Alcohol and cigarettes...

Most P O'd?

  • Alcohol

    Votes: 25 30.1%
  • Cancer stix

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • About the same

    Votes: 42 50.6%
  • Who cares? Kids are gonna do it anyway...

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Ken King said:
Look Asshat, did I say you said anything, no I didn't, so pull the freaking stick out of your ass. I, like you, can participate in any conversation on here and I will do so. I am tired of being nice to you self-righteous pricks.

As to standing over death beds, yeah, I’ve been there. But you know what else, I’ve been on the scene of many accidents caused by drunk-drivers and have watched that immediate pain and suffering inflicted upon others by uncaring idiotic behavior. Which do you think is worse?

So go ahead, use your bold inflections upon your words as if you are an authority on anything and everything, then read my words again and stick your head back up your ass where you will be doing us all a favor.
Asshat? What the heck is that... :lmao: some juvenile attempt to demean me? All you're doing is making yourself look like a fool with the name-calling and language that even a 7th grader can surpass. If you're going to get offended by what I write then challenge that; but if you are going to resort to the tactics of the childish then we're done with this conversation.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
Asshat? What the heck is that... :lmao: some juvenile attempt to demean me? All you're doing is making yourself look like a fool with the name-calling and language that even a 7th grader can surpass. If you're going to get offended by what I write then challenge that; but if you are going to resort to the tactics of the childish then we're done with this conversation.
I'm sorry if someone of your intellectual capacity has no clue as to what an Asshat is. I guess you are nowhere near as bright as you like to project. For clarity it is a person that walks about with their ass upon their shoulders, AKA PsyOps.

I challenged you to show me or anyone else where I said you had said anything, didn't I? I hadn't and it was you that shot off your mouth prematurely as is your apparent style. Crawl back into your cave or find some other crusade to rant upon. Smoking does not "cause" cancer for if it did everyone that had ever smoked would have it. Or do you not know what the word cause means?



Ken King said:
I, like you, can participate in any conversation on here and I will do so. I am tired of being nice to you self-righteous pricks.

You apparently can’t. You seem to be pretty highly strung and ready to pop at an instant. However, if I came across as self-righteous, I apologize. I am simply trying to have a conversation.

As to standing over death beds, yeah, I’ve been there. But you know what else, I’ve been on the scene of many accidents caused by drunk-drivers and have watched that immediate pain and suffering inflicted upon others by uncaring idiotic behavior. Which do you think is worse?

I’m sorry that you (or anyone) has to experience such tragic things. I do believe alcohol, in its abuse, is much worse than smoking. I never meant to imply differently. However, in the long term, as I stated before, I believe smoking is much more harmful than drinking.

So go ahead, use your bold inflections upon your words as if you are an authority on anything and everything, then read my words again and stick your head back up your ass where you will be doing us all a favor.

I don’t claim to be an authority on anything. I only intend to share my experiences and insert them into this discussion. You don’t seem to like that I’ve done that as a means to question your stance on this. That is the purpose of debate. I really think you ought to learn that this is the purpose of this forum and NOT a medium to spit your foul abuse at others.
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Ken King said:
I challenged you to show me or anyone else where I said you had said anything, didn't I? I hadn't and it was you that shot off your mouth prematurely as is your apparent style. Crawl back into your cave or find some other crusade to rant upon. Smoking does not "cause" cancer for if it did everyone that had ever smoked would have it. Or do you not know what the word cause means?
I quote you:

Ken King said:
If all these are "evils" why aren't they banded by those who think they are superior and have the right to dictate how others live.

This was a reply to me Ken. I don't recall calling any of these things evils. I don't recal suggesting these things be banned. I never suggested, nor do I believe, that I am superior in any way. I have never tried, nor will I try to dictate how you live your life.
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Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
I'm sorry if someone of your intellectual capacity has no clue as to what an Asshat is. I guess you are nowhere near as bright as you like to project. For clarity it is a person that walks about with their ass upon their shoulders, AKA PsyOps.

I challenged you to show me or anyone else where I said you had said anything, didn't I? I hadn't and it was you that shot off your mouth prematurely as is your apparent style. Crawl back into your cave or find some other crusade to rant upon. Smoking does not "cause" cancer for if it did everyone that had ever smoked would have it. Or do you not know what the word cause means?
Just to be clear on where this is coming from, are you a smoker?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
Just to be clear on where this is coming from, are you a smoker?
Yes, I do smoke and have for almost 40 years. I am, obviously, at an age were annual physicals have become a part of my life and other than a few instances of melanoma (due to excessive sun exposure) removed from my back about 6 years ago, I am per screening conducted cancer free.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
I quote you:

