Alcohol and cigarettes...

Most P O'd?

  • Alcohol

    Votes: 25 30.1%
  • Cancer stix

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • About the same

    Votes: 42 50.6%
  • Who cares? Kids are gonna do it anyway...

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
Because it leads to incessant biatching from idiotic arseholes that causes fear amongst those worried about what others might do to themselves that was none of their business in the first place.
Man, your addiction leaves you with a lot of anger. And its funny how addicts all act alike lying, crying, denying and justifing their merry way into using.

I personally dont care if you smoke, i do things all the time that increase my risks, but i go into them with the understanding that i am most likely shortening my life.

BTW, your stupid argument that life causes death is retarded, you are going to need new some material.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
Man, your addiction leaves you with a lot of anger. And its funny how addicts all act alike lying, crying, denying and justifing their merry way into using.

I personally dont care if you smoke, i do things all the time that increase my risks, but i go into them with the understanding that i am most likely shortening my life.

BTW, your stupid argument that life causes death is retarded, you are going to need new some material.
What anger? If you are reading anger in my words then you are the one with issues (which based on your trend of ranting is no big shock). What I do is my business, not yours so back off Buckwheat. And if you don't care why did you find it necessary to stick your nose into my or anyone else’s business? Do you have a complex of needing to be accepted or some other JPC type ailment? And what is stupid about my argument, without life there is no death or is that a concept beyond the capability of your mono-cellular mind?


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
What anger? If you are reading anger in my words then you are the one with issues (which based on your trend of ranting is no big shock). What I do is my business, not yours so back off Buckwheat. And if you don't care why did you find it necessary to stick your nose into my or anyone else’s business? Do you have a complex of needing to be accepted or some other JPC type ailment? And what is stupid about my argument, without life there is no death or is that a concept beyond the capability of your mono-cellular mind?
Again with the name calling, go have a smoke and come back when the shakes have subsided....

Thats funny, i have never heard anyone say someone died of life, i ahve heard, cancer, aids, heart failure, but never life as the cause of death.

Me thinks you are the one on the JPC side of this argument.

with out air there is no breathing, doesn't mean that air causes breathing.
there is a huge difference between causation and correlation. :yay:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...which one would make you angrier if you found a kids parents let your 16 year old kid do at their house without your permission?
No Porn?


It's Great to be American
Poohhunny1605 said:
I think the whole serving kids alcohol thing is not very responsible of parents to buy it for their kids friends. If you don't mind your kid drinking then thats different, but respect other parents guidelines and rules.

I know my mom was about the most unstrict person on the block, everyone came to my house to drink. Her rule was if you can get the alcohol come here and you have to stay here. We all put our keys in a bowl and everyone spent the night right there at our house. I mean whatever I know other parents wouldn't agree with that, but its all what you personally decide to take on. :howdy: thanks for letting me be a part of your post

I like your mother's rule about staying at the house if you're going to drink alcohol however, I draw the line at letting anyone under 21 join in the drinking. I would also be angry if I discovered any other parent allowing my child to drink while they were visiting their friends at their house.

Cigarettes, although kids under 18 are not allowed to purchase them, would leave me less angry if I discovered my child smoking. I would also never buy cigarettes to give to my child. My wife and I don't smoke and we do not allow smoking in the house or in our cars whether the smoker is a child or not.