Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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From transgendered to 'transabled': Now people are 'choosing' to identify as handicapped

A troubling societal issue called "transableism" is attracting attention these days.

Transableism is a newer term for BIID, or "Body Integrity Identity Disorder," in which a person actually "identifies" as handicapped.

BIID has been relabeled to transableism to align with today's trans community, according to some.

The point of "changing the identifier" from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to "harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology" to the cause of allowing doctors to "treat" BIID patients by "amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight," according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN), which reports on and analyzes evolution, neuroscience, bioethics, intelligent design and other science-related issues.


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Straight White Male Republican Identifies as Lesbian of Color, His Family Receives 'Violent Threats'

The post featured a rainbow “Be You” image and was punctuated by a Pride flag and flexed-muscle emoji. Ryan also included a winking smiley face, which led 67-year-old Charlize Jamieson to suspect a ruse.

Biological male Charlize decried such disrespect to The Star Press:

“In an effort to make fun of transgender/nonbinary individuals, Ryan Webb ‘came out’ on social media as a ‘lesbian woman of color.’ Since his initial post, he has doubled down repeatedly on his ‘status.’ He has a history of making transphobic comments, so it was very easy to see through his bigotry.”
Charlize — who sports a blouse and lipstick in a photo online, had a bit of back-and-forth with the newly-announced nonwhite homosexual…

Charlize: “Was this really necessary? It’s unbecoming of an elected official … or a decent human being for that matter.”
Ryan: “Charlize Jamieson do you think you have the only password to the forbidden world of coming out? When you decided to become a woman, did people tell you it was unbecoming? Sorry, pal, but you don’t get to be the decipher of who is acceptable and who isn’t. I was hoping that you and I could be friends now that we’re both ladies that used to be men. I’ll give you some more time.”

Others commenters were complimentary:

  • “I love you, Congressman Webb…..”
  • “Bravo, bravo.”
  • “F****** dead! You rule, dude.”
  • “Love it. #metoo”
  • “You go girl!”

Identity is certainly the issue of the day. From the looks of things, the sky’s the limit:

Three’s Company: Modern Sexual Identity Advances to ‘Trigender’

‘Nonbinary Gender Affirming’ Doctors Offer Sexual ‘Nullification’ Surgery

Wokedom’s Newest Confection Takes the Cake: Introducing ‘Cake Gender’

A Woman Undergoes Surgery to Have a Penis Added, but Doctors Remove Her Vagina – Which She Wanted to Keep

What the Howl? Seattle Man Transitioned to a Woman and Also a Wolf

Lesbian Couple Identifying as Straight Couple Prepares to Transition 5-Yr-Old Son Into a Daughter

Ryan Webb attempted to take part in the modern world, but perhaps his racial revision was a bridge too far — even though, as some have observed, race is less rigid than sex.

His declaration certainly prompted staunch detraction — and not just in the form of insults. He lamented to WishTV:

“Our family has been receiving violent threats throughout the day from intolerant liberals who refuse to accept my decision to live my life however I choose. … It is unfortunate, but a group called Indiana Progressives has decided to organize a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home.”

Ryan suspects a double standard:

“It is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting me demand for themselves.”


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Riley Gaines Torches Brittney Griner For Calling It A ‘Crime’ To Protect Women’s Sports From Men

“Which NBA team would have @brittneygriner since apparently the overwhelming, obvious differences between men and women should simply be overlooked?” Gaines tweeted. “Heartbreaking to see athletically successful women take this demeaning stance.”

“And if we’re going to talk about crimes, Brittney…” Gaines added.

Griner was arrested in Russia last year on drug charges.

“You’ve always represented so much throughout your entire career about access and, you know, being able to do stuff, and I hate to put one more thing on your plate, but there have been a number of states who are aggressively moving to prevent transgender athletes from playing,” Bill Rhoden from ESPN said to Griner on Thursday.


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“Chuck, I respectfully disagree,” Ramaswamy replied. “Gender dysphoria for most of our history all the way through the DSM-V has been characterized as a mental health disorder, and I don’t think it’s compassionate to affirm that. I think that’s cruelty. When a kid is crying out for help, what they’re asking for is — you’ve got to ask the question of what else is going wrong at home? What else is going wrong at school? Let’s be compassionate and get to the heart of that rather than playing this game as though we’re actually changing our medical understanding for the last hundred years.”

