Alcohol and cigarettes...

Most P O'd?

  • Alcohol

    Votes: 25 30.1%
  • Cancer stix

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • About the same

    Votes: 42 50.6%
  • Who cares? Kids are gonna do it anyway...

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?

As you are making your selection, reflect on what society has said you, adults, can NOT a bar.

Yes, Vrail, I'm being intentionally provocative. :love:

But I am also reflecting on what our culture teaches.


New Member
I think the whole serving kids alcohol thing is not very responsible of parents to buy it for their kids friends. If you don't mind your kid drinking then thats different, but respect other parents guidelines and rules.

I know my mom was about the most unstrict person on the block, everyone came to my house to drink. Her rule was if you can get the alcohol come here and you have to stay here. We all put our keys in a bowl and everyone spent the night right there at our house. I mean whatever I know other parents wouldn't agree with that, but its all what you personally decide to take on. :howdy: thanks for letting me be a part of your post


aka Mrs. Giant
:roflmao: Shiyat, my mom would offer 'em pot.

Seriously, parents go to jail for supplying the underage with alcohol.

Cigarettes are a lot easier to "sneak" and therefore, harder to place the blame.

Also on a side on the alcohol, how do you know, as a parent, that so-and-so got your kid drunk and didn't molest or take advantage of that child? :confused: That just sends massive warning bells off in my head. Of course I don't have children.

Larry Gude said:
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?

As you are making your selection, reflect on what society has said you, adults, can NOT a bar.

Yes, Vrail, I'm being intentionally provocative. :love:

But I am also reflecting on what our culture teaches.
Point made. I wonder, as with prohibition, will the pendulum swing back?


Larry Gude said:
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?

If I discovered my kid doing these things under the supervision of an adult, we'd both be in jail by COB. Them for contributing to the delinquency of a minor; me for aggravated assault.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd be more upset with the alcohol. The MD legislature, not to mention our idiot Governor, are full of crap.


desertrat said:
Point made. I wonder, as with prohibition, will the pendulum swing back?

I doubt it will.

Back when prohibition was around, the American populace wasn't conditioned to simply accept the removal of freedoms by their government.

Nowadays, in this land of lotus-eating retards, we are.

The republic is doomed, IMO.


Main Streeter
It’s interesting how different cultures can be. When I was in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Europe</st1:place>, it was common and accepted for teens to have wine with dinner at home. Now, they weren’t getting drunk or anything like that but they were allowed to have wine at the family dinner table.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
they were allowed to have wine at the family dinner table.
Key word.

It's not someone else's place to give your kid alcohol, cigarettes or drugs.


Cleopatra Jones
Like I said in Vrai's thread my mom gave us and our friends alcohol yet I wasn't "allowed" to smoke until I was 15.

As a parent myself I'd be mad as hell if I found out some other adult had been giving my children alcohol without my knowledge. I'd be mad about cigarettes as well but much moreso over booze being that they are mind altering.


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
Key word.

It's not someone else's place to give your kid alcohol, cigarettes or drugs.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>

Agreed. I never disputed that. I just pointed out the differences in cultures. If a one of us allowed our teenager to have a glass of wine at dinner and the authorities found out about it would be treated as an illegal act.


Main Streeter
pixiegirl said:
Like I said in Vrai's thread my mom gave us and our friends alcohol yet I wasn't "allowed" to smoke until I was 15.

As a parent myself I'd be mad as hell if I found out some other adult had been giving my children alcohol without my knowledge. I'd be mad about cigarettes as well but much moreso over booze being that they are mind altering.

Good point. I would be angrier over another adult giving my kid alcohol because of the mind altering aspects. Also, the legal system treats it more seriously. I minor in possession of alcohol is considered more serious than a minor in possession of cigarettes.


Larry Gude said:
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?

As you are making your selection, reflect on what society has said you, adults, can NOT a bar.

Yes, Vrail, I'm being intentionally provocative. :love:

But I am also reflecting on what our culture teaches.
Dang you!


Larry Gude said:
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?

As you are making your selection, reflect on what society has said you, adults, can NOT a bar.

