Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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🔥 LGBT activist magazine The Advocate ran a surprisingly encouraging story this weekend headlined, “Maine Democrats bail on bill making state sanctuary for trans people amid far-right uproar.

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Maine’s LD1735 was described as a “trans sanctuary bill;” it was a trans activist’s dream come true. The bill would have let kids seek trans “medical care” without parental permission or even notice, and worse, it would have authorized state courts to remove parental custody if parents wouldn’t agree to give their kids hormones or castration procedures.

Just read this one sentence from the bill’s summary:

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The language about “taking jurisdiction” would also have allowed state courts to take control of kids from other states, a prospect delighting Pied Piper trans activists who salivated at the thought of luring kids from Florida to Maine for trans medical experiments. In a Daily Mail article, Republican state Representative David Haggan described the bill in alarming terms, saying, “This bill authorizes the kidnapping and massacring of children from other states without parental consent.”

The bill appeared to be headed for approval on greased skids. But last Wednesday, Libs of Tik Tok highlighted the bill, which was then up for a second committee vote. Libs published to her 2.8 million follower all the names and email addresses for the committee members.

There was, apparently, a vigorous response.

According to the Advocate, after Libs shined her spotlight on the vote, the Democrat-majority, bipartisan Judiciary Committee reversed course and unanimously voted (12-0) to table the bill. Democrats on the committee who had previously supported the proposed law now complained that “unnecessary language” had been added.

Maine’s parents have a lot of things to be thankful for; Libs of Tik Tok is one of them.

Does this mean Texas needs to turn the busses around?


Well-Known Member
This is a world filled with all kinds of insanity.
Insanity is no longer considered a problem.
We are being slowly nurtured into acceptance.

We have to accept LGBTQ, we have to accept a mentally ill President, We have to accept Transgenders, We need to accept turning prisoners loose from prisons and allowing fentanyl to be transported over our borders by illegals .6.2 Million. Now that is insanity, and that figure is low.


PREMO Member

Award-winning lesbian realtor, 50, is jailed for tricking 90 year-old man with dementia into thinking they were in relationship so she could scam him out of $638K to buy an RV and pay her gambling debts

  • Sophia Smith used a nonprofit to steal money from Cornelius 'Connie' Hoffmans
  • Prosecutors said the charity for women and children was a scam to steal money
  • Smith also bought a home for $275,000 using Hoffmans' money

A lesbian Las Vegas realtor tricked a 90-year-old man with dementia into thinking they were in a romantic relationship in order to scam him out of over half a million dollars.

Sophia Smith, 50, was convicted of exploiting Cornelius 'Connie' Hoffmans to buy an RV, buy a home and pay her gambling debts.

Hoffmans, a widower, believed the two were dating even though Smith - who won awards for her real estate sales - is openly gay.

Smith's scam began with a donation from Hoffmans to her non-profit, the unfortunately-named Strong A.R.M. Foundation.

But the charity, which supposedly raised funds for underprivileged women and children, was a scam, with as many as 90 percent of donations going to Smith and her gambling habit.


PREMO Member

Trans Influencer Claims To Struggle Dating Due To Masculinity Crisis Because Men Aren't Being Men​



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[Before we get into this, a disclaimer. We are aware that this study comes out of Iran, not exactly a bastion of tolerance for divergent personalities. So, we do take it with a grain of salt. However, all three professors who conducted the study are accredited professors of psychology with dozens of published research papers each within and outside of Iran dealing with the psychological effects of numerous issues, including diabetes, surgery, food addiction, COVID-19, and many more. They also used accepted testing methods in their research. You can read the full study here.]

The numbers speak for themselves. EIGHTY-ONE PERCENT frequency of personality disorders revealed in a study of nearly 100 patients. Fifty-seven percent with narcissistic personality disorder, thirty-four percent with masochistic-sadistic personality disorder, almost twenty-six percent with paranoid personality disorder, and the list goes on.

Peterson and Walsh, two of the most outspoken opponents of the gender cult, have some experience with this. In Walsh's case, the experience has come with the violent threats he has received from these people. Peterson, on the other hand, has direct clinical knowledge about the matter.

Moreover, as the results indicate and given the baseline, it's clear that many of the transgender subjects had more than one of these personality disorders.


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Woke Activists Cry TRANSPHOBIA Over Florida Banning Changing Biological Sex On Drivers License!​



PREMO Member

The White House Isn't So Proud of What Happened at Its Pride Party

Of course, Rose Montoya, one of the transgender individuals who decided to strip down, wants you to believe there is nothing disrespectful about the behavior. And if you think that him bearing the breasts he had bolted on as an adult is a problem, you are just confirming that he is a woman. He took to Twitter to make his statement in a video looking and sounding like an ’80s metal band singer after a bender.




PREMO Member

Hang on, what was that about 'past criminal charges'? Well, NBC skips over all that until the very end of the article, when they casually mention that Murnan faced criminal charges in 2001 for possession of child pornography.

Remember, he is -- or, thankfully was -- the principal of an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

(Of course, Twitchy readers already know about his history, since we covered him when he was first suspended last September.)