Todd responded, “I go back to this: if a parent is dealing with a child that has these — that may have these issues, trust me, the parent — the last thing they want to do is consider something like this, but if that is what they think could help their child pursue happiness or not to kill themselves, I — why take away that option? Again, why shouldn’t it be up to the parent?”

Oh, that’s a unique position for a liberal to take, considering that there have been countless reports of schools hiding children socially transitioning from parents and that the states of California and Washington have officially made themselves sanctuaries for kids who want transgender procedures without parental consent. But even in the case where a parent is willing, Todd is wrong that parents aren’t rushing into it. Sadly, the medical industry has a financial incentive to push gender transition procedures because of their high profit margins. Parents are being brainwashed into thinking that they have a choice between gender transition surgery or a dead child.

But this is flatly wrong. According to a Swedish study, people who have undergone gender transition procedures have a higher risk of mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity compared to the general population. Last year, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare released new treatment guidelines rejecting so-called “gender-affirming care” for children with gender identity issues. Instead, the new guidelines recommended that psychological intervention as the first line of treatment, rather than dangerous puberty-blocking drugs or surgeries.



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Kansas Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Transgender Bathroom Bill, and the Left Freaks Out

Naturally, the left is apoplectic over the law and the override of the veto, and the media’s reactions cover the whole spectrum of the ridiculous.

“The bill is written broadly enough to apply to any separate spaces for men and women and, Kelly’s office said, could prevent transgender women from participating in state programs for women, including for female hunters and farmers,” Hanna wrote.

I’m sure the transgender hunting and farming lobby is reeling. Why weren’t there any transgender farmers or hunters available for a quote?

“What’s a woman? Check Kansas law,” crows a headline in Politico. I don’t think the Kansas legislature is looking at its law to find the definition of a woman — or a man, for that matter. Those definitions have been in place throughout human history.

Hanna also points out that the Kansas bill is “part of a larger push by Republicans across the U.S. to roll back LGBTQ+ rights, particularly transgender rights.” The only “rights” that are in danger here are the trans people’s right to ignore the realities of biology.


PREMO Member

Montana Transgender Cowboy Does the Corporate Media Circuit

The corporate media can’t get enough of Zooey Zephyr. This guy is like the Johnny Appleseed of insurrectionist transgenderism.

Is there anything grosser than Zephyr claiming he’s been “silenced” when he’s literally featured as a hero on every major news station imaginable?

Zephyr was catapulted into Social Justice™ martyrdom when Montana House Republicans censured him for hyperbolic claims that they had “blood on their hands” for supporting a basic, commonsense ban on the medical castration of children in the name of transgenderism


I’ll call it now: this dude is being groomed to become the Dylan Mulvaney of politics. He has a dramatic rhetorical flair. He has delusions of grandeur as a Winston Churchill-esque figure fighting on land and on the beaches and wherever for his right to chemically castrate whatever kids he damn well pleases. He has the requisite unchecked narcissism to babble about himself and his gender identity obsession at length with no sense of shame.


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“Chuck, I respectfully disagree,” Ramaswamy replied. “Gender dysphoria for most of our history all the way through the DSM-V has been characterized as a mental health disorder, and I don’t think it’s compassionate to affirm that. I think that’s cruelty. When a kid is crying out for help, what they’re asking for is — you’ve got to ask the question of what else is going wrong at home? What else is going wrong at school? Let’s be compassionate and get to the heart of that rather than playing this game as though we’re actually changing our medical understanding for the last hundred years.”

Todd responded, “I go back to this: if a parent is dealing with a child that has these — that may have these issues, trust me, the parent — the last thing they want to do is consider something like this, but if that is what they think could help their child pursue happiness or not to kill themselves, I — why take away that option? Again, why shouldn’t it be up to the parent?”

Oh, that’s a unique position for a liberal to take, considering that there have been countless reports of schools hiding children socially transitioning from parents and that the states of California and Washington have officially made themselves sanctuaries for kids who want transgender procedures without parental consent. But even in the case where a parent is willing, Todd is wrong that parents aren’t rushing into it. Sadly, the medical industry has a financial incentive to push gender transition procedures because of their high profit margins. Parents are being brainwashed into thinking that they have a choice between gender transition surgery or a dead child.

