Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


New Member

Advocates Push For Consensual Incest To Be Decriminalized, Laugh Off ‘Grooming’ Allegations

Supporters of consensual incest are advocating for the taboo arrangement to be decriminalized after the recent story about an anonymous New York couple suing to have the state’s anti-incest laws overturned.

Richard Morris, an Australian man who wants the incest laws in approximately 60 countries changed, supports the New York couple’s lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court and believes incestuous relationships between consenting adults “should not be criminalized,” according to the New York Post.

Morris and other pro-incest advocates are responsible for about 130 petitions that are trying to change anti-incest laws around the world.

Not really sure what being gay has to do with pedos or incest. Plenty of heterosexual people commit incest and pedophilia. Same with the men dressing like woman, they been doing that for thousands of years, even for children (Ms Doubtfire anyone?). Yall really create any excuse to hate gay people, just say ya hate them and skip the middle man, so much simpler.


PREMO Member
A Texas woman traveling with her 16-month old son and mother claims she was kicked off her flight home on Wednesday after she accidentally misgendered a flight attendant.

Jenna Longoria, a women’s health and hormone expert from outside of Austin, was boarding her flight around 9 a.m. at San Francisco International Airport when she said she slipped up and addressed the United crew member by their wrong pronoun multiple times, she told The Post.

“When [the flight attendant], who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes I said ‘thank you, sir.’ That is it. That is it,” Longoria, still confused over the incident, told The Post Wednesday night.

“She got upset. I walked to the plane to go down the aisle. Then she held my mother back and wouldn’t let her come with me [past the gate],” she said.

Mother cradling distressed 16-month old son claims United Airlines staff booted her off flight from San Francisco to Austin for using their wrong pronouns

But there appears to be more to the story, with another video showing a United Airlines staffer appearing to reference more than just accidental confusion about the employee's pronouns.

In the clip, she can be seen talking to a United staff member who informs her it was the captain's decision to deny her from the flight for 'what came out of your mouth'.

The employee also tells her 'there was some more that I heard', beyond the pronoun error.

'They basically said tough luck and they won't tell me exactly what I said,' Longoria said.

In another clip, the desperate mom is seen pleading with her 20,000 Instagram followers for advice on what her rights are.

'We don't know how we're going to get back today,' she says. 'I don't know what to do, I really don't know what to do.'


PREMO Member
The 24-page document, called the U.S. Department of the Interior Inclusive Language Guide and published this month “for official use only,” details what terms bureaucrats should use or avoid when discussing gender and sexuality.

The guide includes a list of 104 different terms that the Interior recommends bureaucrats replace with alternate, approved words. “Husband” and “wife,” for example, should be replaced with “spouse, partner, significant other,” the federal agency says. “Daughter” and “son” should also be replaced with “child” or “kid” according to the guide, which even asks bureaucrats to replace “cockpit” with “flight deck.”

The revelation comes as the executive agencies of federal government have been transformed under the Biden administration, with agencies from Interior to the National Security Agency embracing and institutionalizing the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.

Another section of the guide asks bureaucrats to use “identity-first” language, substituting “blind person” and “amputee,” with “a person who is blind,” and “a child with an amputation.” The Interior guide even tells bureaucrats to refrain from assuming anyone’s gender and to instead refer to everyone with the pronouns “they/them” to “avoid making assumptions.”


Screenshot of internal government document obtained by The Daily Wire

“When referring to individuals whose identified pronouns are not known or when the gender of a generic or hypothetical person is irrelevant within the context, use their name or a singular ‘they’ to avoid making assumptions about an individual’s gender,” the document reads. “It is recommended to use ‘they,’ ‘them,’ ‘their,’ for example. In informal writing, such as emails, plural pronouns may be used as a shortcut to ensure gender inclusiveness.”



New Member

Again, just say you hate gays. Catholic church vigorously defended known pedophiles in its ranks, is it safe to say anyone whos a Catholic is okay with pedophilia? Of course not, its a stupid false equivalency just like this. Just say you hate gay people and stick with it, much better than showing your lack of cognitive function with this post.
What other creepy #### have you been doing with children there Anthony?
If you’re sexualizing a man in a dress, then thats on you buddy lol.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Again, just say you hate gays. Catholic church vigorously defended known pedophiles in its ranks, is it safe to say anyone whos a Catholic is okay with pedophilia? Of course not, its a stupid false equivalency just like this. Just say you hate gay people and stick with it, much better than showing your lack of cognitive function with this post.

If you’re sexualizing a man in a dress, then thats on you buddy lol.
Hey, you’re the one who was talking about that being a normal thing for children. I’m quoting you.

does the FBI know about you?


PREMO Member
Just say you hate gay people and stick with it,

Sorry Sugar Tits, errm I mean Sapidus

NOT Supporting Queers R*ping and Mutilating Children Does NOT mean anybody HATES Anyone else

much better than showing your lack of cognitive function with this post.

