Bob, you are full of crap. You pretty much blasted me a while back on a thread about cussing in front of kids. You ranted about how we shouldn't use any sort of bad language around them, and said if you want kids to respect you, you had to respect them. Well, Alec may not have used cuss words, but he called his daughter degrading names. I'm sorry, but that is low.
It was especially bad when Alec and Kim have been battling for custody, and they KNOW everything they do is under the if he's willing to go this far on a voicemail KNOWING it will get out, what do you think he's really capable of, and what do you think he REALLY wanted to say.
I don't give 2 shiats whether or not he and Kim have been fighting...she may be the most manipulative biatch alive, but to take it out on the daughter is WRONG. No parent should EVER use their child to manipulate another. If Kim is doing that, she's wrong, but he is also wrong for taking is frustrations out on their 11 year old daughter.
He is wrong, and you are wrong.