But this is flatly wrong. According to a Swedish study, people who have undergone gender transition procedures have a higher risk of mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity compared to the general population. Last year, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare released new treatment guidelines rejecting so-called “gender-affirming care” for children with gender identity issues. Instead, the new guidelines recommended that psychological intervention as the first line of treatment, rather than dangerous puberty-blocking drugs or surgeries.

"you’ve got to ask the question of what else is going wrong at home? What else is going wrong at school?"

The government needs to get out of parenting. They've done so well at creating a sustainable budget :sarcasm: they have to be great telling you how to raise your kids.


PREMO Member

The science says "get 'em while they're young!"

It’s hard to believe that some physicians wait until age 8 or 9 to begin the process of gender transition for children.

The “science” says you should start much, much earlier. As we all know 2-year-olds begin the dangerous contemplation of suicide if their parents force them to wear blue or pink diapers, the colors of which fail to match their internal sense of gender identity.

That’s why hospital systems in North Carolina are blazing a new trail and beginning to provide gender transition treatments to children as young as 2.



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Campus event featuring Catholic who left lesbianism draws ire of LGBT students

The April 13 event, “Homosexuality and Life With Christ,” featured Kim Zember, author of the 2020 memoir “Restless Heart: My Struggle with Life & Sexuality,” which explains her struggle with her faith and homosexuality.

“Zember, a California girl born and raised Catholic, found that no matter how much she pursued relationships with women, she was never at peace,” according to the Catholic News Agency.

She eventually delved into a spiritual journey that led her to leave homosexuality and found a ministry called “Overcome.”

But the event was condemned as “anti-LGBT” by the student group Sex Out Loud in a statement posted to its Instagram page.


PREMO Member
Here is Gateway Pundit’s delicious headline: “Violent Left-Wing Insurrectionists Invade Texas State Capitol and Shut Down Proceedings on Bill Banning Child Sex Surgeries – State Police End the Commotion in Epic Style.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Human Events ran a gratifying story yesterday headlined, “Trans Lawmaker Shamed Into Dropping Pedo-Normalization Bill in Minnesota Amid Backlash.”

In February, Representative Leigh Stinky, I mean Finke, Minnesota’s first unattractive cross-dressing state legislator, introduced a bill called the “Take Pride Act.” The bill would have “proudly” removed language from Minnesota’s state Human Rights Act, which currently excludes pedophilia from the protected “sexual orientation” class.

In other words, the bill would have made “pedophilia” a protected sexual orientation under Minnesota’s Human Rights Act. But Minnesota House Republicans successfully intervened and “managed to get the language normalizing pedophilia stripped out of the bill in a vote.”

Back in the day, they promised us that legalizing gay marriage would never EVER lead to crazy stuff like this. Normalizing pedophilia was just a silly “slippery-slope” conspiracy theory. Well? How about now?

Thank you, Minnesota Republicans.



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Parents sued for speaking out against sexually explicit books in library: 'It's disgusting'

After months of unanswered pleas to remove the books, the New Jersey mothers contacted the Board of Education and were invited to voice their concerns at the March 6 Roxbury Board of Education meeting.

"We were arguing [that] we're in the fight against the sexualization of our children in America and especially in New Jersey," Cobo said. "And we feel that this content should not be made available to minor children, especially in the school district where our children are quickly rising. And that’s what we spoke to. We spoke to the fact that these are our children, nobody else’s. And we have the right to direct their upbringing and those books do not match the morals and values that I teach in my home."

A few weeks later, Cobo, Balestriere and two others were served with the lawsuit.

Balestriere said the suit is an intimidation attempt to silence parents.

"Absolutely. There’s no doubt in my mind that that’s what this is. It’s just to, in my opinion, scare not only us but from other parents speaking up and probably just to hit us with as many legal fees as possible," she said.

But Cobo and Balestriere have no intention of backing down, they said, adding that they hope others in a similar position will find the courage to take a stand against radical ideologies that have crept into American classrooms.