NBC tries to dismiss the incident by saying that the charges were dismissed and Durnan's record was expunged, but they leave a few things out. We did some digging and found out what ACTUALLY happened with those charges. From the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs:

In 2001, the Tulsa World reported on Murnan’s arrest, writing that an affidavit for a search warrant revealed that four images “of adolescent white males performing sex acts with each other” had been recovered from Murnan’s computer by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
The affidavit for a search warrant said police had been contacted by two individuals, including one who said Murnan made concerning comments about two 10-year-old boys. A second informant told police that Murnan had previously described receiving photos of a boy being sexually abused by an adult male.
At his trial, Murnan’s defense attorney argued the state had not proven that the pictures were of underage males and argued the pictures could have been computer generated. The defense also argued that since the images had been deleted on Murnan’s computer, he did not have possession of pornography.

He was not 'in possession' because he deleted them? Really? And the court bought that drivel?

We probably shouldn't be surprised. It worked for Hillary Clinton, after all.

NBC also reports how the community 'rallied to Murnan's defense' when, in fact, it was just a few people who showed up wearing #StandWithShane t-shirts. In point of fact, it was the community -- parents of children at the school in particular -- who pushed for him to be fired.

The NBC account also tries to demonize Walters, saying he is persecuting teachers with 'ideological differences,' not because those teachers are actively promoting sexuality and pornographic material to small children.



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Teenager JAILED For Driving SKID MARKS Over PRIDE Crosswalk As WOKE Residents Cry HATE CRIME!​



PREMO Member
High School Girls Basketball Team FORCED TO QUIT After Trans Athlete INJURES 3 Players During Game!

Women's Basketball Game Ends With Forfeit After Transgender Player Injures Three Girls

“The bench was already depleted going into the game with the 12-player roster having four players unable to play,” the press release went on to say. “When the coach saw three more girls go down in the first half leaving him with five players, he made the call to end the game early.”

“Once the third was injured, the remaining five expressed concern to him about continuing to play,” the release added. “The players feared getting injured and not being able to compete in the playoffs.”

The school also stated that it 100% backs the coach's call to end the game, though it did present a little wokeness by tacking on a caveat concerning the institution's dedication to "inclusivity" and "equity."

“The Charter School supports this decision and reiterates its values of both inclusivity and safety for all students,” the release continued. “We take the standards set by the MIAA and our Board of Trustees seriously and strive to uphold them on and off the court. We also follow the guidance from the MIAA and state laws regarding equity and access for all student-athletes.”

Video footage that was allegedly captured during the game has been shared online. It clearly shows a very tall, clearly biological male athlete injuring a female player from Collegiate Charter.

Again, this is why there is a huge movement against allowing people to participate in sports with the opposite sex. I don't care what your mental delusion tells you, if you were born a biological male, there's no amount of hormones you can pump into your body or synthetic parts you can attach to it that will make you a female. We as a culture and society need to stop the madness.

“Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit,” Riley Gaines, a top collegiate swimmer-turned-girls sports advocate, captioned the video. “A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it’s called brave. Who watches this & actually thinks this is ‘compassionate, kind, and inclusive’?”


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Colorado State Representative Scott Bottoms (R-D15) posted a video in which he described feeling intensely frustrated after a committee meeting with Colorado democrats, and in the process disclosed shocking inside intel that Colorado democrats oppose punishments for people who buy infants for sex.

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CLIP: Colorado Representative Scott Bottoms complains about Democrats defending pedophiles (1:52).

Listen to the whole thing. But here is a shortened, slightly-edited (for clarity) transcript of Scott’s main comments:

These are the times that I am discouraged about my job as a representative and what happens here at the capitol. All day in committee we discussed whether or not to require jail time for somebody that buys little children — 2, 3, 4, 5 year old kids — for sex. Right now, most of the time they get off on probation after buying and raping a little child. We tried to get a bill through, (representative Bradley’s) to ensure these buyers do time, a minimum of 4 years.

But democrats voted a 100% against putting these pedophiles in jail. They defended the pedophiles! They came up with all kinds of reasons, including that these buyers are victims themselves.

This is evil stuff, truly dark forces, that we're dealing with. If you can come up here and testify for bills like this, please do so. Your voice is very important.

From time to time, one ponders over how one could possibly find any common ground with people who oppose mandatory jail sentences for perverts who rape babies.

Now, don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging with that disturbing story. Not all states share Colorado’s problems.



PREMO Member

Illinois Bill Changes Definition Of ‘Abused Child’ To Include Kids Whose Parents Object To Abortion, Transgender Hormones And Surgeries

According to the legislation, which imbues minors with the same legal status as adults with regard to consenting to medical treatments and procedures related to abortion and gender transition, “consent to the performance of abortion services and gender-affirming services executed by a minor is not voidable because of such minority.”

Additionally, doctors who prescribe and perform such treatments and procedures are directed only to make a reasonable effort to ensure that the minor in question has an understanding of the risks and benefits — and are exempted from any liability, either civil or criminal, for their participation in the minor’s treatment.

According to the bill, “a health care professional rendering abortion services and gender-affirming services shall not incur civil or criminal liability for failure to obtain valid consent or professional discipline for failure to obtain valid consent if the health care professional relied in good faith on representations made by the minor.”