Alec Baldwin=jerk


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
But would you lose it against the kid? It's not their fault.

I would have a great concerns about the welfare and safety of Ireland, should she have to meet with Alec Baldwin in his current state of mind. I 'd want someone there to protect her against the violence that he exhibited in that voice mail. JMHO


Well-Known Member
Sharon said:
Ah, the bitter woman theory. :yay:

Why is every woman that has an issue with a man automatically assumed to be a 'bitter woman?'

That, coming from a woman, is despicable.


All Up In Your Grill
Penn said:
I would have a great concerns about the welfare and safety of Ireland, should she have to meet with Alec Baldwin in his current state of mind. I 'd want someone there to protect her against the violence that he exhibited in that voice mail. JMHO

I can tell you what, there's no way in H-E-L-L my kid would have any kind of unsupervised visit with their father after receiving a voicemail like that! Not only would I be there, but I'd have a few uniformed escorts with us...with guns on their hip.


Asperger's Poster Child
PsyOps in the other thread said:
he seems to be just what we would expect from a rich, spoiled, Hollywood daddy...

the self-centered rich, out-of-touch bastich

I disagree. I think Baldwin would still be a jerk and a bad father even if he wasn't rich and famous.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Ah, the bitter woman theory. :yay:
That would make sense to me :shrug:

If, in fact, he is an abusive nut who's making her and her daughter's life miserable, it probably galls the hell out of her to see stories about what a great and caring father he is, and watch the talking heads bow down before his Leftist rantings. Granted, it's not the most mature thing in the world to do, but people aren't always completely and totally mature.

"Read the papahs, READ the papahs! THERE'S ya husband!" :lol:
(Godfather reference of the day)


Watch it
Cowgirl said:
Bob, you are full of crap. You pretty much blasted me a while back on a thread about cussing in front of kids. You ranted about how we shouldn't use any sort of bad language around them, and said if you want kids to respect you, you had to respect them. Well, Alec may not have used cuss words, but he called his daughter degrading names. I'm sorry, but that is low.

It was especially bad when Alec and Kim have been battling for custody, and they KNOW everything they do is under the if he's willing to go this far on a voicemail KNOWING it will get out, what do you think he's really capable of, and what do you think he REALLY wanted to say.

I don't give 2 shiats whether or not he and Kim have been fighting...she may be the most manipulative biatch alive, but to take it out on the daughter is WRONG. No parent should EVER use their child to manipulate another. If Kim is doing that, she's wrong, but he is also wrong for taking is frustrations out on their 11 year old daughter.

He is wrong, and you are wrong.



J.F. A sus ordenes!
I don't condone this kind of flipping out on your kids especially cursing at them but I personally had a similar situation where all I wanted to be was a good dad to my daughter and my ex put my daughter in the middle of it. The hard part is when you show your love to a child that you believe they should obviously know it and things happen that make your kid look like you are being backdoored.

My ex had the crap beat out of her on a regular basis and my kid almost killed herself over it. She wouldn't shuck the no good boyfriend and let me take my daughter with a court order. I got her out of that situation and what happened when she graduated high school? She moved back to her moms when he mom abandoned her. I pay for school and e-mail her regularly and I don't get much of anything in return. Kids sometimes don't realize the harm they do because their parents screw them up.

We only know about the message he left her but don't know whats going on with Kim and what she may be doing. Lets not judge Alec to quickly.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Cowgirl said:
Why is every woman that has an issue with a man automatically assumed to be a 'bitter woman?'

That, coming from a woman, is despicable.

Now you're sounding bitter.


I know women.

I know what they are like.

It is my opinion.

You sound young.

Grow up and get over it.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
But would you lose it against the kid? It's not their fault.
I;m not saying him yelling at his daughter isn't bad, but he can't take out his frustrations on his wife, he can't even talk to her let alone yell at her about how she is raising their daughter.


All Up In Your Grill
itsbob said:
I;m not saying him yelling at his daughter isn't bad, but he can't take out his frustrations on his wife, he can't even talk to her let alone yell at her about how she is raising their daughter.

That doesn't make it ok for him to talk to his child like that.

See that's the thing. If he lost it and left a message like that on his daughter's phone, then it's pretty safe to say that he's done the same to Kim. How many messages like that has he left on Kim's phone? And how come we haven't heard any of those messages? Probably because Kim knew that the a ranting and raving message to the daughter's phone would have more shock value than people listening to him cuss her out. I think she baited him.

Regardless, they are both retarded psycho's. Kim won the battle, but the kid is losing the war.


Sharon said:
Now you're sounding bitter.


I know women.

I know what they are like.

It is my opinion.

You sound young.

Grow up and get over it.
I agree, I doubt Bassinger is lillywhite in all this. This is what happens when a kid is treated as a "possession". See it all the time, mom is enraged and bent at the guy, "He is a POS and he is not seeing "MY" child."

Not saying he was right in what he did, he was not. Boy is 10 and I can be terse but never would I say crap like that to him, but how hard is it to be sure he gets his weekly phone call or whatever asinine visitation he was granted?

I learned a long time ago in this game that despite anything "I" felt toward Boy's mom, that was between me and her. Boy has unfettered phone access and gets visits whenever he/she wants it as long as it is reasonable of course IE: Driving him to DE every weekend is not reasonable.


:shocked: Verbally abusive... threatening... bad role model... anger control issues

He shouldn't be seeing his daughter until he gets some help!


Lem Putt
Why does anyone care bout what some second rate "actor" and spineless tree hugger says to his spoiled brat kid? If any of you honestly think that what he said was abusive, you need to get out into the real world and learn what abuse is. There are kids being beaten, sexually abused, starved, tortured, and neglected every day, but the story that makes national news is about talking rough. BFD.

As Yakov Smirnov said "What a country!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
I agree, I doubt Bassinger is lillywhite in all this.
Certainly she's not. If nothing else, she's the one that chose to procreate with him. But she has a reputation for being "difficult" as well, so it's likely one of those "two to tango" things.

But that doesn't excuse him talking to the kid like that - leaving a message on her cellphone, no less!! Recorded for posterity! If the Mom is trying to poison the child's mind against Dad, the WORST thing you can do is feed into it. Now Kim can go, "See???"

Alec certainly knew better than to do something like that. So my assumption is that he's an out of control lunatic.


MMDad said:
Why does anyone care bout what some second rate "actor" and spineless tree hugger says to his spoiled brat kid? If any of you honestly think that what he said was abusive, you need to get out into the real world and learn what abuse is. There are kids being beaten, sexually abused, starved, tortured, and neglected every day, but the story that makes national news is about talking rough. BFD.

As Yakov Smirnov said "What a country!"

I never cared anything about Baldwin. I feel for his daughter. Plain and simple. No matter who she is. I know that there is worse abuse out there, but I still think that the courts will need to deal with her situation.


New Member
Obviously, Ireland must have done something to REALLY upset him to be called a pig.

Name calling is a control tactic...for those who want to be in control ofthe person they are trying to influence. If they can make the person on the recieiving end of the conversation feel like crap..and give in, they control them...manipulative behavior.

I dont care WHO the person is..famous or not....

A parent should not talk to their children that way. What child could respect and love a parent who labels them, & threatens them that way?
Children learn by what they live...

They ALL need counseling in my opinion.


Asperger's Poster Child
My impression of Baldwin's rant (which I heard this morning on DC101) was that he was showing classic symptoms of being a toxic father, or perhaps long-term alcoholism (which amounts to the same thing).

It wasn't just him taking out his frustrations on his daughter, or him being self-centered (although the latter is technically true.) He took it personally that she wasn't available when he called. He seemed to be attempting to use her to meet his emotional needs, which is a burden that cannot and should not be placed on a child.

Has Basinger ever spoken publicly about why she divorced him? He was probably a real prince of a husband. :sarcasm:


All Up In Your Grill
Tonio said:
My impression of Baldwin's rant (which I heard this morning on DC101)

Did you have trouble hearing it when they played it this morning? I didn't, but others seemed to :shrug: