Alec Baldwin=jerk


New Member
jenbengen said:
Anybody heard the Alec Baldwin phone message to his 11 year old daughter?! What a complete a$$! I hope they tear him up for it. I saw this on the Today Show this morning. TMZ has the audio.

Alec's ranting
Sounds like my Daddy! Just playn!
Thats BADl!


Dancing Up A Storm
So, the news says that Kim Basinger(sp?) has hired a bodyguard, in the event that Alec Baldwin does come into town, to "straighten out his daughter".Wow! I wonder how that will workout? :popcorn:


100% Goapele Head!

Fox 5 News is on and they will be doing coverage regarding the voice mail he left on his daughter's phone. Can't wait to see how the media painted this. And what's life been like for them since it got out. :popcorn: