Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member
California student allegedly called a 'bigot' by teachers for refusing to learn about lesbian sex

A special needs student at a California high school was allegedly called a "bigot" by her teachers for mistakenly not using preferred pronouns, objecting to participating in a lesson about "scissoring" and refusing to get undressed near male teachers.

When Marina Vivar signed her daughter, Thelma Gonzalez, up for a course on health and relationships at Glendale High School, she checked a box excusing her from being taught about "anything LGBTQ+ or about sexual acts which were gay in nature."

During a speech to the Glendale City Council, Vivar said her decision to exempt her daughter was not respected by school staff, and that she was taught about sex acts such as scissoring and using a female condom.


PREMO Member
Writing for the Capitol Research Center (CRC), Kali Fontanilla describes her experience during a recent debate with a public school teacher and transgendering advocate:

At one point in the debate, I mentioned that students identifying as trans are a rising trend amongst young people, particularly teens. One of the left-leaning teachers who identifies as trans, surprisingly agreed with me. “You’re seeing trends, and I am, too. Last semester when I was teaching, I had a trans kid in every classroom, and I was like, whoa! When I started teaching there was none!”

Fontanilla then provided a graphic demonstration of just how deeply the transgendering movement has penetrated American society:

Historically, gender dysphoria only affected a small percentage of children, less than 0.01 percent, and almost all the cases were boys. Today, the U.S. has seen an estimated 1,000 percent rise in gender dysphoria over the past decade, and the UK has reported a more than 4,000 percent rise in girls demanding gender ‘treatments.’ And 70 percent of ‘sex reassignment’ surgeries were done on girls. And now this teacher admits to having a trans student in every classroom.
A recent viral clip exposed by Project Veritas echoes the same observation. The assistant superintendent of curriculum for the East Meadow School District was secretly recorded admitting, “After the pandemic, we had an explosion of trans kids!” I saw this rise in trans-identifying students during my tenure as a public school teacher in California. As the leftist teacher in the Vice debate described, I saw it go from one trans student per school to one in every classroom.

How to explain this explosion in American public schools?

Fontanilla points to social media pressures as one partial explanation, but much more important are public school teachers and administrators and the Far-Left advocacy groups funding the movement’s training and propaganda resources, especially the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

Ever heard of HRC’s Thrive Conference? Odds are you haven’t, but the influence of this program is undeniable. Every year, Thrive trains thousands of “youth-serving professionals, including teachers and counselors, on how to ‘create safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments for LGBTQ+ youth.'”

According to Fontanilla, the materials provided by the Thrive event include comprehensive lesson plans now used in thousands of public school elementary and middle school classrooms.

“Lesson titles for some of their kindergarten–2nd-grade lesson plans include ‘Jacob’s New Dress: Understanding Gender Expression;’ ‘They, She, He, Easy as ABC: Understanding Names, Pronouns, and Gender Expression;’ ‘Chimera Butterflies: Non-Binary Animals;’ and ‘I am Jazz: Understanding Transgender Children.’”

Here’s something to think about: Every minute of classroom instruction that is devoted to teaching second-graders about “understanding gender expression” is an hour that is not focused on improving their reading and math skills, the two skills that are the essential foundation of all subsequent learning.



Well-Known Member
California student allegedly called a 'bigot' by teachers for refusing to learn about lesbian sex

A special needs student at a California high school was allegedly called a "bigot" by her teachers for mistakenly not using preferred pronouns, objecting to participating in a lesson about "scissoring" and refusing to get undressed near male teachers.

When Marina Vivar signed her daughter, Thelma Gonzalez, up for a course on health and relationships at Glendale High School, she checked a box excusing her from being taught about "anything LGBTQ+ or about sexual acts which were gay in nature."

During a speech to the Glendale City Council, Vivar said her decision to exempt her daughter was not respected by school staff, and that she was taught about sex acts such as scissoring and using a female condom.
Where the hell were these lessons when I was in school?


Well-Known Member
What is there to know about lesbian sex.
It's not real sex. It's masturbation by objects or a tongue.
That's a simple way to explain it, but basically what else is there?

I am not saying they cannot love each other, it's just that in lesbian sex , like Nascar rubbing is racing.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What is there to know about lesbian sex.
It's not real sex. It's masturbation by objects or a tongue.
That's a simple way to explain it, but basically what else is there?

I am not saying they cannot love each other, it's just that in lesbian sex , like Nascar rubbing is racing.
Never in my life wold I have imagined a NASCAR/lesbianism simile
I'll never watch another race the same way again.


PREMO Member
The main objective behind the amendment to Minnesota law was to incorporate “gender identity” into the state’s definition of classes protected from discrimination. It hardly seems a coincidence that it was decided to remove the clause explicitly excluding pedophilia as a sexual orientation at the same time “gender identity,” was being added. It’s also not a coincidence that the author of the bill, Rep. Leigh Finke (D-St. Paul) identifies as transgender. Remember how I wrote earlier this year that the transgender movement would be the catalyst for the normalization of pedophilia? How much more proof do you need that I was right?

Yet it’s also not surprising that fact-checkers are trying to tell us that this isn’t happening at all. According to Politifact, claims that the bill removes “anti-pedophile language” are false, and pedophiles won’t become a protected class. Why? Because apparently, it is universally understood that pedophilia isn’t a sexual orientation.

“Textually, then, the phrase ‘sexual orientation’ does not require a disclaimer to rule out non-gender-based aspects of attraction,” David B. Cruz, Newton Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, told Politifact. “With nothing more, this makes it inconceivable that the proposed change to Minnesota law would affect the scope of the protections it affords.”

If that were the case, why did the original version of the bill contain the language “‘Sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.” Clearly, someone thought it was necessary to point this out. Why was it necessary in the past but no longer necessary now? If it is understood that pedophilia isn’t a sexual orientation, why are left-wing academics trying to normalize it? Can Politifact explain this? It can’t and won’t.



Well-Known Member
Our boy Moore signed a bill making it a law that one parent could have their child mutilated and Marylanders will pay for it.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...



Well-Known Member
Why would anyone in their right mind vote for a man who has been such a poor president--not to mention his mental state.
IMO those who vote for Biden are in an even worse mental state than he is.


PREMO Member
🔥 NBC ran a story yesterday headlined, “Montana First to Ban Drag Performers From Reading to Children in Schools, Libraries.”

What the heck is that getup supposed to be?
Montana’s anti-drag law is unique because it bans any drag events involving reading children’s books to kids, without requiring any overtly sexual element, like recently-enacted laws in Florida and Tennessee. It seems to assume that drag is, in its essence, already sexualized. And I agree.

Republican Representative Braxton Mitchell, who sponsored the bill, explained “In my humble opinion, there’s no such thing as a family-friendly drag show.”

That’s exactly right.

Montana’s Republican Governor Greg Gianforte signed the bill into law on Monday. A lawsuit seems certain, as both the Florida and Tennessee laws have been challenged in federal court on First Amendment grounds, by unattractive cross-dressers who want better access to young children.



Well-Known Member
What is there to know about lesbian sex.
It's not real sex. It's masturbation by objects or a tongue.
That's a simple way to explain it, but basically what else is there?

I am not saying they cannot love each other, it's just that in lesbian sex , like Nascar rubbing is racing.
Rubbing is racing...lmao