Ambien & Emergency Room Visits


aka Mrs. Giant
I agree it is pills in general that are overprescribed. I see people not much older than me popping several a day. Thats not normal.
So if I have a serious medical condition and I pop pills at scheduled times then you think I shouldn't because you know better than the doctors that are treating the me.

Honestly, you are talking out your arse and you don't know what is wrong with people or what illness they have or even what the medictaions are that those people are taking.

I have a co-worker, younger than me that has to pop pills every few hours, so his body doesn't reject a transplant.

It's rare that there is a true physical reason for insomnia - which is not to say it doesn't happen, just that it's rare. Insomnia is typically a symptom of something else - fix that, you fix your insomnia.
But sometimes it is not fixable. Say you are taking medications to keep your muscle tremors under control, but the side of effect of that medicine means you can't sleep. What do you do? Refuse a medication that will allow you to sleep, choose not to sleep, or not treat your muscle tremors, which means you can't sleep because of the muscle tremors. :shrug:


Dream Stealer
So if I have a serious medical condition and I pop pills at scheduled times then you think I shouldn't because you know better than the doctors that are treating the me.

Honestly, you are talking out your arse and you don't know what is wrong with people or what illness they have or even what the medictaions are that those people are taking.

I have a co-worker, younger than me that has to pop pills every few hours, so his body doesn't reject a transplant.

But sometimes it is not fixable. Say you are taking medications to keep your muscle tremors under control, but the side of effect of that medicine means you can't sleep. What do you do? Refuse a medication that will allow you to sleep, choose not to sleep, or not treat your muscle tremors, which means you can't sleep because of the muscle tremors. :shrug:

Oh yes! that's exactly what I said. :bigwhoop:

Don't be deliberately obtuse. If you actually READ anything I posted and didn't just immediately become defensive you would already know that. As soon as you start posting stupid #### like "well they have to take TRANSPLANT meds" I know you are not worth discussing the matter with.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So if I have a serious medical condition and I pop pills at scheduled times then you think I shouldn't because you know better than the doctors that are treating the me.

Honestly, you are talking out your arse and you don't know what is wrong with people or what illness they have or even what the medictaions are that those people are taking.

I have a co-worker, younger than me that has to pop pills every few hours, so his body doesn't reject a transplant.

But sometimes it is not fixable. Say you are taking medications to keep your muscle tremors under control, but the side of effect of that medicine means you can't sleep. What do you do? Refuse a medication that will allow you to sleep, choose not to sleep, or not treat your muscle tremors, which means you can't sleep because of the muscle tremors. :shrug:
My sleep issue is central sleep apnea, I can either use a breathing machine or take an ambien, I prefer to take the pill.


aka Mrs. Giant
Oh yes! that's exactly what I said. :bigwhoop:

Don't be deliberately obtuse. If you actually READ anything I posted and didn't just immediately become defensive you would already know that. As soon as you start posting stupid #### like "well they have to take TRANSPLANT meds" I know you are not worth discussing the matter with.

If I am not worth discussing it with, wtf did you respond?

I know you are being very pompous and arrogant. Think about how your superior medical diagnosis of people you don't know sounds.

If you saw my co-worker popping his meds, you'd think he was over medicated too. That is your assumption. Everybody is overmedicated and shouldn't be taking their medications.

Glad you've never been ill, suffered a serious injury or been diagnosed with a life threatening disease in your life.

I am also thrilled to learn that I can tell people not to take their medications, because they just don't need them because YOU said so. After all, you play a doctor on the internet and can diagnosis people from the comfort of your living room in your sweat pants.


Spreading Sunshine
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)

If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)



Well-Known Member
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)

If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)


Oh MPD that doesn't need Ambien. :yay:


Throwing the deuces
Damn you SuzySunshine, that's gonna be stuck in my head all damn day!! :lol:

I've had the Weiner Girls new jingle from Welcome to Myrtle Manor stuck in my head since last night. :tantrum Apparently my oldest is a fan of crap TV and was watching it and that's the one part I over-heard.
I've had the Weiner Girls new jingle from Welcome to Myrtle Manor stuck in my head since last night. :tantrum Apparently my oldest is a fan of crap TV and was watching it and that's the one part I over-heard.

I've never heard of that and if it's one of those that sticks in your head I won't be "researching" it, lol
I don't ever read liberty's posts as being specific to any one person or case but rather the generalization that is applicable to a majority. In this case, I read her post as saying that the majority of people turn to a pill to try to sleep when there could be adjustments made in their lives that could lead to a natural sleep pattern if they'd take the time to evaluate, make adjustments and eventually find the pattern. I did not read at all any assumptions on her part that there weren't outlying cases where there are real issues preventing natural sleep.

I always find her posts to be insightful and I take them for what they are... generalizations based on her education and experience. :shrug:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I've had the Weiner Girls new jingle from Welcome to Myrtle Manor stuck in my head since last night. :tantrum Apparently my oldest is a fan of crap TV and was watching it and that's the one part I over-heard.

I sang that crap all day the day after I watched it. :lmao:

"We're the wiener girls selling hot & juicey wieners
Big beefy & juicey wieners
open up the bun, add toppings in betweeners
let these wiener girls
turn you into believers."


Throwing the deuces
I sang that crap all day the day after I watched it. :lmao:

"We're the wiener girls selling hot & juicey wieners
Big beefy & juicey wieners
open up the bun, add toppings in betweeners
let these wiener girls
turn you into believers."

:cds: :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't ever ready liberty's posts as being specific to any one person or case but rather the generalization that is applicable to a majority. In this case, I read her post as saying that the majority of people turn to a pill to try to sleep when there could be adjustments made in their lives that could lead to a natural sleep pattern if they'd take the time to evaluate, make adjustments and eventually find the pattern. I did not read at all any assumptions on her part that there weren't outlying cases where there are real issues preventing natural sleep.

Stop that being rational :smack: LT clearly meant something else when she said "in general".

But boy, some people sure got defensive, didn't they?
Stop that being rational :smack: LT clearly meant something else when she said "in general".

But boy, some people sure got defensive, didn't they?

She didn't start off by saying "in general" though. It started with:
libertytyranny said:
Sleeping pills are over-prescribed. :coffee:

People taking them should never have been given them in the first place. But NO ONE wants to hear the stuff you are actually sup to do to get better/more sleep. Because it takes more effort than popping a pill. Pretty much like most medications.

followed by:

libertytyranny said:
I agree it is pills in general that are overprescribed. I see people not much older than me popping several a day. Thats not normal.


I think if anyone got defensive it was because of the statements I underlined. LT's right, it's not "normal" for people not much older than her (no clue how old she is but someone mentioned she's 'younger' in another thread awhile back) to be "popping several a day" but everyone's situation is different. And I think, since we're speculating on what others meant in their posts, they were defending those they know personally that 'pop pills' for reasons they mentioned.

And for the record, I agree with LT when she basically said that most medications are people taking the easy way out. That's just not the case for "everyone", hence the multiple "defensive" posts :smile:
I couldn't sleep last night, wide awake at 1:30. Went downstairs, turned on some cartoons, was out like a light in 15 minutes, slept until 4, back up to bed, slept until the alarm.

Turning on the TV so it drones in the background always puts me to sleep.
I couldn't sleep last night, wide awake at 1:30. Went downstairs, turned on some cartoons, was out like a light in 15 minutes, slept until 4, back up to bed, slept until the alarm.

Turning on the TV so it drones in the background always puts me to sleep.

I like having the fan on :ahhhhh: