campaigns. Its “Take Action” web page is nothing but a list of petitions for people to sign demanding the censorship of all popular right-wingers on TV, radio, and the internet, largely by threatening boycotts against advertisers. The top one on the page as of this writing: “Tell Advertisers: Drop Fox.”

On top of that, MMFA reps make regular visits to ad buyers prepared with presentations of media clips attempting to make anyone they don’t like — Tucker Carlson, The Federalist, Ben Shapiro, etc. — look bad.

See here? These people and places you’re advertising with are too controversial. We have a petition with 3 million names calling for you to pull all of your commercials. Otherwise…

I know that’s what MMFA does. The sitting president of the organization (before he was that) told me it’s what they do.

It works, and there is nothing equivalent on the right. There is no Americans Tired of This Nonsense (ATTN!) to send its own agents to Bud Light, Tide, and Ford to say, “Hey, just a heads up, your customer base is game hunters, NASCAR fans, and stay-home moms. Using a ditzy tranny as your mascot isn’t really the vibe. And here we have a survey in which most said they would consider buying a competing product if that’s the route you choose.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, American Greatness ran an encouraging story headlined, “17 State Attorneys General Declare Support for Florida Trans Guidance.”

Earlier this year, a bunch of pro-trans organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, sued the State of Florida over its law providing that Medicaid funds may not be used to genitally mutilate children or for any other “affirmation” procedures for kids, including sex change surgery, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers.

Yesterday, 17 states rallied to Florida’s aid, filing a brief supporting Florida’s commonsense law, including: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia. The brief stated, “The amici States submit this brief in support of Florida’s right to regulate medicine and determine appropriate treatments for Medicaid coverage. Moreover, there is particular reason to be suspicious of the interest groups in this case.”

You don’t say.

Florida has also punched back, filing aggressive discovery requests against the pro-mutilation plaintiffs and spicily seeking pointed discovery from the Biden Administration. Recently the judge overruled the plaintiffs’ objections and ordered them to produce the requested documents.




PREMO Member

WashPost: Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes, Trans Are Still Victims

The Washington Post’s Anne Branigin wants you to know that “The surge of anti-trans attacks has made the stakes higher than ever for trans storytellers and performers.” The attacks are almost too heinous to recount: the nine-year-olds shooting up drag bars; the NCAA swimmer who, with malice aforethought, tried to say hurtful things about brave transgender athletes who just want to compete as the women they weren’t born to be.

As for the stakes – well, that sounds dramatic, but it really isn’t. This installment of the The Post’s “Trans in America” is just a reminder that, no matter what your eyes and ears tell you, trans people are still victims. “Trans rights are being rolled back around the country,” Branigin writes, “and some trans creators are facing fervent backlash against their work.”

We’ll have to take her word for it on those “rights,” and it really stinks that people don’t like your solipsistic books or movies or whatever. (At some point, even the most skilled self-portraitist slams into the laws of supply and demand.) But being misunderstood is an important part of the victim ethos. Branigan says so:

“For most of American history, the trans people seen in popular culture were products of the cisgender imagination: direct reflections of the fears, fascinations, impulses and misunderstandings that cis people had about being trans.”

That’s right, because for most of American history, the only way to come in contact with someone with these particular mental problems was to frequent disreputable waterfront taverns.

Sadly, that’s no longer the case. You can’t swing a dead cat meme on the internet without hitting some 300lb dude twerking for 6th graders, or a green-haired Tiktok kindergarten teacher showing off her classroom smut collection. And when you have drag queens on stage at the County Music Awards, well, you’ve come a long way baby.


PREMO Member

Washington State Democrats Vote to Hide Transgender Runaways From Parents

The Washington House of Representatives this week passed Senate Bill 5599, which would eliminate a law that requires youth shelters to alert parents when their child checks in, unless there is evidence the child is being abused. The proposal would widen the scope of what constitutes a "compelling reason" to conceal a minor to include youths seeking sex change operations or "reproductive health services," like abortion. The bill, which the Senate passed in March, now goes to Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D.) desk for a signature.

This is the latest blue state effort to help minors obtain controversial medical procedures without parental consent. Lawmakers in Oregon, Minnesota, and Colorado have all passed legislation designed to make their states "safe havens" for youths seeking sex changes or abortions. California Democrats recently advanced a bill that would allow children as young as 12 check into a group home without parent consent.

These measures come as transgender activists, social media personalities, and therapists encourage minors to sever ties with their parents if they don’t support medical transitions. Democratic state Rep. Tana Senn issued a similar call to "youth across our nation" during the House’s vote on the bill.


PREMO Member
🔥 And in more Florida news, The Florida Standard ran a story featuring my home town, headlined “UF Health Erasing Differences Between Male and Female in Lab Test Results for ‘Inclusivity’.” The sub-headline added, “‘Patients will die as a result,’ a UF Health whistleblower told The Florida Standard.”

Don’t be silly. It’s not important whether patients die. What’s most important is that a tiny number of people feel affirmed.

An anonymous source told the Standard that UF Health’s lab plans to stop discriminating against trans people by using male and female ranges on diagnostic tests, for “inclusivity.” Anyone who’s ever gotten a blood test knows that the results are plotted against a range of health markers. For example, my blood test might show my testosterone levels are below, within, or above the “normal” range for males, which tells doctors whether I need or don’t need treatment. As a man, I don’t particularly care about the normal range of testosterone for women, at least not for MY health.

Blood tests show normal ranges by sex because men and women have physiological differences that affect the levels of various substances in the blood. These differences are often related to hormones, body composition, and the overall functioning of various organs and systems.

For example, men typically have higher levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit due to testosterone’s influence. On the other hand, women have monthly hormonal fluctuations due to their menstrual cycles, which affect other blood parameters’ levels.

Common blood tests having different reference ranges for men and women include things like:

  • Hemoglobin: A protein in red blood cells that carryies oxygen.
  • Hematocrit: The ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume.
  • Ferritin: A protein that stores iron in the body; levels are affected by menstruation and pregnancy in women.
  • Creatinine: A muscular waste product filtered by the kidneys; men usually have higher levels due to greater muscle mass.



PREMO Member

Federal Judge Rules That Real Women Can Only Sue Over a Fake One If They Put Themselves in Danger

According to a Saturday report in Wyoming’s Cowboy State Daily, U.S. District Court Judge Alan B. Johnson declared: “Plaintiffs have chosen to level accusations of impropriety against Defendants. They must now shoulder the burden of those accusations and walk in the public eye.” The 84-year-old Johnson took office in Dec. 1985, and his ruling is redolent of an earlier, more innocent age, before those who made the simple, common-sense observation that men could not become women were called “fascists” and physically threatened.

Johnson sounds a trifle indignant that the University of Wyoming girls “have chosen to level accusations of impropriety,” but they have abundant reason to do so. The Cowboy State Daily reported in late March that the suit revolves around the University of Wyoming Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter being forced to admit Artemis Langford, a man who is 6’2” and weighs 260 pounds, as a member of the sorority. “No other member of Kappa Kappa Gamma,” the lawsuit observes, “has comparable size or strength.”

The plaintiffs point out the highly controversial and blazingly obvious fact that “an adult human male does not become a woman just because he tells others that he has a female ‘gender identity’ and behaves in what he believes to be a stereotypically female manner. The Fraternity Council has betrayed the central purpose and mission of Kappa Kappa Gamma by conflating the experience of being a woman with the experience of men engaging in behavior generally associated with women.” There’s the whole problem with transgenderism in a nutshell.