This was a reply to me Ken. I don't recall calling any of these things evils. I don't recal suggesting these things be banned. I never suggested, nor do I believe, that I am superior in any way. I have never tried, nor will I try to dictate how you live your life.
No that was a continuation of comments to a quoted response, is it in your mind that once your comments have been quoted then the entire communication is directed solely towards you? If so then you are mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
Yes, I do smoke and have for almost 40 years. I am, obviously, at an age were annual physicals have become a part of my life and other than a few instances of melanoma (due to excessive sun exposure) removed from my back about 6 years ago, I am per screening conducted cancer free.

well then, your stance makes a lot of sense, you know, like burying your headin the sand.

and just like smoking doesn't cause cancer, your scan didn't prove you dont have it, it only said it wasn't detected with the test.

if the sun causes melanoma, why doesn't everyone have cancer? we all get exposed to the sun, right?


Midnightrider said:
well then, your stance makes a lot of sense, you know, like burying your headin the sand.

and just like smoking doesn't cause cancer, your scan didn't prove you dont have it, it only said it wasn't detected with the test.

if the sun causes melanoma, why doesn't everyone have cancer? we all get exposed to the sun, right?

...excuse me... :offtopic: can you clean out your pm'er? thanks!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
well then, your stance makes a lot of sense, you know, like burying your headin the sand.
Yeah, but the sand only irritates my eyes, it doesn't leave a stench like what you suffer from having sh!t for brains.
and just like smoking doesn't cause cancer, your scan didn't prove you dont have it, it only said it wasn't detected with the test.

if the sun causes melanoma, why doesn't everyone have cancer? we all get exposed to the sun, right?
Didn't say the sun caused all melanoma, I said that is what set mine off. I suspect that it is a genetic defect that was triggered by the exposure. Unlike the chicken-little crowd I won't blame a thing without absolute evidence. Besides how would the Surgeon General get that warning label to stick to the sun?


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
Yeah, but the sand only irritates my eyes, it doesn't leave a stench like what you suffer from having sh!t for brains.

Didn't say the sun caused all melanoma, I said that is what set mine off. I suspect that it is a genetic defect that was triggered by the exposure. Unlike the chicken-little crowd I won't blame a thing without absolute evidence. Besides how would the Surgeon General get that warning label to stick to the sun?
like i said, the fact that you smoke explains your position, i can see why you would ignore the evidence rather than deal with your addiction.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
like i said, the fact that you smoke explains your position, i can see why you would ignore the evidence rather than deal with your addiction.
What conclusive evidence do you hold regarding my health? I would be willing to bet that it is not one shred. I guess it must be nice to be all knowing and all wise. care to venture the outcome of the next Superbowl or is your knowledge only limited to my life and health concerns?


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
What conclusive evidence do you hold regarding my health? I would be willing to bet that it is not one shred. I guess it must be nice to be all knowing and all wise. care to venture the outcome of the next Superbowl or is your knowledge only limited to my life and health concerns?
you said it yourself
KK said:
I am sure most if not all know that it is not good for anyone to smoke, so what
if you didn't mean increase cancer and dieseas rates what did you mean?

so why is it that addiction leds us to ignore the facts as we understand them?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
you said it yourself

if you didn't mean increase cancer and dieseas rates what did you mean?

so why is it that addiction leds us to ignore the facts as we understand them?
Saying something is not good doesn't mean that it is deadly as dimwits like you have joined the bandwagon in promoting. If you had a clue you would know that living is the leading cause of death and the one sure thing that can be counted upon.

Besides amateur cranial proctology what other medicinal skills do you practice.


Ken King said:
No that was a continuation of comments to a quoted response, is it in your mind that once your comments have been quoted then the entire communication is directed solely towards you? If so then you are mistaken.
When you reply to me I assume you are replying to me. My apologies for assuming... :eyebrow:
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Ken King said:
Saying something is not good doesn't mean that it is deadly as dimwits like you have joined the bandwagon in promoting. If you had a clue you would know that living is the leading cause of death and the one sure thing that can be counted upon.
Actually dying is the leading cause of death. Your not dead if you're alive. :duh:


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
Saying something is not good doesn't mean that it is deadly as dimwits like you have joined the bandwagon in promoting. If you had a clue you would know that living is the leading cause of death and the one sure thing that can be counted upon.

Besides amateur cranial proctology what other medicinal skills do you practice.
so your saying you'll continue to ignore the facts and stay with your addiction, that ok with me.

So why isn't smoking good then?
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
so your saying you'll continue to ignore the facts and stay with your addiction, that ok with me.

So why isn't smoking good then?
Because it leads to incessant biatching from idiotic arseholes that causes fear amongst those worried about what others might do to themselves that was none of their business in the first place.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
Actually dying is the leading cause of death. Your not dead if you're alive. :duh:
But see you miss the flow, it is the living that causes death.