Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Well-Known Member
A college professor was placed on leave after stating that adults being sexually attracted to children was not wrong if not acted on and those people should be called "Minor Attracted Person" rather than the stigmatizing term "pedophile".


Active Member
Adultery is an act. Thinking about it doesn't count, unless your wife thinks it does, in which case you should keep your thoughts to yourself.

Lesbian, gay, pedophile, whatever, is a predilection. If you are sexually attracted to women (and not men) but have never had sex with one, you're still a lesbian. You're just a non-practicing lesbian.

It helps, I think, to define "pedophilia", which is a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. You can still ogle the 16 year old in the bikini - that's not pedophilia, that's just dirty old man. But when you're ogling a 5 year old, you're a pedophile even if you never touch the kid.
My god, this tightrope you’re on! I think they’re cutting down the net


Well-Known Member
A college professor was placed on leave after stating that adults being sexually attracted to children was not wrong if not acted on and those people should be called "Minor Attracted Person" rather than the stigmatizing term "pedophile".

I read he has been suspended. But remember this about the other subjects of this post Acceptance is only encouragement.


PREMO Member

Meet The Sex Shop Founder Who Is Grooming Children Through Books In School Libraries

Cory Silverberg’s website links to the four books he’s written. Each one focuses on the same thing: sex. With the exception of “The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability,” which he coauthored with Miriam Kaufman and Fran Odette, the author’s work is aimed at children.

His latest book, “You Know, Sex,” another collaboration with Smyth, is available for pre-order and discusses “pornography,” “stigma,” and “gender.” He calls the book “essential for kids.” His website bio states, “Cory’s life is full of kids. All of them know where babies come from. Some know more.”

Who is this man so intent on informing your children not only about sex, but about pornography, transsexuality, and masturbation? On his website, which advertises children’s books, the author cites himself as a “founding member of Come As You Are Co-operative,” an anti-capitalist sex shop in Toronto, which he also links to.

As the Toronto Star noted years ago, this isn’t just any sex shop. This is a “beginner’s sex store.” The outlet noted that the store hoped “to hold an off-site sex-education workshop for parents of children aged 7 to 12, one that will focus on more than reproduction.” The Star went on to quote Silverberg as saying, “Our overall focus is pleasure-based rather than fear-based.”


PREMO Member

California trans child molester Hannah Tubbs gloats over light sentence in jailhouse phone calls

EXCLUSIVE: Explicit Los Angeles jailhouse recordings of Hannah Tubbs, the 26-year-old trans child molester who received a slap on the wrist last month after pleading guilty to molesting a 10-year-old in 2014, depict her admitting it was wrong to attack a little girl but gloating over the light punishment.

She boasted that nothing would happen to her after she pleaded guilty due to Democrat District Attorney George Gascon's policies and laughed that she won't have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender. She also made explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print.

"I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty," Tubbs says in one recording. "They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

California trans child molester Hannah Tubbs gloats over light sentence in jailhouse phone calls

EXCLUSIVE: Explicit Los Angeles jailhouse recordings of Hannah Tubbs, the 26-year-old trans child molester who received a slap on the wrist last month after pleading guilty to molesting a 10-year-old in 2014, depict her admitting it was wrong to attack a little girl but gloating over the light punishment.

She boasted that nothing would happen to her after she pleaded guilty due to Democrat District Attorney George Gascon's policies and laughed that she won't have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender. She also made explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print.

"I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty," Tubbs says in one recording. "They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing."

For one thing, this is not a "her" or a "she" - it's a guy. The progs are so ****ed up that some clear adult man can say he's a teenage girl, and progs will fall all over themselves to call him that and pat themselves on the back for being so woke.