Yes, Vrail, I'm being intentionally provocative. :love:

But I am also reflecting on what our culture teaches.
I would have to say alcohol. If my kid is driving or is with someone driving, I feel a much worse immediate impact on their safety if they were drunk vs. smoking a cancer stick.


I would have say alcohol .. O.D. death by alcohol .. saw it with my eyes during college days. Peer pressure + party pressure + alcohol .. what does a 12 year old know about not to down a bottle of Jack Daniel ? what do kids know about drinking on empty stomach? you get the picture, right?
I know kids in Europe grew up drinking wine but they learn from their parents on moderation .. one glass for dinner .. that's it. Maybe two .. but not the whole bottle, you know.
A friend of mine just wrote me an email about her observation on kids (young as 8 yrs old) smoking like a chimney in England .. why? legal age crap like here in U.S. :shrug:


Lobster Land
I had to go with the booze also. It "can" kill you pretty quick if taken to extremes. Cigs, well they'll probably kill you also but it will be some years down the road. I'm somewhat of an expert on this as my chest heaves trying to get enough air into my lungs.


I would be furious... not that I can comment on this because I don't have kids and therefor am completely clueless and live in an alienated bubble, but just for chits and grins... If it were my kid, I would be absolutely furious. I don't want anyone, especially a parent/authority figure getting my kid buzzed, high, drunk, tipsy or whatever. As a parent I would probably track down the other family and put a foot up their azz and maybe even press charges for contributing to the DELIQUENCY of a MINOR as it's illegal for reason. :shrug: JMO


dems4me said:
I would be furious... not that I can comment on this because I don't have kids and therefor am completely clueless and live in an alienated bubble, but just for chits and grins... If it were my kid, I would be absolutely furious. I don't want anyone, especially a parent/authority figure getting my kid buzzed, high, drunk, tipsy or whatever. As a parent I would probably track down the other family and put a foot up their azz and maybe even press charges for contributing to the DELIQUENCY of a MINOR as it's illegal for reason. :shrug: JMO
I would have to agree with putting a foot up someones azz especially for giving my kid alcohol without my permission.


New Member
The thing that catches my interest the most is that everyone here argues the fact that it's wrong for other people to give children these things.

I might be mistaken, but aren't there regulations about particular age set by our democracy?

I can't stand when people complain about this type of stuff happening (ie. people giving children illegal substances or buying them for children) when the children should know better than to break the friggin law in the first place.

This is a highly sore subject for me personally. I'm very old fashioned, and I personally don't see drinking myself stupid to be a particularly fun pasttime; and, as such, I'm left out of every social institution in the area... and most areas. Of course, I've never drank, but I have a feeling I know what I'm missing out on.

So, in a modern society where I never get involved in spending time with anyone just because I'm not willing to not only break the law by participating in the first place, but do something that has absolutely no positive outcome whatsoever (unless you call complete lack of senses and personal hygiene "excitement")... I just think it's a little on the wrong side of ridiculous.

The laws are there for a reason. People are too irresponsible to drink under the age of 21, as deemed by our officials. And, honestly, I've seen numerous people well into their old age who I would say are too irresponsible to drink. It's called Cops.

Smoking, I'm ok with. If someone wants to rot themselves from the inside out, that's their call. Just don't do it around me. But, when someone drinks a substance for the pure point of making themselves retarded and endangering everyone around them.... oh yeah, hella good time. Look at the number of drunk driving incidents and deaths that happen every day. Then look at the amount of parents who let it slide when their children introduce themselves to alcohol. Nip it in the bud when it starts. You catch your underage kid drinking, put the fear of the leather belt into them. After two or three days of being unable to sit down comfortably, I'd like to see them not think twice before picking up another bottle.


briancpest said:
I might be mistaken, but aren't there regulations about particular age set by our democracy?

We don't have a democracy.

briancpest said:
I can't stand when people complain about this type of stuff happening (ie. people giving children illegal substances or buying them for children) when the children should know better than to break the friggin law in the first place.

Well, if you're going to cite regulations and laws about age and such, I would be forced to argue that according to laws, children do NOT know better than to break the law. They are children, and incapable of making sound decisions on their own.

Having said that - If I found my underage kid drinking at someone's house - the adult in charge wouldn't be the only one getting his ass kicked.