WTF are you going on about .... you are attempting to use 10 cent words to appear smarter, but you are in fact showing your stunning lack of intellect using said words incorrectly ... their is NO lacking cognitive function proving your assertion wrong

Leader LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen is a Pedo and thought he was meeting a 14 yr old boy


New Member
Hey, you’re the one who was talking about that being a normal thing for children. I’m quoting you.

does the FBI know about you?
Theres entire children movies with males dressed up as females that were released decades ago with no issue or outrage. Ya’ll were ok with it when yall thought the guys were “straight” doing it. Children don’t sexualize things like you, they see a funny person in costume, you see a creep, thats says more about you than anything.


New Member
Sorry Sugar Tits, errm I mean Sapidus

NOT Supporting Queers R*ping and Mutilating Children Does NOT mean anybody HATES Anyone else

WTF are you going on about .... you are attempting to use 10 cent words to appear smarter, but you are in fact showing your stunning lack of intellect using said words incorrectly ... their is NO lacking cognitive function proving your assertion wrong

Leader LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen is a Pedo and thought he was meeting a 14 yr old boy
You have yet to refute anything I’ve said. How does this person represent or speak for an entire group of people. The next time a straight white christian gets caught jumping out the whorehouse windows is it safe to assume all straight white christians do that?


New Member
Sorry Sugar Tits, errm I mean Sapidus

NOT Supporting Queers R*ping and Mutilating Children Does NOT mean anybody HATES Anyone else

WTF are you going on about .... you are attempting to use 10 cent words to appear smarter, but you are in fact showing your stunning lack of intellect using said words incorrectly ... their is NO lacking cognitive function proving your assertion wrong

Leader LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen is a Pedo and thought he was meeting a 14 yr old boy

Queers said they were coming for your kids ..... now they want to hide
Your probably Catholic, cuz you really like talking about touching little boys lol. They should really make some laws to keep those nasty christians away from children.


PREMO Member
How does this person represent or speak for an entire group of people.

Where did I make that accusation, those are YOUR Words .... NOT Mine

Your probably Catholic, cuz you really like talking about touching little boys lol. They should really make some laws to keep those nasty christians away from children.

Ah Yes there it is .... you cannot weasel out on the fact The Leader LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen is a Pedo,

so you attempt to deflect, misdirect and make ad hominem, attacks


New Member
Where did I make that accusation, those are YOUR Words .... NOT Mine

Ah Yes there it is .... you cannot weasel out on the fact The Leader LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, Michael Knaapen is a Pedo,

so you attempt to deflect, misdirect and make ad hominem, attacks
The title of this thread specifically mentions the accepting of gays having something to do with incest and pedophilia. Did you do to many drugs and forget you wrote that?

Why would anyone care about what some politician does? All of them are corrupt, thats why they are in politics

I asked what accepting gays had to do with incest and pedophilia, and you have yet to answer the question, just send stupid videos and crazy non answers.


PREMO Member
Why would anyone care about what some politician does?

You are DEFLECTING Again Sapidus ...... I make NO Reference to this Pedo being a Politician ... what Knaapen is

The Leader of a Group of Democrats Who Are LGBTQ

Political affiliation, NOT Necessarily Politician.

I asked what accepting gays had to do with incest and pedophilia,

Liar ....
Lying Liar .....
Spin it Baby

I am NOT a mind reader, Sapidus. I cannot see the whispy smoke of thoughts in your vacuous head

Now WITH THIS POST, you have asked what A has to do with B

Obviously you are too ignorant to understand the supposition and you have NOT gone through the ENTIRE thread ....

I Can Explain It To You - 2.jpg


Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest​

What part of that can you NOT Comprehend ?

Shocking moment on a radio show as a caller defends p*d*philia tying it to LGBTQ+ as another sexuality. They argue that “love is love” and the letter P should be added to Pride Month to celebrate all sexualities.



New Member
You are DEFLECTING Again Sapidus ...... I make NO Reference to this Pedo being a Politician ... what Knaapen is

The Leader of a Group of Democrats Who Are LGBTQ

Political affiliation, NOT Necessarily Politician.

Liar ....
Lying Liar .....
Spin it Baby

I am NOT a mind reader, Sapidus. I cannot see the whispy smoke of thoughts in your vacuous head

Now WITH THIS POST, you have asked what A has to do with B

Obviously you are too ignorant to understand the supposition and you have NOT gone through the ENTIRE thread ....

View attachment 177834


Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest​

What part of that can you NOT Comprehend ?

Shocking moment on a radio show as a caller defends p*d*philia tying it to LGBTQ+ as another sexuality. They argue that “love is love” and the letter P should be added to Pride Month to celebrate all sexualities.

Yet again you have not answered the question, you dont have to read my mind, i put my question in plain english multiple times lol. Now you’re just projecting at this point. So Ill ask again for the third time, what exactly does the acceptance of gays have to do with incest and pedophilia? I’m asking for your words, not some video ok twitter, think for yourself.

I have a feeling you are refusing to answer the question because you know the answer is nothing, you are just a hateful pathetic creature that spends your time online finding random political videos that fit into your hateful mindset to get a few thumbs up from random strangers. You are a high school gossip queen desperate for attention and validation.