Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So this guy was in possession of child pornography, a horrific crime.

But you’ve never posted about your plans to end the Catholic Church which for decades abused young boys, committing unspeakable crimes.
Never was, never will be a Catholic. Trump is ending the crime there. If you didn't have your nose buried in crap, you would know that.


PREMO Member

Roxanne Tickle Vs Giggle - what is a woman? An Australian judge rules that biology is "changeable"​



Well-Known Member
Nice what aboutism .... and religious bigotry

What are your plans to do about Islamic Abuse of Women and Children
You have posted 91 pages (!!) of the most random stuff in this thread, I’m just pointing out that you never have posted about the the clearest example of the horrific crimes you say you’re worried about.

Islam is a terrifying religion and has no place in a civilized society.